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National Fire Protection Association 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471 Phone: 617-770-3000 • Fax: 617-770-0700 •


February 23-26, 2016 Biloxi, MS

Item No. Subject Item 16-2-1 Call to Order Item 16-2-2 Introduction of Committee Members and Guests Item 16-2-3 Approval of the Correlating Committee A17 FD Minutes Item 16-2-4 Interface with NESC – M. Johnston, Mark Earley Item 16-2-5 Definition Assignments – M. Johnston, M. Earley Item 16-2-6 2020 Code Cycle Panel Assignments – M. Johnston, M. Earley Item 16-2-7 Review of Second Draft Panel Actions

a. Panel Chair Reports b. Requests to forward items to other panels c. Held Second Revisions d. Correlating Committee Review TG Reports e. Creation of Second Correlating Revisions

Item 16-2-8 Creation of New Task Groups

a. Harmonizing Standby Power System requirements across NFPA documents, including NEC (CMP 13), NFPA 20, 72, 101, 110 and 11

Item 16-2-9 Existing Task Groups

a. Review of TG Rosters and Scopes b. Report of the Listed and Labeled TG– D. Cook, K. Lofland c. Report of the Available Fault Current TG – J. Dollard d. Report of the DC TG – J. Kovacik

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Item 16-2-10 Overview of Final Phases of the Revision Process- M. Earley, K. Shea

a. NITMAMs b. NFPA Conference and Expo c. Electrical Section Activities d. Technical Session e. Amendment Ballots

Item 16-2-11 New Business Item 16-2-12 Future Meetings NEC Correlating Committee Meeting, Quincy, MA August 1, 2016 Standards Council Meeting, Quincy, MA August 2-4, 2016 Others Item 16-2-13 Adjournment

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National Fire Protection Association 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471 Phone: 617-770-3000 • Fax: 617-770-0700 •


Meeting Minutes January 21, 2016

Item 16-1-1 Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 11:00 am on July 21, 2016. The following Correlating Committee members were present:

NAME REPRESENTING Michael Johnston, Chair National Electrical Contractors Association James Brunssen Telcordia

Rep. Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions Palmer Hickman Electrical Training Alliance

Rep. IBEW David Hittinger Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc. Richard Holub The DuPont Company, Inc.

Rep. American Chemistry Council John Kovacik UL LLC Alan Manche Schneider Electric Richard Owen Rep. International Association of Electrical Inspectors James Pierce Intertek Testing Services Vince Saporita Eaton’s Bussmann Business

Rep. NEMA Lawrence Ayer Biz Com Electric, Inc.

Rep. Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc. Ronald Deike, Jr. CenterPoint Energy, Inc.

Rep. Electric Light & Power Group/ EEI Ernest Gallo Telcordia Technologies, Inc.

Rep. Alliance for Telecommunications Industry SolutionsRobert McCullough Rep. International Association of Electrical Inspectors Mark Ode UL LLC Christine Porter Intertek Testing Services George Straniero AFC Cable Systems, Inc.


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Guests and NFPA staff in attendance included:

Mark Earley NFPA, Secretary Kimberly Shea NFPA, Recording Secretary Derek Vigstol NFPA Staff Gil Moniz NFPA Staff Chris Coache NFPA Staff Richard Roux NFPA Staff Dave Dini NFPA 70E Chair Jason Esler Electrical Power Solutions Peter Walsh Mersen Vince Della Croce Emerson Network Power

Item 16-1-2 General Business

Chair Mike Johnston requested a moment of silence to honor Charlie Trout and Thomas Thierheimer both long time electrical safety proponents and current and past NFPA committee members. Mike also recognized the passing of the beloved Nancy Loyd, wife of Dick Loyd. Chair Mike Johnston noted the recent resignation from Neil LaBrake and the appointment of Kevin Dressman with the U.S. Department of Energy. Item 16-1-3 Approval of the Correlating Committee First Draft Meeting Minutes It was moved, seconded, and voted unanimously affirmative that the minutes of the Correlating Committee First Draft Meeting of the NEC Correlating Committee be approved. Item 16-1-4 Creation of Correlating Notes and Revisions for NFPA 70E, 790 and 791 The Correlating Committee reviewed the proposed Correlating Notes developed by the Review TG and developed several additional notes. NFPA 70E Chair David Dini noted that he will be retiring in April 2016 and has received UL approval to finish out as chair for this cycle. The Correlating Committee reviewed the final ballot results on the First Revisions for NFPA 790 nor 791. No notes were created. Item 16-1-5 Future Meeting Dates NEC Correlating Committee SD Meeting, February 23-26, 2016, Biloxi, MS 70E SD Meeting, July 18-21, 2016, Salt Lake City 790/791 SD Meeting, July 11, 2016 NEC Correlating Committee Meeting, August 1, 2016, NFPA, Quincy, MA Standards Council Meeting, August 2-4, 2016, NFPA, Quincy, MA

Item 13-7-7 Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm.

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NEC TCC Task Group Assignments: February 22, 2016 NEC® Correlating Committee Meeting

Task Group 1 – Occupancies (CMPs 10, 11, 14, 15, & 19) Larry Ayer – Chair Dick Owen Kevin Dressman Tim Pope Task Group 2 – Infrastructure and Signaling (CMPs 1, 3, & 16) John Kovacik – Chair Alan Manche Jim Pierce Bob McCullough

Task Group 3 – Wiring (CMPs 6, 7, 8, 17, & 18) Jim Dollard – Chair Rich Holub Ernie Gallo Roland Deike Task Group 4 – Protection (CMPs 4, 5, & 9) Vince Saporita – Chair Christine Porter Mark Ode James Brunssen Task Group 5 – Branch Circuits/Industrial (CMPs 2, 12, & 13) Palmer Hickman – Chair David Hittinger George Straniero Stan Folz

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1) NECSecondDraftMeeting:November12‐13,2015

2) Alistofmembersandguestsinattendanceisattached.3) Thefollowingguestsaddressedthepanel:

JimDollard,Arc‐flashhazardlabelforserviceequipment,13minutepresentationand1minuteQ&AsessionLarryAyer,Arc‐flashhazard label forserviceequipment,8minutepresentationand6minuteQ&Asession

4) NumberofPublicCommentsactedupon:78 5) NumberofSecondRevisionscreated:22 6) ListanyTaskGroupsappointedtoworksubsequenttotheSecondDraftMeeting,alongwiththenamesofmembersoftheTaskGroup(s):TaskGroup1:PalmerHickman,Chair;RolandDeike,ErnieGallo,PaulSood,andArkTsisserev.TG1addressed,Article90,Sections110.2through110.12,andAnnexA(16PCs).TaskGroup2:DavidHittinger,Chair;MikeJohnston,JoeMarquardt,MikeStone,JimPierce,andFrankTyler.TG2addressedGlobalCommentsandArticle100(15PCs).TaskGroup3:BillFiske,Chair;LouisBarrios,MarkChristian,Don Iverson,GaryJones,andHarrySassaman.TG3addressedSection110.26throughtheendofArticle110(19PCs).TaskGroup4:DirkMueller,Chair;MikeAnthony,JimBrunssen,DonOfferdahl,andKentSayler.TG4addressedSections110.14through110.25(19PCs).Arc Flash Label TG: Mike Anthony, Mark Christian, Palmer Hickman, Don Iverson, and JoeMarquardtdevelopedaproposedSecondRevisionandPanelStatement for somePCs involvingSection110.16(B).

