St. Joseph Gazette from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)

a a a 1 THE GAZETTE: ST. JOSEPH, APRIL 24 7 ORDER FOR Harper's War History. Coupon Department, The Dally Gazette, St. Joseph, Mo. Enclosed and.

for which send to my address, HARPER'S WAR HISTORY. Name. Street and No. ORDER FOR Sights and Scenes of the World. Coupon Department, The Dally Gazelto BtJoseph, Ma.

Enclosed for which send to my address. Sights and Recons of the World. Name Street and ORDER FOR GLIMPSES OP AMERICA. Coupon Department, The Daily Gazette, St Joseph. Enclosed for which send to my adaress, Glimpses of Americs.

Strest and No Town. ORDER FOR THE MAGIC CITY. Coupon Department, The Daily Gazette, 51. Joseph, Mo, Enclosed And. for which send to my address, The Marie City.

Name Street and No FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL FINANCIAL Stocks and Bonds. NEW YORK. April 23 The week opened on the New York exchange with a heavy tone to speculation and prices declined heavily during the first hour and a half of business. The depreasion was increased by the weakness of the London market for American securities, and the houses were sellers of St. Paul.

Atchison and other arbitrage securities. The Europeans were nearly all on the short side of the market, and the professionals put out some shorts. The rumors about the great industrial Army are being used to create uneasiness on the street, and even in some centers the march beginning to assume a serious aspect in view of the excuse which it otters to professional agitators. The Industrials were more freely sold during the morning, and gave way more readily, Sugar trading with a break of per cent. The total sales of stocks today were 174,400 shares, Including Atchison, American Sugar Burlington 17,400: Discling 3,800: General Electric 11,900 Louisville National Lead 5.700: New York New England 8,600: Northern Pacitic preferred Reading Rock Island 3,900: St.

Paul Wabash preferred 3,000, Today. Yest. American Cotton 31 American Sugar A. T. 8.

Chicago Chicago Northwestern. 10854 B. Q. 8. St.

62 R. D. L. 8. M.

8.. 1291 General Distilling Cattle ins Louisville Nashville. Manhattan Misouri National National Lead Co. com. New Jersey New York Central.

100 New York New Northern Pacific preferred. Philadelphia Reading. Union Wabash preferred. Western Union. American New York Money.

NEY YORK. April 23. -Money on call easy, at 1 per last loan 1: closed at 1 per prime mercantile paper at 5476 per sterling exchange steady, with actual business in bankers bills at for demand and at for 40 days; posted rates commercial bills silver certificates GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Chicago. CHICAGO, April the speculative markets were weak at the opening, and continued 90 to the close. Liquidation was more urgent in wheat than in other articles and the steadiest of the higher speculative markets.

Compared with Saturday's closing prices, wheat is lower: corn is off and oats Provisions closed 30c lower for pork, 10615c lower for lard, and lower for ribs. Wheat was comparatively dull all day, opening off, recovering to Saturday's closing, but soon sold off. For an hour and a half the trading was more lively than the fluctuations in that time after the first break. The premium between May and July widened out to about against a 20 spread at the close on Saturday. The weakness was due to a of causes, but primarily an Increase of 1,400,000 in the amount on ocean passage and to numerous offerings from the Pacific coast.

It was steadily maintained that winter red would be dumped on the market on May 1. The visible supply decrease was 792,000 and did not have much effect upon the trade, as it corresponded with what had been generally looked for. Corn WAS weak and dull, It opened below Saturday's close, and until within a few minutes of the close it did not get below In the closing momenta of the session there were sellers at St. Louis. ST.

LOUIS, April 23. Flour lower: patents $2.804 extra fancy fancy choice $1.90012.00. Wheat lost on generally bearish crop and foreign news: No. 2 red cash May July August Corn weakened with wheat, rallied on light movement, closing with prices but little off: No. 2 mixed cash.

May 37; June July Oats weak; lower; No. 2 cash 33; May July 270 bid. Rye -No. 2 this aide 500 bid. Barley dull: sales Iowa 5949610.

Bran higher: 63c east track. Flaxseed $1.15. Hay- Prime to choice Timothy $9.000 10.00. Butter dull at recent decline. Eggs steady at Lead dull, heavy, at asked.

Wool steady, unchanged: demand continues good for desirable medium and coarse combing. New York Dry Goods. NEW YORK. April the face of the neveral important auction sales realdent and visiting buyers have given all attention thereto, and outside of special orders the general demand has been slow and all business of moment from deliverles of former contracts. Printing cloths were steady and no sales reported.

Kansas City, KANSAS CITY, April 21. -Wheat about 10 lower: No. 2 hard, He; No. 2 re 56756; rejected 45. Corn about 140 lower: No.

2 mixed No. 2 white 036. Oats in good demand and Arm; No. mixed No. 9 white Butter quiet; creamery dairy 18.

Eggs quiet and weak Receipts 26,000 corn none; oats 3.000. Shipments -Wheat 26,500 corn outs 3,500. LIVE STOCK. Chicago. CHICAGO, April 23.

