Water Cooler Incident - ChubbyAnti96 (2024)

Chapter Text

‘You know what Bro-Dark it feels like there’s plenty more room inside of you. Perhaps we should see how big you can get and how much water you can drink, maybe you can be my own personal waterbed by the end of it all’ Mini Bing’s words repeated itself in the demon’s head over and over while his black eyes helplessly stared up at the creamy white ceiling of the meeting room.

Hearing the double glass doors creaking open along with the android’s playful laughter getting further away Dark lifted his head up off the floor to watch the other ego leave the room but to his displeasure his large swollen paunch that was the size of an overinflated beach ball towering above him blocking most of his view of the door. Gingerly the bloated ego raised his hands placing them on the side of his heavy gut moving them in a soothing circular motion his fingers lightly pressing against the skin, the simple action causing Dark lo let out a quiet moan calming him down slightly from the boiling anger and panic that the android promised to do to him.

‘Who does that miniscule trashcan think he’s messing with here? Does he think I will tolerate this and become his waterbed or a damn toy to be played with? Mini Bing better charge with one eye open because I will teach him a lesson but for now, I need to escape wait this out and return to normal’ With a small plan thought in his mind Dark moved his head around eyes glancing at every inch of the room finding anything to help him get up from the floor.

First Dark reached out trying to grab the edge of the table hoping to use it as a leverage to pull himself up but unfortunately his hand came nowhere near the sturdy table then for a moment, he considered using one of the chairs but decided against it thinking there was a possibility breaking under all the water inside of him sending him back to the floor. Panic began to set in for the demon knowing he has limited time before the android came back and the only way he could think of getting up was to get on his hands and knees first.

“Hoping no one comes walking by the meeting room while I try rolling onto my ridiculous bloated stomach. The endless teasing the embarrassing nicknames everyone would give me would ruin my reputation” Dark muttered to himself taking a slow deep breath while his entire body tensing up. Using his strength the demon moved his body to the left then to the right using all the heavy water inside of his paunch to pick up speed his midsection bounced furiously swaying side to side while snacking against his lap.




The silence of the meeting room was replaced by a constant sound of water raging and moving violently deep inside of the ego causing a few quiet moans and wet belches to slip past his lips. After the seventh turn rocking side to side the force of the water strong enough sending the demonic ego rolling onto his side for a single second until rolling on top of his heavy round midsection, immediately Dark placed his hands on the floor steadying himself preventing him from rolling over again his face flushed bright red from pure exhaustion simply by trying to roll onto his front.

“Damn... How big is my stomach? Even on my hands and knees It’s pushing harshly against the carpet. At least no one is here to see me like this, Wilford certainly would have the time of his life teasing me right now” Dark groaned taking a few shallow breaths trying to ignore the increase pressure of gravity having on his paunch.

Slowly the ego managed to push himself up into a sitting position on his knees briefly glancing down the blush on the demon’s pale cheeks spread to the tips of his ears spotting how his inflated gut took up all the space on his lap. Determined to get away from Mini Bing Dark placed a hand on top of the table using it to push himself up off the floor with a bit of struggle he eventually managed to stand up on shaking legs, a proud confident smile blossomed on the ego’s face seeing that he managed to complete the hardest part of the plan his black eyes glancing towards the glass doors.

‘Hopefully none of the others are in their bedrooms or this would become near impossible sneaking past their bedrooms to get to my office. Can’t let anyone else see me like this’ with that thought Dark wrapped an arm under his hefty swollen paunch keeping it from bouncing hoping to minimize the noisy sloshing beginning to slowly headed towards the door.

Getting closer to the door Dark was prepared to reach out with his hand to push it open but his midsection forcibly bumped against the cold glass causing the door to swing open as a half yelp half moan left the man’s lips. Shuffling out of the room Dark completely forgotten about the security camera that was nestled in the corner of the meeting room that had captured every single second of it and being saved in Google himself.