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7) List any request contained in a Responses or Statement that require NEC CorrelatingCommitteeattention:PC576addressedrelocationofalldefinitionstoArticle100.NFPAStaffdiscussedthedocumentformat and consideration being given to identifying in each definition the particular CMPresponsibleforthatcontent;itwasindicatedthatthecontentandformattingwouldbeanNFPAstaffissueratherthanCMP1driven.CMP1notesthattheNECStyleManualSections2.2.2.1and2.2.2.2mayneedtobereviseddependingonthefinaldecision.PC1732addressedthedefinitionofBuildinginArticle100.ThePCwasheld.CMP1requeststhattheCorrelatingCommitteeconsidertheneedforaTaskGrouptoaddressthisdefinition.PCs531,532,and976 involvedtheterm“listedand labeled”. Thepanelheldthesecomments.CMP1 recognizes that theCorrelatingCommitteewillhave this issueaddressed throughaTaskGroup.8) The followingPublicCommentsorSecondRevisionsshouldbereferredtoanotherpanel forinformationorcorrelation:PC1618sought toaddanewdefinitionof“Dormitory” toArticle100.ThePCwasheld.CMP1understandsthatthetermisonlyusedinthe2014NECinArticle210,butthereisconsiderationinCMP18toaddanotheruseoftheterminthe2017NEC.Forthisreason,CMP1requestedthatthisPCbereferredtoCMP2andCMP18.9)TherearenoPublicCommentsorSecondRevisionsthatshouldbereferredtotheToxicityAdvisoryCommittee.

10) TherearenoPublicCommentsorSecondRevisions related tocombustibles inplenumsorotherairhandlingspaces.


12)RequestsforinformationorassistancefromtheNECCorrelatingCommittee:A number of PCs including PCs 38 and 495 addressed the designation of American NationalStandards.ThevariousPCsapproachedtheissueindifferentwaysrelativetoincluding“ANSI”aspartofthestandarddesignationandthenameofthestandarddevelopmentorganizationwithinthe designation. Consideration by the Correlating Committee of a consistent approach isrequested.13)Additionalinformation:

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SomeofthePCsinvolvingthecontentofSection110.16(B)involvedissuesabouttherelationshipbetweenthescopeoftheNECandthescopeofNFPA70E.ThisissuehadbeenraisedintheCMP1FirstDraftmeetingreport,andCMP1heardduringtheSecondDraftmeetingfromCorrelatingCommittee members that the CC had concluded that the scope issue neither required norprohibited CMP 1 from taking any specific action on the PCs involving Section 110.16(B). TheSecond Revision that was developed was intentionally crafted to focus on NEC content oninstallationissuesthatcanenablesafeworkpractices.Overall some good progress wasmade on continuing the transition to the new process andsystems. However, as discussedwithNFPA staff at themeeting, there are several issues thatgeneratedsomefrustrationandinefficienciesforthePanelmembers.First,whenmultiplePCsaffectedasingleSection, themethods fordealingwitheachCommentmost effectively were a challenge. Depending on the actions for each Comment, theeditorial/documenthierarchy,andthewaythePCwasentered,therewasacriticalstrategythatwas required tomosteffectivelymanage thebusinessof thePanel. Thishadnotbeenclear tomanyof themembers, and thus the TaskGroupworkproductswerenotdevelopedwith thatstrategy‐causingreworkinthemeeting.Additionalmeasureswouldbehelpfulgoingforwardtomake theworkmore effective and efficient. Thismay include additional training,work tools,directsupportfromNFPAstaffattheTaskGroupstage,orotherideas.Second, therewere anumberof issueswhere theComments reflected changes thatwerenotintendedorinsomecasesaccordingtoPanelmembersnotenteredthewaytheyappeared.Thisincludedadditionaltextbeingshownasstruckoutwhenthatwasclearlynottheintentionofthesubmitter.Itdidcausesomeinefficiency,especiallywhencoupledwiththemorerestrictivewaysofdealingwithmultiplePCs for a given segmentof textoutlined above. Continuedefforts toresolvethisissuewouldbebeneficial.Respectfullysubmitted,

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CMP-1 Members in attendance:

Kenneth Boyce UL LLC

Michael Anthony Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers

Roland Deike Electric Light & Power Group/EEI

Ernest Gallo Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions

Palmer Hickman International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

David Hittinger Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc.

Donald Iverson National Electrical Manufacturers Association

James Pierce Intertek Testing Services

Harry Sassaman National Electrical Contractors Association

Kent Sayler Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Mohinder Sood International Association of Electrical Inspectors

Mark Christian International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Michael Johnston National Electrical Contractors Association

Gary Jones International Association of Electrical Inspectors

Joseph Marquardt American Chemistry Council

Dirk R. F. Mueller UL LLC

Donald Offerdahl Intertek Testing Services

Michael Stone National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Frank Tyler Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Ark Tsisserev CSA/Canadian Electrical Code Committee

Staff Liaison

Nancy Pearce NFPA

Guests in Attendance:

Tim Porter City of Seattle

Bill McGovern Intertek

David Williams IAEI

Brian Rock Hubbell, Inc.

Gary Beckstand IBEW

Tim Crnko Eaton

Trevor Bowmer Telcordia ATIS

Roger McDaniel EEI

Bill Pancake IAEI

Bill Helfrich US Department of Labor

Bill McGovern Intertek

Thomas Dom… Eaton

John McCamish IBEW

James Dollard IBEW

Larry Ayer IEC

Joe Andre STI

Dave Dini UL

Paul Dobrowsky Innovative Technology Services

Christine Porter Intertek

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Michael Fontaine NESG

Randy Hunter Bussmann

Keith Lofland IAEI

Vince Saporita Eaton

Chad Duffy NFPA

Brian O’Connor NFPA

Bill Burke NFPA

Gil Moniz NFPA

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Chairman’s Report for the NEC CMP 2 1. List date(s) and location of meeting: CMP-2 full panel met from Monday November 9 to Wednesday November 11, 2015 and TG 2 met on Sunday November 8, 2015. 2. A list of members and guests in attendance is attached. 3. List names of guests addressing the Panel, the subject of their address, and the length of time they spoke: 1. Larry Ayer – Addressed the CMP on Comment No. regarding Table 220.12.

Mr. Ayer spoke for 12 minutes and there were no questions from the Panel members.

2. Kevin Lipett – Addressed the CMP on Comment No. regarding 210.12. Mr.

Lipett spoke for 10 minutes and there no questions from the Panel members. 3. Robert Simon – Addressed the CMP on Comment No. regarding 210.12. Mr.

Simon spoke for 8 minutes and was an additional 6 minutes of questions from the Panel members.