The run of cattle today was unexpectedly large. The effect upon values was depressing, and holders gave way to the extent of 107 25c. Butchera' and canning stock held up better than the grades that are sought by shippers, and there was weakness everywhere. Coarse cattle, especially, were hard to sell and there WaR not much Inquiry for anything over 1,450 pounds. The best sellers were fat cows and heifers and tidy 1.000 to 1.300 pound steers: The range of quOtations was and sales were principally at 12.254:3.15 for cows, heifers and bulls.

and at for steers. Early in the day the hog market was strong at 50 advance. As soon as the demand was satisfied there was drop back to Saturday's price. The close was extremely dull and many hogs were left in the pens. Omaha.

OMAHA, April Cattle 2,600 head. The market was mean. The demand apeared to. be of the most indifferent character, and sellers found it dimoult to work off their cattle at prices 10015e lower than Saturday. As usual, the lighter cattle were the readiest sellers, while heavy steers, espectally if a little coarse, were a drug on the market.

Hogs -Recelpta 3,803 head: the market was 54710c better than Saturday, There WAS very little demand from outsiders, but with better markets east and an active local inquiry, It did not take long to dispose of their very moderate offerings. Nearly everything sold at $5.100 6.15, againat $5.05 Saturday. Sheep Receipts today were 000 head. There was a fair demand for desirable muttons and lambs. Natives westerna $2.250 common and stockers lambs St.

Louis. ST. LOUIS, April 23. today were 2,100 head; shipments 200. The market was slow.

10c lower generally: native steers cows Texas steers Hogs- Receipts today were 4,600 head: shipments 3,300. The market was active, strong: Salic higher; top price was for good packers. good mixed $5.00 good light Sheep Receipts today were 1,900 head; shipments 600. The warket was steady; clipped Texans native mixed $3.75 03.90, clipped natives stockera $2.26. Kansas City.

KANSAS CITY, April 21- Cattle Receipts 4,000 head; shipments Market to 100 lower: Texas steers $3.15 Texas cows $2.0073.25: chipping steers native cows stockers and feeders bulls 82.10 00.30. Hogs -Receipts today were 4,890 head: shipments. 3,600. Market strong to 10c bulk heavies, packers and mixed lights, Yorkers and pigs $4.75795.05. Sheep--Receipts today were 2,300 head; shipments 500.

Market weaker. ET. JOSEPH MARKETS. Financial, St Joseph 4 per cent. 90 St.

Joseph per cent: school bonds. 05 0 98 St. Joseph 5 per cent. school. bonds.

1.00 11.00 The clearings of the associated banks for today were for correspondins day last year 5272, 831.95; decrease St. Joseph Stock Yards. Cattle There were but few than cattle on sale today. Prices were lower Saturday, with a good demand. Good shipping steers good butcher steers choice cows and heifers mediums common bulls REPRESENTATIVE SALES.

No. Average. Price. 20 steers. 1002.

$4.15 18 steers 4.10 4.10 3.90 4 3.70 bulls and stags.1476. 3.30 bull. 1080 2.35 Hogs There were but four cars of hogs. or 816 head, on sale today, The quality was good: market steady to 5c higher than Saturday: heavies and mixed selling 05.10: lights and Poultry, (Corrected daily by the St. Josephe Poultry House, northeast corner Second and Francis streets.) Eggs steady, selling at list cash buyers paying 90, delivered here, no comto.

Live Poultry- -Hens, per 1b old co*cks, per lb, turkey hens, choice lot, per Ib, 7e; young turkeys, mixed lot. choice, 4c; ducks. fat and full feathered, 50; geese, fat and full feathered. 4c. Pigeons, per dozen, $1.00.

Veals -Fat, averaging 80 to 120 Ibs, 505c. Smoked and Packed Dry Salt Meats Shouiders $6.50: long clear short clears. regular, backs beilles $9.25. Smoked Meats -Hams, 100: shoulders short clears, regular. $8.50: backs, 88.75; bellies breakfast bacon, California hams $7.50.

Sausage -Bologna, linked or not linked. 5c; large bologna, 50; Frankfort or Vienna 1c; head cheese 6c. Pickled Pigs Feet -Half barrels, parter barrels, kits, $1.00. Spiced Pigs' Tongues -Hair barrels quarter barrels $6.75: kits $2.65. Choice Family Lard- -Tierce lard, Specials -Boneless hams, 8c.

Miscellaneous Provisions. Cider- Casks $9.00010.00: bbis. 32 gal, half 16 32 extra, $7.40: half bbls. crab apple, extra, 10 gal, keg, $5.00. Vinegar Pure cider vinegar, per 15c; pure white wine.

12c: Alden Red per 14c; Alden genuine cider per 150. Honey -California white. clover trame, per Ib, 16018c: California C. 2-Ib frame. 15c: extracted in 5 gal.

cans, 100120; tracted in cases, Sorghum- -Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, 2501 Tenessee bright. Maple Sugar -Per Ib 10-1b boxes, per ID, 100. Hides, Tallow, Ete, Hides -Market outl and drooping. Green, No. 1 3c; No.

2 2c; snit cured. No: 1 No. 2 bull and sides, branded, same A8 No. veal, call and k1p, same 0.9 hides; Pelts- flint. Green, 5c per full lb; No.

wooled. 2 3c. each. 50c; green shearlings, each 150; dry 13c per Ib. Tallow- -C.