Standing in the middle of the maroon carpeted hallway the ego turned his head to the right spotting three different color doors with three different symbols indicating which bedroom belonged to each ego from the bright pink moustache indicating it was Wilford’s, small multiple glowing skateboards showing belonging to Bing and finally the third door painted red and gold with fake jewels glued to the doorframe obviously showing it was King’s bedroom.

Beyond that was the set of stairs leading to the lower floor of the manor and squinting his eyes Dark could faintly hear lively chatter and laughter emitting from the living room. Seeing the coast is clear the demon turned to the left spotting several other doors lining the walls but his eyes landed on the far end door that was labelled on the front “Dark’s Office” a safe place where he could hide away from the terror of the mini android and hopefully return to normal, a sigh of relief left Dark’s lips spotting his sanctuary in the distance beginning to slowly walk down the empty soundless hallway.

“Does Bing feel sluggish and heavy all the time carrying that monstrous gut around the manor? How does he do this I already feel like collapsing at any moment” Dark complained under his breath his once strong walk turned into awkward heavy stomp the progress moving down the hallway going painfully slowly sweat started to roll down the ego’s forehead.

Taking another step forward the demon found himself in front of the familiar light blue door with small random stickers of random anime characters indicating the bedroom belonged to Eric. Before the heavily bloated ego could take another step down the hall the blue door suddenly opened revealing Eric who was rubbing his eyes appearing just to have wakened up from a nap, upon seeing Dark the shy man beamed happily which only lasted a second as his brown eyes fell landed on the ego’s big protruding paunch his mouth falling in shock.

“M-Mis-Mister D-Dark S-sir?” Eric stuttered out nervously not knowing what else to say at the sight, his hands lightly shook while anxiously twisting his handkerchief his wide eyes never leaving the ego’s midsection. Biting back a groan knowing another ego has spotted him in this humiliating state but seeing it was Eric who wouldn’t tease or mock him Dark fully turned around offering a small smile to calm the man’s nerves and accidentally made his heavy rotund belly lightly bump against the other ego’s smaller soft paunch.

“Eric, my boy please tell me you didn’t stay up all night playing video games again” Dark asked reluctantly letting go of his hefty belly causing it to bounce heavily letting out a noisy slosh that only made the shy man blush. Crossing his arms over his chest the demon waited patiently going into protective demon dad mode when it involves the younger egos in the manor, but Dark’s entire body tensed up feeling a pair of shaking hands lightly placed on the side of his waterlogged gut.

“N-not this time M-mister D-Dark. I was fixing up the doctor’s phone h-he accidentally cracked the screen while sitting on the phone” Eric shyly explained offering a sheepish smile to the demon who he always seen as a father figure. His hands gently began to calmly rub across the large pale surface of the ego’s paunch his fingers lightly pushing against the taut skin which helped ease some pressure making Dark toss his head back and close his eyes letting out a heavy calm exhale.

“W-why does this feel so good? Ohhh right there E-Urp Eric” Dark groaned out letting out a loud belch that echoed down the corridor which would normally embarrass the demon but the sensation of receiving soothing belly rubs distracted him.

Feeling a bit more confident seeing the demonic ego in front of him relaxing and even enjoying what he was doing Eric picked up the pace moving his hands all over the smooth swollen surface of the ego’s stomach. After a couple of seconds the shy man stopped earning a confused whine from the other male who opened his black eyes to see Eric looking down the hallway before grabbing him by the arm pulling him inside of the bedroom, due to the heavy amount of water inside of him upsetting his balance Dark couldn’t resist getting pulled into the room before the door was softly closed behind him.

Being inside Eric’s bedroom for the first time Dark curiously looked around the room a little taken aback and amazed at the talented beautiful details of the planets painted on the walls. Forcing to look away he spotted a few little figurine characters near the window holding a few colorful stick-like swords and in a corner is a desk with a gaming setup along with a few tools that the demon guessed the shy ego was working on the phone.