4. Number of Public Comments acted upon:__107________ 5. Number of Second Revisions created:__27_ __ 6. List any Task Groups appointed to work subsequent to the Second Draft Meeting, along with the names of members of the Task Group(s): N/A 7. List any request contained in a Panel Statement that requires NEC Correlating Committee attention: N/A 8. List any Public Comments or Second Revisions that, in your opinion, need to be referred to another TC for information or correlation: N/A 9. List any Public Comments or Second Revisions that should be referred to the Toxicity Advisory Committee: N/A 10. List all Public Comments or Second Revisions related to combustibles in plenums or other air handling spaces: N/A

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11. Identify any issues that should be brought to the attention of the NFPA Research Foundation for their input and assistance: In regards to 210.8, CMP 2 members requested the NFPA Research Foundation consider establishing a working group to identify the number of shock incidents concerning appliances. The two categories suggested were (1) the number of shock incidents that occur at the outlets for cord and plug connected appliances and (2) the number of shock incidents that occur at the appliance for hard wired (not cord and plug connected) appliances. 12. List any general requests for information or assistance from the NEC Correlating Committee: If SR 315 passes ballot I ask the Correlating Committee review the matter and consider my negative ballot comments. During the First Draft stage a task group was established, that included a member from CMP 17, to consider and, if approved, to coordinate the action to move the GFCI requirement for specific appliances to 422.5 where the GFCI requirements for other specific appliances were located. CMP 2 also made further revisions to the scope of Article 210 to clarify the article contained general the general requirements for branch circuits and that requirements for specific equipment branch circuits were located in the article coving the specific equipment. For example; in addition to moving the specific equipment, dishwashers and boat hoists to Article 422, the branch circuit requirements for electric vehicle charging were relocated to Article 625. CMP 2 voted to relocate the GFCI requirements for Boat Hoists and Dishwashers to Article 422 where all other similar requirements were already located. A minimal amount of Comments were received to bring dishwashers and boat hoists back to Article 210. Unfortunately one passed the Second Draft meeting by a narrow margin, but nevertheless it passed. Comments submitted to Panel 17 to delete boat hoists and dishwashers from 422.5 were rejected by Panel 17. If the requirements end up in both articles there will be conflicts between the two articles. The NEC CC had no negative comments during the First Draft stage regarding the relocation of specific requirements or the revisions recommended revisions to 210.1 to clarify that Article 210 only contains general purpose branch circuit requirements and that specific equipment branch circuit requirements are located in the article covering the specific equipment. I respectively ask the NEC CC members to consider supporting the First Draft meeting actions. 13. Provide any additional information that you feel would be helpful to the NEC Correlating Committee, staff, or to the process in general: N/A

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CMP-2 Members in attendance:

Mark Hilbert International Association of Electrical Inspectors

Charles Boynton American Chemistry Council

Daniel Buuck National Association of Home Builders

Steve Campolo Leviton Manufacturing Company, Inc.

Thomas Domitrovich National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Thomas Harman University of Houston-Clear Lake

Alan Manche Schneider Electric

James Mitchem Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Thomas Wood National Electrical Contractors Association

William McGovern Intertek Testing Services

David Dini UL LLC

James Imlah International Association of Electrical Inspectors

Ed Larsen Schneider Electric USA

John McCamish International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Roger McDaniel Electric Light & Power Group/EEI

Fernando Pacheco American Chemistry Council

Brian Rock National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Edward Rodriguez Indpendent Electrical Contractors, Inc.

Michael Weaver National Electrical Contractors Association

Douglas Lee US Consumer Product Safety Commission

Chris Coache NFPA

Guests in Attendance:

Scott Harding IEC

Mike O’Connell IBEW

Todd Lathrop Eaton

Vincent Dellacroce EIT Conformity Services

Frederic Hartwell Hartwell Electrical Services, Inc.

Keith Lofland IAEI

Andrew Yip Bosch

Robert Wills Intergrid, LLC

Steve Rood Legrand of North America

Robert Simon Hubbell Inc.

Joe DeBartolo Hubbell Inc

David Clements IAEI

Jack Lyons NEMA

Larry Ayer IEC

David Kendall Thomas & Betts

Don Iverson NEMA

Thomas Packard Legrand

Frank Tse Leviton

Michael Fontaine NESG

Patty Barron SQL

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Vince Saporita Eaton

Randy Hunter Eaton Bussmann

Dave Watson Southwire

Todd Lathrop Eaton

David Hewitt Siemens

Kevin Lippert Eaton Organization

Rod West Schneider Electric

Fred Small Hubbell

Gary Jones IAEI

Amy Cronin Strategic Code Solutions, LLC

Richard Loyd Steel Tube Institute

Paul Vasquez IEC

Kenneth Hengst IEC

John Masarick IEC

Joe Andre STI

David Williams IAEI

Bryan Holland NEMA

Pete Jackson IAEI

David Humphrey IAEI

David Clements IAEI

Jeff Holmes IBEW

Mark Cloutier NFPA

Richard Roux NFPA

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Panel 3 members in attendance:

Paul J. Casparro, Chair International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Douglas P. Bassett Electronic Security Association

Larry G. Brewer Intertek Testing Services

William A. Brunner National Electrical Contractors Association

Steven D. Burlison Electric Light & Power Group/EEI

Shane M. Clary Automatic Fire alarm Association, Inc.

Ray R. Keden Building Industry Consulting Services International

T. David Mills Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Steven J. Owen Associated Builders & Contractors

Susan Newman Scearce International Association of Electrical Inspectors

Susan L. Stene UL LLC

Richard S. Anderson Building Industry Consulting Services International

Jorge L. Arocha Electric Light & Power Group/EEI

Sanford E. Egesdal Automatic Fire Alarm Association, Inc.

Michael J. Farrell, III International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Mark C. Ode UL LLC

George A. Straniero National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Joseph J. Wages, Jr. International Association of Electrical Inspectors

Guests in attendance:

Brian Holland NEMA

Lemuel Jackson NEMA

Rick Foster IES

Randy Ivans Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.

John Kovacik Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.

NFPA staff in attendance:

Janna Shapiro NFPA

Laura Montville NFPA

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NEC CMP - 4 Chairman’s Report


1) Date(s) and location of meeting: November 1st

through November 5th 2015, San Diego,California

2) List names of guests in attendance: See attached Guest Sign-in Sheets

3) List names of guests addressing the Panel, the subject of their address, and

the length of time they spoke: (1) Hannes Knopf – SMA Solar Technology

spoke for 5 minutes on 690-12 Rapid Shut Down. (2) Scott Humphrey –

Senior Electrical Inspector for the County of Los Angeles spoke for 5

minutes on 690.12 Rapid Shut Down. (3)Steve Pisklak with The Dow

Chemical Company spoke for 5 minutes on the “ Dow Solar Shingle”

product and how it’s use may help with complying with 690.12 Rapid Shut

Down. (4) Natalia Larrimer with ANAB Business Development and

Regulatory Affairs spoke for 5 minutes on National Accreditation. ( See

attached copy of the Business Cards )

4) Number of Public Comments acted upon: 291

5) Number of Second Revisions created: 103

6) List any Task Groups appointed to work subsequent to the Second Draft

Meeting, along with the names of members of the Task Group(s): See the

attached Task Groups, the Chairs and Members.