D. No, 1, No. 4c; cake Beeswax No. amber, per Ib, 22c; No. 18c.

Grease A white 40; yellow. brown, 3c per Ib. Feathers--Prime goose, 37c: dark and soiled, 25c; mixed and old, 20c. Frusta and Nuts. Bananas--Per bunch $1.7502.50.

Oranges- -Fancy Mexicans per box. $2.75: Florida per box -Bell $2.6522.76. Cranberries- Bugle, per $4.00. Lemons Fancy Messina $5.50: California Jersey, per Hell Cherry per $6.25. Figs -Fancy, 150 new.

per choice new, 14c: sacks. per 1b. Dates -Fancy Halloween dates, per Ib, 50. Apples Choice shipping, per $6.00. Nuts Fine Pinton nuts, per ib15c; mixed boxed, per ID.

Brastis, 12c; Filberts Naples walnuts 150; New Callfornia walnuts 11c; Terragona almonds 180; pecana, polished, POlio; peanuts. Popular Wants) Popular Wants! FOR RENT- HOUSES. FOR RENT-Four-room house; rent reasonable; well and cistern. Apply 1816 South Tenth street 4-22 FOR RENT- -Very convenient nine-room house: modern improvements. Call on DR.

J. B. GOOD, 409 Edmond street.4-30 FOR RENT-Flat in Hax flats, No. 618 North Fifth street. Enquire at 02 North Fifth street.

4-18 tr FOR RENT-1 -Double house: three rooms, two large closets, cellar, cistern and woodshed on each side. Will rent very cheap to right party. Bellevue street, between Pauline and Augusta. 4-17 FOR RENT- Store room northwest corner Ninth and Felix streets, now occupied as a grocery store. Will be vacant May long lease to right party, Enquire next door at Domestic sewing machine office, of A.

M. CROSS. 4-15-tf FOR RENT -Six room brick house, all modern conveniences and stable. Possession Immediately. Inquire 811 South Eleventh street.

3-24-tt FOR RENT -Eight room house with gas and bath. 122 South Ninth street. Inquire at Sheridan-Clayton Paper Co. 1-24-tt FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished airy front rooms on first floor: quiet neighborhood; reasonable prices.

417 South Ninth street. 4-24 FOR RENT- nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Write Gazette Office. 4-22-39 FOR RENT-Large, airy furnished and unfurnished rooms, northeast corner Fifth and Antoine streets. Terms reasonable.

4-4-1m FOR RENT -Nicely furnished rooms with first class board; reasonable; 124 South Ninth street. 12-7-tr FOR RENT- -ROOMS. TO LET- -Three unfurnished rooms with bath and closet. Apply 101. South Thirteenth street.

4-6 2m FOR RENT- -Pleasant rooms, 602 North Sixth street. 4-12 FOR RENT- -Large light rooms with power elevator for storage or light manufacturing purposes. Power for machinery furnished If necessary, Address LIGHT STORAGE, care Gazette. 4-12 tf WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Two unfurnished rooms.

AdW. care Gazette. 4-17 7t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE -Ten-room frame dwelling house with gas and water, large brick barn: lot 60x140 feet: 315 North Thirteenth street. Apply to ISAAC T.

HOSEA, at Tootle-Lemon bank. 1-R-1m FOR SALE- Improved residence property in this city at a bargain; all rents at a good profit. Will take one-haif in farm lands. this office. 4-8 1m FOR SALE OR RENT and lots.

Bargains. Call at WILLMAN'S. Market square. $-30-tr FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE- Genuine Brown Leghorn 500.

per setting. Call at 519 Felix or 720 North Twenty-third street. 4-22 24 TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE- Eight dwellings for farm in Missouri or northeastern Kansas. Apply to JOHN L.

ZEIDLER, real estate broker, 411 Francis street. 4-22 2w LOST. LOST -Ladies' gold watch with on outside case and "Etta Price' on inside case. Return to. Silverstein' factory, Third, between Jule and Francis, and receive liberal reward.

4-21 39 FOR a ON EASY PAYMENTS -SEEWm. Humphrey: 611 Francis Street. THE NATIONAL BANK OF ST. JOSEPH NITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital. $100,000 Sarplus 100,000 U.S.

Bonds (in 800,000 Total. 0. F. Burnes, president: Wm. M.

Wyeth vice president; Geo. 0. Hull, cashier; 0. 1 Enright, assistant cashier roasted, Fancy Mantan cocoanuts. per 100, less quantities $5.00 per 100.

Dairy Products. Butter- Creamery 20023c: dairy, best 15 016c: store packed, choice, store packed, common, cream grease, flats. 6c. Cheese- Fancy full Young America 14c; domestic Swiss 170: Imported Swiss 32433c; brick Limburger, new, 16e; sap sago, 25c; 17c. Vegetables.

Potatoes. per New onions, dry, 81 per bu. New California cabbage, per Ib. Cauliflower, per dozen, $1.50. Sweet potatoes, per $3.00.

Cabs and carnages always ready, day or night. Telephones 542 and 496. 113 South Eighth ST. JOSEPH CAB LIVERY co. The Santa Fe.