“Did you draw and paint these planets, Eric? Never knew you are very skilled” Dark complimented a small chuckle leaving him seeing the shy ego trying to hide his red face behind his handkerchief. Slowly the demon sat down on the bed letting out a grunt of relief happy to be taking a rest from carrying the water his hands kneading into the sides of his bulging bloated midsection while subtlety spreading his legs.

Seeing the discomfort in his father figure Eric desperately wanted to help his brown eyes swiftly looking around the bedroom until landing on his bedside table remembering receiving some experimental tablets from Doctor Iplier that supposed to help with stomachache but never had the chance to try them. Without a second thought Eric pulled open the drawer ignoring the demon’s gaze at the back of his head pulling out a small plastic bottle before returning to the ego’s side.

“T-take one of these M-mister D-Dark. I-it should help with your.. S-stomach problem” Eric said being very careful with his words not wanting to upset the other male fishing out a small white placing it on the demon’s pale palm who stared at the tiny tablet with suspicion.

‘The longer I stay like this the bigger the chance another ego is going to spot me. Eric is one of the very few egos in the manor I trust’ Seeing no other option desperately wanting to return to normal as quickly as possible Dark tossed the tablet into his mouth swallowing it down with ease.

“Thank you, Eric, everyone else would tease me or make things more embarrassing for me but you helped me and not made fun of me. I’m very grateful and this is the main reason you are my Favorite ego in the manor” Dark sincerely spoke briefly giving a side arm hug towards the shy male before slowly lying down on top of the bed trying to get comfortable and wait this out.

“Y-you helped me out so much dad! W-when I f-first showed up here you were the first one to make sure I was h-happy and comfortable, you even protected me from D-Derek I will always try to help you Dad” Eric stuttered out excitedly slightly puffing his chest out in pride and happiness knowing he was helping not noticing the slipup accidentally calling the demonic ego his dad but Dark heard it making him smile even more.

Peaceful silence fell between the two egos neither one of them wanting to break it simply enjoying each other’s company, but Eric once more placed his hands on the sides of the other man’s swollen gut moving his hands all over it in a circular soothing motion. A heavy exhale relaxed exhale came out of Dark’s mouth sagging impossibly further on the bed, his eyes closing enjoying the massage he was receiving distracting him from the strange ominous gurgling hissing sounds emitting from the pits of his stomach.



Straight away Eric knew what was happening his fingers being pushed apart as the ego’s already large puffed-up paunch started to expand once more. At first the shy ego wasn’t nervous thinking the medicine was working like normal continuing to move his hands across the pale smooth surface lightly drumming his fingers causing a light hollow thud to emit from the impact however, his calmness turned into increasing worry as Dark’s midsection grew level to his eyesight continuing to grow by the second looking like the demon had swallowed a massive boulder.

“M-mister D-Dark! S-something is wrong... You are getting bigger” Eric warned gulping nervously as he took a step away from his father figure his hands straight away found his handkerchief twisting it a few times.

Hearing the shock and terror in the shy ego’s voice Dark opened his eyes to see his monstrous sphere of a stomach towering far up in the air blocking the view of the wall the pressure inside of his gut becoming too much making him moan out loudly. “URP! So tight.. URP! Don’t thi-URP! I can get much big-URP! Bigger" Dark belched out uncontrollably relieving a bit of pressure the demon tried to sit up, but his knees kept on bumping underneath his huge gut keeping him lying down.

None of the egos could see but Dark’s belly button popped out quietly due to the harsh pressure and before anything could be said the strong air pressure suddenly lessened. For a brief second the demon could relax letting out a stressful exhale until feeling the same odd pressure spreading across his body. “E-Eric! W-URP! What’s happening now? My body feels bloated” Dark whined turning his head left and red trying to spot the other ego which was fruitless his thighs began to inflate his pants tightening around his waist while seams started to split open with pale flesh peeking out.

“I b-believe the rest of your bo-body is inflating like a balloon M-mister D-Dark" Eric hesitantly pointed out feeling incredibly guilty knowing he was the one behind this by complete accident. The shy ego flinched slightly as a loud rip filled the air before the demon’s ill-fitting pants exploded off his lower body leaving him in a skintight balloon themed underwear, suddenly the man’s legs let out cartoony squeak as they straightened out sticking up off the floor losing all forms of movement in them.