7) List any request contained in a Responses or Statement that require NEC

Correlating Committee attention: (1) SR-928, Section 690.1 Scope Change. (2)

SR-975, Section 691.1 Scope Change. (3) SR-999, Section 692.1 Scope

Change. (4) SR-922, Section 694.1 Scope Change.

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8) List any Public Comments or Second Revisions, in your opinion, that needs

to be referred to another TC for information or correlation: (1) SR 918,

Definition of “Field Labeled” to Article 100. (2) SR-991, Definition of “Stand

Alone System” to Article 100.

9) List any Public Comments or Second Revisions that should be referred to

the Toxicity Advisory Committee: None

10) List all PCs or SRs related to combustibles in plenums or other air

handling spaces: None

11) Identify any issues that should be brought to the attention of the NFPA

Research Foundation for their input and assistance: None

12) List any general requests for information or assistance from the NEC

Correlating Committee: None

13) Provide any additional information that you feel would be helpful to the

NEC Correlating Committee, staff, or to the process in general: None

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Panel 4 members in attendance:

Ronald J. Toomer National Electrical Contractors Association

Malcolm Allison National Electrical Manufactures Association

Ward I. Bower Solar Energy Industries Association

Bill Brooks Photovolataic Industry Code Council

Thomas E. Buchal Intertek Testing Services

James G. Cialdea InterNational Electrical Testing Association

Todd Fries Hellermann Tyton

Mark D. Gibbs Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Roger D. McDaniel Electric Light & Power Group/EEI

Matthew Paiss International Association of Fire Fighters

David Picatti Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc.

James J. Rogers International Association of Electrical Inspectors

Rebecca Templet American Chemistry Council

Wendell Whistler International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Robert H. Wills American Wind Energy Association

Stephen Wurmlinger Large-Scale Solar Association Timothy P. Zgonena UL LLC

Larry D. Cogburn National Electrical Contractors Association

Jason Fisher Solar Energy Industries Association

Lee Kraemer Large-Scale Solar Association

Rhonda Parkhurst International Association of Electrical Inspectors

Robert Preus American Wind Energy Association

Karl Reighard Electric Light & Power Group/EEI

Patrick G. Salas National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Stephen W. Douglas CSA Canadian Electrical Code Committee

Staff Liaison:

Barry Chase NFPA

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Chairman’s Report for the NEC CMP 5

1) Date(s) and location of meeting: November 9-10, 2015. Sheraton Bay tower, San Diego, California

2) List names of guests in attendance:

see sign in sheets

3) List names of guests addressing the Panel, the subject of their address, and the length of

time they spoke: Robert Torbin of Cutting Edge Solutions spoke to the panel in support of PC 704 on November 10 for 15 minutes.

4) Number of Pubic Inputs acted upon:

101 (verify with Barry Chase) and 2 First Revisions referred by the Correlating Committee

5) Number of Second Revisions created:

38 (verify with Barry Chase)

6) List any Task Groups appointed to work subsequent to the Second Draft Meeting, along with the names of members of the Task Group(s): None

7) List any request contained in a Responses or Statement that require NEC Correlating Committee attention: None

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8) List any Public Inputs or First Revisions, in your opinion, that needs to be referred to another TC for information or correlation: None

9) List any Public Inputs or First Revisions that should be referred to the Toxicity Advisory Committee: None

10) List all PCs or SRs related to combustibles in plenums or other air handling spaces: None

11) Identify any issues that should be brought to the attention of the NFPA Research Foundation for their input and assistance: None 12) List any general requests for information or assistance from the NEC Correlating Committee: In reviewing FR 1024 referred by the CC, the TC found that terminology related to grounding and bonding in Article 690 is often not used in accordance with the definitions. In the 2014 revision cycle the CC appointed a joint task group consisting of members of Panel 4 and Panel 5 to discuss grounding issues in Article 690. The recommendations of the Task Group were not consistently followed. Panel 5 believes that with few exceptions the provisions of Article 250 are adequate to address the installation of PV systems and asks the CC to assist in bringing consistency in the use and application of terms and installation practices related to grounding and bonding of solar photovoltaic systems. 13) Provide any additional information that you feel would be helpful to the NEC Correlating Committee, staff, or to the process in general: At the end of the meeting, some members of Panel 5 asked for a straw poll regarding adding labeling requirements for listed products throughout the code to provide information to the CC about their views. The result of the informal poll was a vote of 9-7 in favor of requiring labeling as a general rule.

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Some members of Panel 5 asked that their difficulties cutting and pasting from the First Draft Report be reported to NFPA. Our limited testing revealed that TerraView does not work the same way on different systems running the same version of Firefox so that some members were able to cut and paste from the First draft Report and others were not. The chair was asked to report this to NFPA. The chair wishes to call attention to the lack of attendance of committee member Fred Song who has attended one meeting in the two revision cycles he has been a member. The chair has received no communications from this member regarding his lack of attendance. Finally, the chair and members of the committee wish to commend Barry Chase on his outstanding work as our staff liaison. His ability to navigate between TerraView and Word, as well his general understanding of the use of the Windows OS, were a refreshing change from the past. He was able to quickly catch the drift of the conversation and translate it into draft panel statements or code text for our review which greatly facilitated our rapid progress through the work. He handled the capriciousness of the committee with aplomb and good humor and was a pleasure to work with.

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Panel 5 members in attendance:

Nathan Phillips National Electrical Contractors Association

Gary A. Beckstrand International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Trevor N. Bowmer Alliance for Telecommunications Industry

David Brender Copper Development Association Inc.

Martin J. Brett, Jr. Steel Tube Institute of North America

Paul Dobrowsky American Chemistry Council

G. Scott Harding Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc.

Joseph Harding Power Tool Institute

William J. Helfrich US Department of Labor

Charles F. Mello UL LLC

Daleep C. Mohla Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Mike O’Meara Electric Light & Power Group/EEI

Charles J. Palmieri International Association of Electrical Inspectors

Christine T. Porter Intertek Testing Services

Nick Sasso State of Wyoming

Gregory J. Steinman National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Paul Picard The Aluminum Association, Inc.

Joseph Andre Steel Tube Institute of North America

Derrick Atkins International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Ernest Gallo Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions

Ronald Lai National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Bobby Gray National Electrical Contractors Association

William Pancake International Association of Electrical Inspectors

Phil Simmons Copper Development Association, Inc.

David B. Stump Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc.

Robert A. Nelson Canadian Standards Association

Staff Liaisons:

Chad Duffy NFPA

Barry Chase NFPA

Guests in Attendance:

John Masarick IEC

Pierre Liberatore CCBDA

Bob Torbin Omega Flex

Don Iverson NEMA

Keith Lofland IAEI

Randy Hunter Bussmann

R. Steven Jones IAEI

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David Campbell AA

Joe Marquardt ACC

Travis Lindsey TLCS Inc.