Route's new morning train leaves St. Joseph daily, except Sunday, at 7:25 a. Gower, Plattsburg, Lathrop, Richmond, connecting at Lexington Junction with the Santa Fe and Wabash main line trains for all points. Cabs will stand at Messenger office day and night from now on. Give us call.

Telephone 496. ST. JOSEPH CAB LIVERY CO. Saratoga and return very cheap on occasion of the. Presbyterian General Assembly, May 17, rates always the lowest via the Nickel Plate road.

City ticket office, 199 Clark -street, Depot Clark and Twelfth streets, Chicago. Cabs and carriages always ready, day or night. Telephones 542 and 496, 113 South Eighth street. ST. JOSEPH CAR LIVERY CO.

WANTED HELP. WANTED-One or two gentlemen to take a pleasantly situated furnished room with bath. Enquire, southwest corner of Felix and Thirteenth streets, No. 201.4-19-7t VANTED- Girl for general housework. at 1513 Faraon street.4-15 tf WANTED Good girl: to go to country town fifty miles from this city.

Good wages paid. Must be A good cook. Address No. 624 North Fifth street, WANTED TO buy modern seven-room dwelling centrally located. Apply to JOHN L.

ZEIDLER, 411 Francis street, 4-10-tr WANTED -Everybody to know that Sharp Boggs, 1101 Bouth Tenth street, can clean your cistern without removing the water. 4-6-1m WANTED- MALE HELP WANTED -It you are a Catholic, and will work for $18 per week, write MacCONNELL BROS. 11 Franklin street, Boston, Mass. 4-24-Stues WANTED-If you are a Catholic, and will work for $18 per week, write MacCONNELL 11 Franklin street, Boston, Mass. 3-20-Stues WANTED SITUATIONS.

WANTED -Position in wholesale, retail or manufacturing business, with view of investing if satisfactory. Address W. care Gazette. 4-19 WANTED SALESMEN SIDE LINE--A snap for grocery salesmen and specialty men with established trade. Address M.

Gazette. 4-22 WANTED- Salesmen to sell Baking Powder. We put our goods in Glass Rolling Pins. 860 month and expenses, or commission. CHICAGO BAKING POWDER 767 Van Buren street, Chicago, 4-15-1m WANTED Salesman: salary from start: permanent place.

BROWN BROS. Nurserymen, Chicago, Ill. 3-27-4w-eod WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED- Pollard vs. BreckInridge celebrated breach of promise case: agents wanted: book ready; history of litigants; Illustrated: 500.000 will be sold: prospectus free.

W. H. FERGUSON Cincinnati, Ohio. 4-22-1w MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Money to loan.

R. T. Levin, 421 Edmond street, loans money at reasonable rates on watches, diamonds, jewelry of all kinds, musical instruments, clothing and fire arms. Business confidential. We offer the biggest bargains in unredeemed pledges.

Remember the place, 421 Edmond. 4-23 tt WANTED- To buy a four or five-room modern dwelling; must be close to bustness center: will pay Apply to JOHN L. ZEIDLER, real estate broker, 411 Francis street. 4-22-719 CABINET PHOTOS AT $1.25 per dozen for thirty days. full length or bust.

No extra charge for children. J. S. SAURMAN, 311 Felix street. 30t WANTED -Some charitably disposed person to donate a new or second hard wood desk to the Undenominational mission.


Have you dresses to be made? Are you aware that you now have, here in your own city, the fare opportunity of having the most elegant and elaborate, perfect fitting costumes. ACTUALLY DESIGNED AND MADE TO ORDER, by WORTH'S and the CORRECT FRENCH METHODS? OUR DRESS CUTTING. Did you ever hear of a GENUINE SCHOOL, making such an offer as this? We now offer you the genuine KEI. LOGG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM OF DRESS CUTTING complete: UNLIMITED INSTRUCTION on every detail known to the art: your DRESS CUT. BASTED AND FITTED: and a FIRST-CLASS POSITION SECURED if desired: ALL FOR THE PRICE OF HAVING A SINGLE DRESS MADE.

MADAME KELLOGG'S School of Dress Outting. Room 26, 2d. floor, Ballinger Bullding. SODDING AND TERRACE WORK done cheaply by J. H.

PHELPS, 902 North Second street. 4-8-1m WANTED -Everybody to know that Sharp and Boggs can clean your cistern without removing the water. 4-6-1m HAIR CUTTING cents except Saturdays STAR BARBER SHOP. 501 South Sixth street. 3-13-tr TO EXCHANGE Lot 45x00 with good house, two blocks south of custom house, for property in residence portion of the city, Address "Exchange," Gazette office.

2-8-tf WANTED- To make a few chattel loans. A. E. PERKINS, 118 South Seventh. BUSINESS NOTICES.

PRACTICAL dressmaker, agent and teachers for the Tallor System of Dress Cutting, MRS. T. B. HOLLEY, 415 South Eighth street. 3-21-3m INSURE your dwelling, furniture and merchandise with the Detroit T.

and M. Insurance Co. JOHN ZEIDLER, agent. 411 Francis street. 3-9-tr PERSONAL MARRIED LADIES- Send 10c for "Infallible Safeguard." -no medicine: no deception.