“I-I get doctor Iplier! H-he can help you Mister Dark... Don’t move, okay?” With that Eric turned around heading towards the door oblivious to the weak wobbles coming from the massively bloated ego trying to stop him not wanting anymore egos seeing him like this.

“Wait Eri-HMPHH!” Dark called out before a strong gush of air came up from his throat causing his cheeks to bulge growing rounder giving him a more chipmunk look, and his lips swelled up to the point keeping his mouth shut unable to talk. Unfortunately, Dark heard the door open along with the sounds of Eric’s footsteps growing fainter heading down the hallway.

Unable to do anything, the demon awkwardly looked down at his massively inflated body a red hue coating his puffed-up cheeks noticing a thick swollen double chin had developed. Before he could carefully press down on the sides of his stomach or try to wedge his lips open Dark felt his fingers plumping up stiffening up in the process looking like thick pale sausages, the air swiftly moved down his arms and biceps expanding them just like his legs ripping out of the shirt and jacket sleeves with ease before the two limbs moved up in the air frozen in place in a starfish position.

‘Should’ve stayed in bed today. Nothing has gone right for me today... Damnit I must look ridiculous, first I must’ve looked pregnant and now a damn balloon’ Dark thought letting out a muffled groan imagining all kinds of nicknames and teasing the other egos would do if they saw like him right now lost in thought the ego didn’t notice the odd pressure suddenly gone indicating the inflation has stopped.

“In here D-doc! Mister D-Dark needs your help” Dark heard the familiar stuttering voice of the shy ego before spotting said ego coming into his line of vision looking more nervous and worried in his life.

“I’d heard that you are dying Dark! Is that tru...” Doctor Iplier called out sounding a little on edge, but his voice trailed off standing in the doorway he spotted the massively inflated demon lying on the bed motionless. Unable to keep a straight face at the scene Edward chuckled his once serious face replaced by an amused grin stepping towards the bloated leader who let out annoyed muffled groan wishing to make that smile disappear.

“Out of everything this wasn’t I expected to see. Nice to see your body has finally match your inflated ego Dark, who’s a cute, bloated balloon?” Doctor Iplier teased lightly pinching the man’s swollen cheek while his other hand patted the side of his midsection earning an intense glare and more muffled groaning and yelling.

“C-can you help M-mister Dark?” Eric asked, looking between the doctor and the demon before slowly shuffling forward lightly holding the ego’s puffy hand to bring some comfort towards his father figure. Turning his head slightly, Dark’s eyes softened trying to give Eric a smile which didn’t happen, trying to communicate that he doesn’t blame him at all.

“Truthfully Eric... I don’t know at all. This is the first I seen something like this, but I will give it a go and if that doesn’t help I simply document everything” With that Edward focused on the man’s overly huge belly placing his hands on the sides unable to reach the top before pressing down trying to get the air to leave the ego’s body.

“HMPHH! HMPHH!” Dark moaned out feeling the doctor hands harshly pressing against his body unfortunately the air didn’t leave his body only making small amount of air move around slightly causing his chest to puff up bumping against his double chin while down below a noticeable impressive bulge appeared creating a tent in the ill-fitting underwear that went unnoticed to Dark’s relief.

After a couple of seconds Edward gave up shaking his head towards the two egos telling them that Dark must be the one to naturally pass the air out of him. To Dark’s embarrassment the doctor pulled out a measuring tape beginning to wrap it around the ego’s wide waist taking notes while occasionally snapping a few photos to put it in the demon’s file.

While the two egos were busy with the balloon leader no one noticed Mini-Bing poking his head around the corner of the doorframe, a mischievous smirk on his chubby face recording the whole thing from his position. Needing a plan to mess with the demon more the small android retreated for now running down the hallway to share his findings with the original Bing.

Water Cooler Incident - ChubbyAnti96 (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.