Pete Jackson IAEI

Frank A. Belio, Jr. IUEC

Jay Burris STI/Wheatland

David Williams IAEI

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Chairman’s Report for NEC CMP-7


1) NEC SD Meeting: November 12, 2015

2) A list of members and guests in attendance is attached. 3) List names of guests addressing the Panel, the subject of their address, and

the length of time they spoke: Randy Storch and Tony Beam, Flat Conductor Cable installations under laminate flooring addressed the panel for 10 Minutes.

4) Number of Public Comments acted upon: 39 5) Number of Second Revisions created: 15 6) List any Task Groups appointed to work subsequent to the Second Draft Meeting, along with the names of members of the Task Group(s): Task Group 1: Christel Hunter, George Staniero, Dennis Nielson, Gregory Runyon, J. Richard Barker, Richard Bennett, Timothy Earl, Michael Smith, Chris Fahrenthold and Dave Mercier. Task Group 2: Wesley Wheeler, Herman Hall, Samuel LaDart, Ronald Nickson, Terry Cromer, John Ray, Keith Owensby, Kevin Porter, Irozenell Pruitt, Susan Stene and Allen Turner. 7) List any request contained in a Responses or Statement that require NEC Correlating Committee attention: None

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8) List any Public Comments or Second Revisions, in your opinion, that needs to be referred to another TC for information or correlation: CMP-14 approved Type TC-ER Cable to be used in a hazardous location in Sections 501.10(A)(1)(f) and 505.15(B)(1)(i). CMP-7 has evaluated both the proposals and information provided by manufacturers of Type TC cable, and the added language to 336.10 that will provide guidance to users of Type TC for the allowed uses in hazardous locations for the 2017 NEC. Technical substantiation was submitted to the panel indicating that many of the hazardous materials will have an adverse effect on commercially available jacketing materials. 9) List any Public Comments or Second Revisions that should be referred to the Toxicity Advisory Committee: None

10) List all Public Comments and Second Revisions related to combustibles in plenums or other air handling spaces: None

11) Identify any issues that should be brought to the attention of the NFPA Research Foundation for their input and assistance: CMP-7 has request additional research be provided for Type-SE Cable and the effects on the cable when installed I thermal insulation. This is a similar request from previous CMP-7 Chair reports. 12) List any general requests for information or assistance from the NEC Correlating Committee: CMP-14 approved Type TC-ER Cable to be used in a hazardous location in Sections 501.10(A)(1)(f) and 505.15(B)(1)(i). The Panel has evaluated both the proposals and information provided by manufacturers of Type TC cable, and the added language to 336.10 will provide guidance to users of Type TC for the allowed uses in hazardous locations for the 2017 NEC. Technical substantiation was submitted to the panel indicating that many of the hazardous materials will have an adverse effect on commercially available jacketing materials. 13) Provide any additional information that you feel would be helpful to the NEC Correlating Committee, staff, or to the process in general:

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CMP-7 voted during the Public Input Stage and the Public Comment Stage to include the cable wiring methods to be Listed and Labeled. This will allow installers and enforcers of the code to know they are installing products that have been properly evaluated for there use in the field. Respectfully Submitted

David Williams ChairCMP-7

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Chairman’s Report for the NEC CMP 8


1) Date(s) and location of meeting: November 9th

2015, San Diego California

2) List names of guests in attendance: Bryan P. Holland-NEMA, Lemvel

Jackson-STI, Christel Hunter-General Cable, Bill Burke-NFPA, Davis

Clements-IAEI, Elaine Thompson=Allied Tube. ( Guest Sign-In Sheet is


3) List names of guests addressing the Panel, the subject of their address, and

the length of time they spoke: Christel Hunter with Allied Tube spoke on

Second Revision 2110- Section number 370.80 to clarify the allowable

ampacities for cables incorporated in cablebus assemblies.

4) Number of Public Comments acted upon: 35

5) Number of Second Revisions created: 11

6) List any Task Groups appointed to work subsequent to the Second Draft

Meeting, along with the names of members of the Task Group(s): See the

attached Task Groups, the Chairs and Members.

7) List any request contained in a Responses or Statement that require NEC

Correlating Committee attention: None

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8) List any Public Comments or Second Revisions, in your opinion, that needs

to be referred to another TC for information or correlation: None

9) List any Public Comments or Second Revisions that should be referred to

the Toxicity Advisory Committee: None

10) List all PCs or SRs related to combustibles in plenums or other air

handling spaces: None

11) Identify any issues that should be brought to the attention of the NFPA

Research Foundation for their input and assistance: None

12) List any general requests for information or assistance from the NEC

Correlating Committee: None

13) Provide any additional information that you feel would be helpful to the

NEC Correlating Committee, staff, or to the process in general: None

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LarryD.Cogburn NationalElectricalContractorsAssociation

DavidF.Allen ElectricLight&PowerGroup/EEI

DavidM.Campbell TheAluminumAssociation,Inc.

DavidA.Gerstetter ULLLC

KennethW.Hengst IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

PeteJackson InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

DavidH.Kendall TheVinylInstitute

RichardE.Loyd SteelTubeInstituteofNorthAmerica

PaulW.Myers InstituteofElectricalandElectronics,Inc.

MichaelMartin AmericanChemistryCouncil

DonaldR.Offerdahl IntertekTestingServices

RhettA.Roe IBEWLocalUnion26JATC

RodneyJ.West NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

RichardJ.Berman ULLLC

RachelGuenther TheVinylInstitute

J.GrantHammett InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

RaymondW.Horner SteelTubeInstituteofNorthAmerica

StephenP.Poholski NationalElectricalContractorsAssociation

DanRodriguez InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

FredericF.Small NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

RaulL.Vasquez IndependentElectricalContractors

StephenDouglas CSA/CanadianElectricalCodeCommittee


DaveWatson AluminumAssociation

BryonHolland NEMA

LemuelJackson STI

ChristelHunter GeneralCable

DavidClements IAEI

BillBurke NFPA


MarkCloutier NFPA

ChadDuffy NFPA

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Chairman’s Report for NEC CMP 9____David G. Humphrey Chair_____________.

1) NEC SD Meeting: San Diego, California 11-9-15/ 11-10-15

2) A list of members and guests in attendance is attached. 3) List names of guests addressing the Panel, the subject of their address, and the

length of time they spoke: 11/9/15 - 10:00-10:15 Larry Cogburn addressed the panel concerning the testing performed on series 8000 aluminum conductor bending. 4) Number of Public Comments acted upon: 74 5) Number of Second Revisions created: 18 6) List any Task Groups appointed to work subsequent to the Second Draft Meeting, along with the names of members of the Task Group(s): B. Hornberger – Task group Chair K. Miller K.Crawford R. Osborne This task group will review PC 1370 and clarify panel 9’s position with regard to defining more clearly the terminology contained in section 490.48(B) and make a recommendation to the CMP concerning the appropriate action on PC 1370. The second revision action was to “Reject but Hold”. 7) List any request contained in a Responses or Statement that require NEC Correlating Committee attention: Second Revision 2407. Section 314.28(E)(1) CMP 9 understands that Correlating Committee task group action with regard to the possibility of a global change adding “and labeled” after the word “listed” is forthcoming. CMP 9 awaits CC task group action before inserting “and labeled” after the word listed in the first sentence of this section.