LADIES' BAZAR, Kansas City, Mo. 4-28-Ly FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. HE above reward will be paid for information farnished the proper authorities of Buchanan county, Missouri, leading to the arrest and conviction of any or each of the persons who on the second day of March, 1894, at about 7:30 o'clock p.m., fired upon, or attempted by a signal, to stop train No. 18, on the Chicago, Rock Island Paeifle Railway, near St. Joseph, Mo.

(Signed) O. H. OROSBY, Vice Pres. U. S.

Ex. Oe. W. O. PURDY, Vice Pres.

0., R. I. P. By. 00, DYE WORKS.

NEW TONE STEAM DYING AND CLEANING WORKS- 47 Edmond, JOSEPH STEAM DIE WORKS street. Fancy Detag done on LEGAL TRUSTEE'S SALE- -Whereas, Frank M. Seymour and Louisa J. Seymour, his wife, by deed of trust, dated August 19, 1889, and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Buchanan county, Missouri, in book 175, at page 315 and following pages, conveyed to the undersigned in trust, to secure the payment of the note and coupons in said deed of trust particularly, described, the real estate in Buchanan county, Missouri, described aS follows, to wit: Lot number four (4) and the north half of lot number three (3) In block seventeen (17) in Smith's addition to the city of Saint Joseph. And whereas, the note described In and secured by said deed of trust, has not been paid.

And whereas, the owner of said note has requested me to execute the power vested in me by said deed of trust, to sell said real estate, and out of the proceeds of said sale pay the indebtedness secured thereby. Therefore, In compliance with said request, and in pursuance of the power vested in me by said deed of trust, I will sell said real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash on the FIFTEENTH DAY OF MAY, 1894, at the east front door of the court house, in Brichanan county. Miasourl. ALBERT L. BARTLETT, Trustee.

4-18 td SALE -By virtue and authority of a special execution, issued from the oftice of the clerk of the Circuit court. of Buchanan county, Missouri, returnable at the May term, 1894, of said court, and to me directed in favor of the City of St. Joseph, to the use of John D. Preston, and against Rachel Fleming, have levied upon and seized all the right, title, interest and claim of the sald Rachel Fleming of, in and to the following described real estate, to wit: Lots two and three (3) in block twenty-six Original Town, now city of St. Joseph, county, Missouri; all lying and being in the said county, and state of Missouri, and I will, on TUESDAY, THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF MAY, A.

D. 1894, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, and during the session of said Circuit court, at the east front door of the court house, in the city of St. Joseph, county of Buchanan, aforesaid, sell the same, or so much thereof as may be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, to satisfy said execution and costs. CHAS. W.

CARSON, 4-21 td Sheriff of Buchanan county, Mo, NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE IN PARTITION State of Missouri, County of Buchanan. 88. Frank M. Atkinson V8. Wm.

H. Brady, John Brady, Gracie Brady, Bertha Brady, Geo. Hoagland, B. R. Vineyard and Thos.

R. Smith, administrator. In the Circuit court of Buchanan county, Missouri. By virtue and authority of A decree and order of sale made by the said court in the abobve entitled cause, and of a certifted copy. thereof, dated April 19, 1894, will on TUESDAY, MAY FIFTEENTH, 1894, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the east front door of the court house, in the city of St.

Joseph, in Buchanan county, Missouri, sell, at public vendue, to the highest bidder. the following described real estate, viz: Lot eleven (11) in block nineteen (19) in Caraddition, an addition to the city of St. Joseph, Buchanan county, Missouri. Terms of sale as follows, viz: Cash in hand. CHAS.

W. CARSON, 4-21 td Sheriff of Buchanan county, Mo. TRUSTEE'S SALE- -Whereas, Frank Goodman (a widower), by deed of trust, dated August 1, 1888, and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Buchanan county, Missouri, in book 156 at page 144 and following pages, conveyed to the undersigned in trust, to secure the pay ment of the bond and coupons in said deed of trust particularly described, the real estate in Buchanan county, Missouri, described as follows, to wit: The south half of lot seven (7) and all of lot eight (8) and the south half of lot ten (10), all in block eleven (11) in Bartlett and Russell's addition to the city of St. Joseph. And whereas, the bond described in and secured by said deed of trust has not been paid.

And, whereas, the owner of said bond has requested me to execute the power vested in me by said deed of trust to sell said real estate, and out of the proceeds of said sale pay the indebtedness secured thereby. Therefore, in compliance with said request, and pursuance of the power vested in me by said deed of trust. I will sell said real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, on the TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF APRIL. 1894, at the east front door of the court house, in Buchanan county, Missouri. WILLIAM H.

BARTLETT, Trustee. 3-28-td DAVID L. BARTLETT, Trustee. 3-22-td TRUSTEE'S Whereas, William H. Gaugh (unmarried), by deed of trust, dated March 28, 1887, and recorded March 28, 1887, in the office of the recorder of deeds of Buchanan county, Missouri, in book 143 at page 247 and following pages, conveyed to the undersigned, in trust.

to secure the payment of the notes in said deed of trust particularly described, the real estate in Buchanan county, Missourt. described as follows, to wit: Lots numbered five (5), six (6), and the north halt of lot seven (7). in block thirty (30) in addition to the elty of St. Joseph. And whereas, the notes described In and secured by said deed of trust, are past due and have not been paid.

And whereas, the owners of said notes have requested me to execute the power vested in me by said deed of trust to sell said real estate, and out of the proceeds of said sale, pay the indebtedness secured thereby. Therefore, In compliance with said request, and in pursuance of the power vested in me by said deed of trust, will sell said real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, on the TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF APRIL, 1894, at the east front door of the court house, in Buchanan county, Missouri. ALBERT L. BARTLETT. Trustee.

3-22-td TRUSTEE'S SALE. Whereas, Henry C. Burke and Mary J. Burke, his wife, and Frederick Blelhen and Mattie Bielhen, his wife, by deed of trust dated February 25, 1888, and recorded February 28, 1888, in the office of the recorder of deeds of Buchanan county, Missouri, in book 150 at page 474 and following pages, conveyed to the undersigned in trust, to secure the payment of the notes and coupons in said deed of trust particularly described. the following described real estate in Buchanan county, Missouri, described as follows, to wit: Lot number five (5) in block number seven (7) In Patee's addition to the city of St.

Joseph. And whereas, the notes described in and secured by said deed of trust have not been paid. And whereas, the owners of said notes have requested me to execute the power vested In me by said deed of trust to sell said real estate, and out of the proceeds of said sale pay the indebtedness secured thereby. Therefore, in compliance with said request, and In pursuance of the power vested in me by said deed of trust, I will sell said real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, on the TWENTYEIGHTH DAY OF APRIL, 1894, at the east front door of the court house, In Buchanan county, Missouri. TRUSTEE'S SALE -Whereas.

Eliza C. Hoffman (a widow), by deed of trust dated February 1, 1889, and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Buchanan county, Missouri, in book 156 at page: 240, conveyed to the undersigned in trust, to secure the payment of the bonds and coupons in said deed of trust particularly described, the real estate In Buchanan county, Missouri, described as follows, to wit: Lots seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), and ten (10), in block twentythree (23), in the Saint Joseph Extension Company addition, an addition to the city of Saint Joseph. And whereas, the bonds described in and secured by said deed of trust have not been paid. And whereas, the owner of said bonds and coupons has requested me to execute the power vested in me by said deed of trust to sell said real estate, and out of the proceeda of said sale pay the Indebtedness secured thereby. Therefore, in compliance with said request and in pursuance of the power vested in me by said deed of trust, will sell said real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, on the TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF APRIL, 1894, at the east front door of the court house, in Buchanan county, Missouri.

WILLIAM H. BARTLETT, Trustee. 3-29-td TRUSTEE'S SALE. -Whereas, Pishny and Anna Pishny, his wite, by their deed of trust dated May, 1, 1893, and recorded in the records of deeds of Buchanan county, Minsouri. May 17, 1802, and recorded in book 184 at page 467, conveyed to me, the undersigned, lot.

thir- LEGAL. (30) in block sixty-eight (68) in the Saint Joseph Extension addition to the city of Saint Joseph, in Buchanan county, Missouri, in trust, to secure the payment of certain promissory notes in said deed of trust described. Nine of said notes are due and unpaid, and the legal holder thereof has requested me to execute the powers to me given by said deed and to sell said real estate to enforce the collection of all of said notes and the Interest thereon. Wherefore, I will sell the above described real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, at the east front door of the court house, in the city of Saint Joseph, Buchanan county, Missouri, on THURSDAY, MAY TENTH, 1894. CHARLES W.

BROWN, Trustee. 4-11-td TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas, Albert Mars (single), by deed of trust dated April 1, 1589, and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Buchanan county, Missouri, in book 156 at page 285, conveyed to the undersigned in trust, to secure the payment of the bond and coupons in said deed of trust particularly described, the real estate in Buchanan county. Missouri, described 88 follows, to wit: Lot five (5) in block nine (9) in Oak Hill, an addition to the city of 8t. Joseph. And whereas, coupon numbered due October 1, 1893, and coupon 10, due April described 1, 1894, and bond due April 1, 1894.

in and secured by said deed of trust, have not been paid. And whereas, the owner of said bond and coupons has requested me to execute the power vested in me by said deed of trust to sell said real estate, and out of the proceeds of said sale pay the indebtedness secured thereby. Therefore, in compliance with raid request and in pursuance of the power vested in me by said deed of trust, will sell said real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, on the FIFTEENTH DAY OF MAY. 1804, at the east front door of the court house, in Buchanan county, Missouri. WILLIAM H.

BARTLETT, Trustee. 4-18 td TRUSTEE'S SALE -Whereas, Joseph Beierle and Cady Beferie, his wife, by deed of trust, dated December 1, 1890, and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Buchanan county. Missouri, in book 190 at page 544, conveyed to the dersigned in trust, to secure the payment of ularly the notes described, in said deed of trust in part'ethe real estate chanan county, Missouri, described as follows. to wit: Twenty acres off the north end of the east half of the southeast quarter of section thirty-three in township fifty-eight. of range thirty-five, And whereas, note numbered 6, due December said 1, 1893, described in and secured by And deed of trust, has not been paid.

whereas, the owner of said note has requested me to execute the power vested In me by said deed of trust to sell said real estate, and out of the proceeds of said sale pay the indebtedness secured thereby. Therefore, in compliance with said request, and in pursuance of the power vested in me by said deed of trust, will sell said real estate: at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, on the TWELFTH DAY OF MAY, 1894, at the east front door of the court house, in Buchanan county, Missouri. ALBERT L. BARTLETT. Trustee, TRUSTEE'S SALE -Whereas, Charles W.