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8) List any Public Comments or Second Revisions, in your opinion, that needs to be referred to another TC for information or correlation: N/A

9) List any Public Comments or Second Revisions that should be referred to the Toxicity Advisory Committee: N/A

10) List all Public Comments and Second Revisions related to combustibles in plenums or other air handling spaces: N/A

11) Identify any issues that should be brought to the attention of the NFPA Research Foundation for their input and assistance: N/A 12) List any general requests for information or assistance from the NEC Correlating Committee: N/A 13) Provide any additional information that you feel would be helpful to the NEC Correlating Committee, staff, or to the process in general: N/A

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DavidG.Humphrey InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

RodneyD.Belisle InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

KevinJ.Breen IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

BillyBreitkreutz AssociatedBuilders&Contractors

WayneBrinkmeyer NationalElectricalContractorsAssociation

FredericP.Hartwell HartwellElectricalServices,Inc.

BarryN.Hornberger ElectricLight&PowerGroup/EEI

KevinR.Miller IntertekTestingServices

RobertD.Osborne ULLLC

BradfordD.Rupp NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

GregoryA.Bowman NationalElectricalContractorsAssociation

KennethS.Crawford AmericanChemistryCouncil

KenFilips IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

L.KeithLofland InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

MichaelO’Connell InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

RonnieH.Ridgeway NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation


AmyB.Cronin StrategicCodeSolutions,LLC

PattyBarron SafetyQuickLight

MichaelD.Fontaine NationalElectricalSafetyGroup

LarryCogburn NECA

JohnMasarick IEC

JackLyons NEMA

RandyHunter Bussmann

SteveDonovan QPS

DavidClements IAEI

DaveWatson Southwire

RichardRoux NFPA

BillBurke NFPA

JeffSargent NFPA


NancyPearce NFPA

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Chairman’s Report for the NEC CMP-10Julian Burns Chairman

1) Date(s) and location of meeting:Monday, November 2, 2015

2) List names of guests in attendance:Keith Lofland-IAEIEd Larsen-Schneider Electric/Square DKim Shea-NFPA StaffTim McClintoc-NFPA StaffDon Iverson-NEMABill Burk-NFPA StaffJohn Masrick-IECMark Cloutier NFPA StaffMike Johnston-NECAGeorge Ockuly-Bussmann/RetiredPalmer Hickman-IBEW

3) List names of guests addressing the Panel, the subject of their address, andthe length of time they spoke:James A. Erickson with Boltswitch, Inc, PC’s covering NEC Section240.67, Spoke for 20 minutes.

4) Number of Pubic Inputs acted upon: 27

5) Number of First Revisions created: 2

6) List any Task Groups appointed to work subsequent to the Second DraftMeeting, along with the names of members of the Task Group(s):


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7) List any request contained in a Responses or Statement that require NECCorrelating Committee attention:


8) List any Public Inputs or First Revisions, in your opinion, that needs to bereferred to another TC for information or correlation:


9) List any Public Inputs or First Revisions that should be referred to theToxicity Advisory Committee:


10) List all PCs or SRs related to combustibles in plenums or other airhandling spaces:


11) Identify any issues that should be brought to the attention of the NFPAResearch Foundation for their input and assistance:

Cmp-10 requests that the NFPA Research Foundation initiate a study todetermine what incident energy level, if any, would be an acceptableexposure level for a worker per the installation code NFPA 70 (NEC).

12) List any general requests for information or assistance from the NECCorrelating Committee:


13) Provide any additional information that you feel would be helpful to theNEC Correlating Committee, staff, or to the process in general:None

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JulianBurns IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

ScottBlizard InterNationalElectricalTestingAssociation

DennisDarling InstituteofElectrical&ElectronicsEngineers,Inc.

JamesDollard,Jr. InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

CarlFredericks AmericanChemistryCouncil

JeffreyHidaka UnderwritersLaboratories,Inc.

KennethRempe NationalElectricalManufacturer’sAssociation

VinceSaportia Eaton’sBussmannBusiness

RichardSobel NationalElectricalContractorsAssociation

ChristopherVance ElectricLight&PowerGroup/EEI

ChristopherJensen InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

KevinLippert EatonCorporation

RichardLofton,II InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

AlanManche NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

KathleenMcKitish ElectricLight&PowerGroup/EEI

BruceRockwell InterNationalElectricalTestingAssociation

SteveStruble IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

StevenTownsend InstituteofElectrical&ElectronicsEngineers,Inc.


KeithLofland IAEI

JamesErickson Boltswitch

EdLarsen SchneiderElectricUSA

DonIverson NEMA

JohnMasarick IEC

MikeJohnston NECA

GeorgeOakley Eaton

PalmerHickman IBEW

TimMcClintock NFPA

BillBurke NFPA


MarkCloutier NFPA

KimShea NFPA

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1) NECSecondDraftMeeting,SanDiegoNovember5,6,7,2015–plannedNovember5,2015‐actual

2) Alistofmembersandguestsinattendanceisattached.

3) Thefollowingguestsaddressedthepanel:AmyCronin,PattyBarron,MichaelFontaine.15minutes.PC#668Section430.109(F).4) NumberofPublicCommentsactedupon:23 5) NumberofSecondRevisionscreated:5 6)TherewerenoTaskGroupsappointedtoworksubsequenttotheSecondDraftMeeting.








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JohnM.Thompson ULLLC

LuisM.Bas IntertekTestingServices

TerryD.Cole IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

ZivoradCosic ABBInc.

JamesM.Fahey InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

StanleyJ.Folz NationalElectricalContractorsAssociation

PaulE.Guidry AssociatedBuilders&Contractors

ArthurS.Neubauer AmericanPetroleumInstitute

GeorgeJ.Ockuly TechnicalMarketingConsultants

RonWidup InterNationalElectricalTestingAssociation

ArthurJ.Smith,III InstituteofElectrical&ElectronicsEngineers,Inc.

JamesR.Wright NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

JohnE.Cabaniss AmericanChemistryCouncil

SethJ.Carlton ULLLC

GregoryJ.Clement AssociatedBuilders&Contractors

TimHinson NationalElectricalContractorsAssociation

RodneyB.Jones InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

TimLaLonde IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

EdLarsen NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

VincentJ.Saporita Eaton’sBussmannBusiness

CarlTimothyWall ElectricLight&PowerGroup/EEI


StephenJackson EL&P/EEI

MikeStone NEMA

JasonCange Siemens

JohnMasarick IEC

MichaelFontaine NESG/SQL

PattyBarron SQL

MarkCloutier NFPA


ChadDuffy NFPA

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Chairman’s Report for NEC CMP ______________________________________________

1) NEC SD Meeting: November 12 and 13, 2015

2) A list of members and guests in attendance is attached. (I assume the liaison gave you this) 3) List names of guests addressing the Panel, the subject of their address,

and the length of time they spoke: Gary Eldridge/Craig Rodine regarding (625) Electrical vehicle cords. Spoke for about 15 minutes on Friday, 13 November.

4) Number of Public Comments acted upon: 90

5) Number of Second Revisions created: 48

6) List any Task Groups appointed to work subsequent to the Second Draft Meeting, along with the names of members of the Task Group(s): None

7) List any request contained in a Responses or Statement that require NEC Correlating Committee attention: In regard to PC 1301 and in other places in the Code : resolve standardized NEC uses of the terms : short-circuit, ground-fault, and available fault current. - especially as related to : current available for a fault, equipment withstand capability, and type of fault occurrence. There is significant confusion as to their correct use. In regard to PC 1832 625.1 Informational Note No. 3 - There is no UL 2750 publication.

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8) List any Public Comments or Second Revisions, in your opinion, that needs to be referred to another TC for information or correlation:

9) List any Public Comments or Second Revisions that should be referred to the Toxicity Advisory Committee:

10) List all Public Comments and Second Revisions related to combustibles in plenums or other air handling spaces:

11) Identify any issues that should be brought to the attention of the NFPA Research Foundation for their input and assistance: 12) List any general requests for information or assistance from the NEC Correlating Committee: 13) Provide any additional information that you feel would be helpful to the NEC Correlating Committee, staff, or to the process in general:

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ScottCline NationalElectricalContractorsAssociation

FrankAnthonyBelio InternationalUnionofElevatorConstructors

JeffreyW.Blain NationalElevatorIndustry,Inc.

JamesL.Brown ElectricLight&PowerGroup/EEI

ThomasR.Brown IntertekTestingServices

PhilipClark InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

KarlM.Cunningham TheAluminumAssociation,Inc.

JeffreyL.Holmes InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

AngeloG.Horiates NavyCraneCenter

RobertE.Johnson InformationTechnologyIndustryCouncil

StanleyKaufman SocietyofthePlasticsIndustry,Inc.

JohnR.Kovacik ULLLC

ToddF.Lottmann NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

JeffreyS.Menig SAEHybrid/EVTechnicalStandardsCommittee

DukeW.Schamel IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

ArthurE.Schlueter,Jr. AmericanPipeOrganBuilders

RobertTurner InductothermCorporation

JosephM.Bablo ULLLC

WilliamB.Crist,Jr. IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

JodyB.Greenwood NavyCraneCenter

JohnD.Henderson NationalElevatorIndustry,Inc.

Toddr.Konieczny IntertekTestingServices

JosephF.Prisco InformationTechnologyIndustryCouncil

EmadTabatabaei InductothermCorporation

JamesTarchinski SAEHybrid/EVTechnicalStandards

FrankTse NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

PhillipJ.Yehl InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors


StanFolz NECA

VinceDellacroce IBEW

MichaelOwen NECA

ThomasPapallo Siemens

DavidHewitt Siemens

SteveRood LegrandNorthAmerica

BryanHolland NEMA

KennethBrown Leviton

GaryEldridge Chargepoint,Inc.

MeganGriffith NFPA


DanGorham NFPA

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1|P a g e


Name Organization/Representation

LindaLittle IBEWLocal1ElectriciansJATC

MartinAdams NationalElectricalContractorsAssociation

GeorgeBrandon PortableGeneratorManufacturers

DanielCaron Bard,Rao+AthanasConsultingEngineers,LLC

RichardCurrin,Jr. AmericanSocietyofa*gricultural&BiologicalEngineers

NeilCzarnecki NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

JamesDegnan AmericanSocietyforHealthcareEngineering

StevenFroemming InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

RonaldKeenan IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

DanielNeeser Eaton’sBussmannDivision


ShawnPaulsen CSAGroup

ArnoldoRodriguez AmericanChemistryCouncil

MichaelSavage CityofRioRancho

MarioSpina InstituteofElectrical&ElectronicsEngineers,Inc.

DavidTobias,Jr. IntertekTestingServices

KendallWaterman CopperDevelopmentAssociation,Inc.

TimothyWindey CumminsPowerGeneration

LawrenceAyer IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

KristaMcDonaldBiason AmericanSocietyforHealthcareEnginnering

WilliamCantor InstituteofElectrical&ElectronicsEngineers,Inc.

TimothyCrnko Eaton’sBussmannBusiness

HerbertDaughterty ElectricalGeneratingSystemsAssociaton

JamesDollard InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

LawrenceForshner Bard,Rao+AthanasConsultingEngineers,LLC

TravisFoster AmericanChemistryCouncil

RobertJordan ElectricLight&PowerGroup/EEI

ChadKennedy NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

JohnKovacik ULLLC

GregMarchand PortableGeneratorManufacturers’Association

MichaelWilson CSAGroup


BillOtterson SHERMCOInc.

BarbaraMentzer IAEI

MikeSnyder TeslaMotors

PaulUndercuffler OutbackPower

MikeStone NEMA

TimothyPorter CityofSeattle

DavidClements IAEI

JeffJonas GeneralPowerSystems

RogerMcDaniel EEI

JackLyons NEMA

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2|P a g e

JohnMasarick IEC

KenBoyce UL

PalmerHickman UL

MarkChristian IBEW

BarryHornberger PECOEnergyCompany

VinceDellacroce ETIConformityServices

KeithLofland IAEI

GaryJones IAEI



LauraMontville NFPA

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RobertA.Jones IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

HaroldG.Alexander ElectricLight&PowerGroup/EEI

DonaldW.Ankele ULLLC

MarcJ.Bernsen NationalElectricalContractorsAssociation

StevenJ.Blais NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

MarkGoodman AmericanPetroleumInstitute

HaywoodKines InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

WilliamG.Lawrence,Jr. FMGlobal

L.EvansMassey Instrumentation,Systems,&AutomationSociety

WilliamE.McBride InstituteofElectrical&ElectronicsEngineers,Inc.

JeremyNeagle USBureauofAlcohol,Tobacco,Firearms&Explosives

RyanParks IntertekTestingServices

JohnL.Simmons InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

DavidB.Wechsler AmericanChemistryCouncil

MarkC.Wirfs GrainElevatorandProcessingSociety

DaveBurns AmericanPetroleumInstitute

LarryBurns IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

ThomasE.Dunne InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

MitchFeininger InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

AndrewHernandez InstituteofElectrical&ElectronicsEngineers,Inc.

RichardA.Holub AmericanChemistryCouncil

EdmundR.Leubner NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

ArkadyLevi ElectricLight&PowerGroup/EEI

EddieRamirez FMGlobal

MichaelAaron TConAirportFacilitiesJENSONHUGHES

TimothyJ.Pope CanadianStandardsAssociation


JeffBurris SteelTubeInstituteofNorthAmerica

ElaineThompson AlliedTube

ChristelHunter GeneralCable

SteveTrapp ChristensonElectrical

TimWaters GeneralCable

RichardLoyd SteelTubeInstituteofNorthAmerica

JeffShapiro InternationalCodesConsultant

EricSmith InternationalInstituteofAmmoniaFefr.