Hobson and wife, by deed of trust, dated August 1. 1889, and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Buchanan county. Missouri, in book 156 at page 399 and following pages, conveyed to the undersigned in trust, to secure the payment of the bonds and coupons in said deed of trust particularly described, the real estate in Buchanan county, Missouri, described as follows, to wit: Lot eighteen (18) In block eleven (11), in Wyatt Park, an addition to the city of Saint Joseph. And whereas, coupons numbered 9. due February 1894, described in and secured by said deed of trust, have not been paid.

And whereas, the owner 01. sald bonds and coupons has requested me to execute the power vested in me by said deed of trust, to sell said real estate, and out of the proceeds of said sale pay the Indebtedness secured thereby. Therefore, in compliance with said request, and in pursuance of the power vested In me by said deed of trust. I will sell said real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, on the FIFTEENTH DAY OF MAY. 1891, at the east front door of the court house, in Buchanan county, Missouri.

WILLIAM H. BARTLETT. Trustee. 4-10-td TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas. Joseph Y.

Anderson and wife, by deed of trust dated March 1, 1889, and recorded In the office of the recorder of deeds of Buchanan county, Missouri, in book 156 at page 249, conveyed to the undersigned in trust, to secure the payment of the bonds and coupons In said deed of trust particularly described, the real estate in Buchanan county, Missouri, described AS follows, to wit: Lots seven and eight in block fifteen in Oak Hill, an addition to the city of Saint Joseph. And whereas. coupon numbered 10, due March 1, 1894, and bonds due March 1. 1891. described in and secured by said deed of trust.

have not been paid. And whereas, the owner of said bonds and coupons has requested me to execute the power vested in me by said deed of trust to sell sald real estate and out of the proceeds of said sale pay the Indebtedness secured thereby. Therefore, In compliance with said request, and in pursuance of the power vested in me by said deed of trust, I will sell said real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, on the FIFTEENTH DAY OF MAY. 1894, at the east iront door of the court bouse, in Buchanan county, Missouri. WILLIAM H.

BARTLETT, Trustee. 4-10-td SHERIFF'S SALE -By virtue and authority of a transcript execution. issued from the office of the clerk of the Circuit court of Buchanan county, Missouri, returnable at the May term. 1894, of said court, and to me directed, in favor of Henry C. Hathaway and Alfred Toll, doing business the name of the Badger Lumber company, and against James E.

McColgin and Martha A. McColgin. I have levied upon and seized all the right, title, interest and claim of James E. McColgin of in and to the following real estate, to wit: Lot fifteen (15) In block nineteen (19) in St. Joseph Eastern Extension addition, an addition to the city of St.

Joseph, Buchanan county, Missouri: all lying and being In the said county, and state of Missouri, and I will. on TUESDAY, THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF MAY. 1894, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o' elock in the afternoon of that day, and during the session door of the court house, in the city of door of the court house, inthe city of St. Joseph, county of Buchanan aforesald, sell the same. or so much thereof as may be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, to satisfy said execution and costs.

CHAS. W. CARSON. 4-21 td Sheriff of Buchanan county, Mo. TRUSTEES SALE.

Whereas, Harvey M. Wilcox and Laura F. dated Wilcox, his March wife. 26, by their deed of trust 1889, filed for record in the office of the recorder of deeds of Buchanan county. Missouri, on March 27, 1889, and recorded in said office in book 166 at page 397, did convey to the undersigned trustee certain real estate situated in Buchanan county, Missouri, described as follows: Let ten (10) block nineteen (19), Walker's addition to the city of St.

Joseph, in trust to secure the payment of one certain promissors note of even date with and particularly described In said deed of trust: and whereas. default has been made in the payment of said note and the same is now unpaid; now therefore, on account of default in payment of sald note, and at the request of the legal holder thereof. I will. in accordance with the powers vested In me by snid deed of trust, proceed to sell the above described real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash at the east front door of the Buchanan county court house, In the city of St. Joseph, county of Buchanan and state of Missouri, on THURSDAY MAY TENTH, 1804, between the hours of 9 clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, and will apply proceeds of said sale in payment of the costa and expenses of foreclosing said deed of Indebtedness trust and to the pAyment of the secured thereby.

C. S. MeLANE, Trustee. Dated April 12, 1894. 4-14-td NOTICE A meeting of the stockholders and directors of the Ross Land company will be held at the office of the president of the company on Saturday, April 28, 1894, to elect directors and attend -to other matters.

J. M. HUFFMAN, President. 1-18 LEGAL. ALBERT L.

BARTLETT. Trustee. TRUSTEE'S -Whereas. Ewald TRUSTEE'S SALE -Whereas, William B. Tullar and Ella B.

his wife by their deed of trust dated 5th day of November, 1891, and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Buchanan county, Missouri, in book 181 at page 156 and following pages, conveyed to the undesigned trustee in trust to secure the payment of the promissory note in said deed of trust described, the following real estate in Buchanan county, Missouri, described as follows, to wit: Lots six (6) and seven (7) in block two (2)-in Marney Place, an addition to the city of St. Joseph, Missouri. And whereas, the note described in and secured by said deed of trust has not been paid. And whereas, the owner of said note has requested me to execute the power vested in me by said deed of trust to sell aid estate, and out of the proceeds of said sale pay the indebtedness secured thereby. Therefore, In compliance with said request, and in pursuance of the power vested in me by said deed of trust.

I will sell said real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, on SATURDAY, THE NINETEENTH DAY OF MAY. 1894, at the east front door of the court house, in Buchanan county, Missouri. 4-24 td J. C. HEDENBERG, Trustee.

TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas, John DonIphan and Fannie Doniphan, his wife. by deed of trust, dated June 1, 1891, and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Buchanan county, Missouri, in book 194 at page 368 and following pages, conveyed to the undersigned in trust, to secure the payment of the notes in said deed of trust particularly described, the real estate in Buchanan county, Missouri, described as follows, to wit: Commencing at the northwest corner of block one (1) of Donnell park, an addition to the city of Saint Joseph, thence west one hundred seventy-seven feet; thence south two hundred seventy feet: thence east one hundred seventy-seven feet: thence north two hundred seventy feet to the beginning: also the west nineteen feet of teen and the west nineteen feet of lot eighteen in block one In Donnell park, an addition to the city of Saint Joseph. And whereas, note numbered 5, due December 1, 1893, described In and secured by said deed of trust, has not been paid. And whereas. the owner of said note has requested me to execute the power vested in me by said deed of trust to sell said real estate, and out of the proceeds of said sale, pay the indebtedness secured thereby.

Therefore, in compliance with said request, and in pursuance of the power vested in me by said deed of trust, will sell said real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash. on the TWELFTH DAY OF -MAY. 1894, at the east front door of the court house, in Buchanan county, Missouri. 4-10-td Padberg and Flora Padberg, his wife, by their certain deed of trust dated the 2ith day of January, 1893, and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Buchanan county, Missouri, in book No. 204 at page 193, conveyed to the undersigned, in trust, to secure the payment of the note in said deed of trust particularly described, the real estate in Buchanan county, state of Missouri, described as follows, to wit: Twenty-five (25) feet off the south aide of lot eight (8) and seventeen (17) feet off the north side of lot nine (9), all in block eleven (11) in Robidoux's addition to the city of St.

Joseph, county and state aforesald: said above described property being all of that portion of lots number seven (7), eight (8), nine (9) and ten (10) in block eleven (11) in Robidoux's addition aforesaid, set off, allotted and admeasured to the said Ewald Padberg by commissioners appointed in certain action in partition by the Circult court of Buchanan county, Missouri, wherein J. W. Atwill was plaintiff and John W. Morrison, Ewald Padberg and Walter Wilkins were defendants. as said Ewald radberg's share of the lots last above described, given In lieu of his undivided four-sixteenths (4-16) interest in the four lots last above described.

Whereas, default has been made in the payment of said note and accrued interest thereon; and whereas, the owner of said note has requested me to execute the powers in me. vested by said deed of trust and sell said real estate, and out of the proceeds of said sale, pay the indebtedneas secured thereby; therefore, in compliance with said request and by virtue of the power vested in me by said deed of trust. I will sell said real estate at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash on the TWENTY-SECOND DAY OF MAY. A. D.

1894, at the east front door of the court house, in the city of St. Joseph, in the county of Buchanan, state of Missouri. MONT. M. CRANDALL, Trustee, 4-21 td ST.

JOSEPH, April 10, 1894. NOTICE is hereby given to the creditors of the Seick Manufacturing company that on Wednesday, the 33rd day of May, 1894. at the opening of court, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, I shall apply to the Buchanan County Circult court, division number two. for a discharge from my trust as assignee of Seick Manufacturing company, JOSHUA A. GRAHAM, Assignee.


MOCHAN SPENCER MOSMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Lower offices, K. 0. General Offices. Telephone No.


buy and sell real estate on comm. salon, negotiate loans and transact all brainess pertaining to a general agenoy. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate. Long time. Resonable rates of interest.

Rooms 108 and 109, German-American Rank bullding. St. Jeseph, Me. BEER AGENCIES. ANTHONY KUHN'S 8T.

LOUIS BEER JOHN GILLER, Olty Agent. office and Warehouse, Oor. Fourth ant Franklin St. Joseph, Mo. Bottling a specialty, and familles sup.

plied with this famous beverage on abort notice. Telephone 716. INHEUSER-BUSCH BREWING ASS N. Hugo Grebel, Agent Tina and Telephone 881. COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILLMAN MERCANTILE COMPANI WHOLESALE FRUITS Vegetables, produce and general com mission merchanta.

Consignment Bolted for all kinds of merchantable.

St. Joseph Gazette from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)
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