RichardBarker GeneralCable

BryanHolland NEMA

DaveWatson Southwire

JohnMasarick IEC

PattyBarron SafetyQuickLighting&Fans

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DavidCampbell AluminumAssociaton

AmyCronin StrategicCodeConsultants,LLC

LemuelJackson STI

MichaelFontaine NESG

DavidClements IAEI

KenHengst IEC

MarkCloutier NFPA

BillBurke NFPA


DerekVigstol NFPA

GilMoniz NFPA

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NEC CMP 16 Chairman’s Report

1) Date(s) and location of meeting: Nov. 11- 13, 2015 San Diego, Ca.

2) A List of members and guests in attendance is attached. 3) List names of guests addressing the Panel, the subject of their address, and the

length of time they spoke: Name Organization Subject Time

Stanley Kaufman Speaking for Terry Peters

SPI POE Cables and NEC 840.160

20 Minutes

Randy Ivans UL Fact Finding Investigation on LP Cables PC 1441

25 Minutes

Chris Dimimco MD Communications

Conductor Ampacity 4 – Pair Communications Cable PC 1441

24 Minutes

Robert Jensen dbi-Telecommunicstion Infrastructure Design

PC 1441 16 Minutes

Dan Kennefick Daikin America, Inc.

PC 1441 6 Minutes

Roy Kusuma General Cable Corp.

Section 840.160 PC 1640

3 Minutes

4) Number of Public Comments acted upon: 140 5) Number of Second Revisions created: 54

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6) List any Task Groups appointed to work subsequent to the Second Draft Meeting, along with the names of members of the Task Group(s): TG 1 Global PCs

TG 2 Article 770 PCs

TG 3 Article 800 PCs

TG 4 Articles 810 & 820 PCs

TG 5 Article 830 PCs

TG 6 Article 840 PCs

SD Final Report TG

Jim Brunssen Chair

William McCoy Chair

Harry Ohde Chair

George Bish Chair

Stanley Kaufman Chair

Terry Coleman Chair

William McCoy Chair

Harry Ohde

Timothy Cooke

Jack McNamara

Jim Brunssen

George Bish

Eric Lawrence

Jim Brunssen

Randy Ivans

Thomas Parrish

Anthony Tassone

John Kacperski

Terry Coleman

Trevor Bowmer

Harry Ohde

Larry Chan

Michael Murphy

David Schrembeck

Douglas Pirkle

Rendell Bourg

Rodger Reiswig

George Bish

Gerald Dorna

George Bish

Robert Jensen

Leo Zieman

Fred Dawson

Larry Chan

Stanley Kaufman

Robert Jensen

Steve Johnson

Steve Johnson

Timothy Cooke

Terry Coleman

Randy Ivans

7) List any request contained in a Responses or Statement that require NEC Correlating Committee attention: None

8) List any Public Inputs or First Revisions, in your opinion, that needs to be referred to another TC for information or correlation: None

9) List any Public Inputs or First Revisions that should be referred to the Toxicity Advisory Committee: None

10) List all PCs or SRs related to combustibles in plenums or other air handling spaces: None

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11) Identify any issues that should be brought to the attention of the NFPA Research Foundation for their input and assistance: None

12) List any general requests for information or assistance from the NEC Correlating Committee: CMP 16 member Thomas Parrish request it be noted on the record that Stanley Kaufman has admitted and quoted to be a Ghost Writer. Please issue a ruling as the Correlating Committee or from the Standards Council if a Technical Committee member is permitted to engage as a Ghost Writer. As CMP 16 Panel Chair there have been multiple inquiries and/or concerns as whether a Technical Committee member is permitted to act as a Ghost Writer submitting pubic inputs and/or public comments for multiple individuals. 13) Provide any additional information that you feel would be helpful to the NEC Correlating Committee, staff, or to the process in general: None

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ThomasE.Moore InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

GeorgeBish SatelliteBroadcasting&CommunicationsAssociation

JamesE.Brunssen AllianceforTelecommunicationsIndustry

FredC.Dawson AmericanChemistryCouncil

GeraldDorna InsulatedCableEngineersAssociation,Inc.

RandolphJ.Ivans ULLLC

RobertW.Jensen BuildingIndustryConsultingServicesInternational

StevenC.Johnson NationalCable&TelecommunicationsAssociation

WilliamJ.McCoy InstituteofElectricalandElectronicsEngineers,Inc.

MichaelF.Murphy IntertekTestingServices

HaroldC.Ohde InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

ThomasJ.Parrish AutomaticFireAlarmAssociation,Inc.

W.DouglasPirkle NationalElectricalContractorsAssociation

LuigiG.Prezioso IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

LeoZieman ElectricLight&PowerGroup/EEI

EricLawrence TelecommunicationsIndustryAssociation

RendellK.Bourg AutomaticFireAlarmAssociation,Inc.

TrevorN.Bowmer AllianceforTelecommunicationsIndustry

LarryChan InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

TerryC.Coleman InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

TimothyD.Cooke NationalCable&TelecommunicationsAssociation

JohnKacperski BuildingIndustryConsultingServicesInternational

StanleyKaufman InsulatedCableEngineersAssociation,Inc.

RodgerReiswig SimplexGrinnell/NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

DavidB.Schrembeck IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

AnthonyTassone ULLLC


MatthiasWendt PhilipsResearch

ChrisDiminco MCCommunication

GeorgeZimmerman CMEConsulting

Lennart… PhilipsElectronics

JoelGoergen CiscoSystems

RoyKusuma GeneralCableCorporation

DanKennefick DaikinAmerica

BryonHolland NEMA

KurtSeeliger SBCA

SteveHill SBCA

RickFoster IES

JamesDollard IBEW

PalmerHickman IBEW

VinceSaporita Eaton

ChristelHunter GeneralCable

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JoeWagesJr. IAEI

S.E.Egesdal EgesdalAssociates

TerryWard Leviton

T.DavidMills T.DavidMillsAssociates,LLC

MichaelW.Smith NECA

MitchHefter Philips

MarkC.Ode UL

RichardRoux NFPA

GilMoniz NFPA

JacquelynDoucette NFPA

LynnLupo NFPA

EdConlin NFPA

TimMcClintock NFPA

MarkCloutier NFPA


ChrisCoache NFPA

SoniaBarbosa NFPA

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NEC CMP 17 Chairman’s Report

1) NEC SD Meeting: Task Group Meeting on November 1, 2015. Committee Meeting November 2-3, 2015.

2) A list of members and guests in attendance is attached. See roster kept during meeting.

3) List names of guests addressing the Panel, the subject of their address, and the length

of time they spoke: Amy Cronin and Michael Fountain; Topic PC 662 & 663; Time 15 minutes. 4) Number of Public Comments acted upon: 53 5) Number of Second Revisions created: 30 6) List any Task Groups appointed to work subsequent to the Second Draft Meeting, along with the names of members of the Task Group(s): Three TG’s were utilized during the 2017 process. Those TG’s have been maintained to begin work on the 2020 NEC cycle. TG-1 is Chaired by Tom Blewitt. Responsible for Article 422. TG-2 is chaired by Mike Querry. Responsible for Heating Equipment Articles. TG-3 is chaired by Randy Hunter. Responsible for Articles 680 & 682.

7) List any request contained in a Responses or Statement that require NEC Correlating Committee attention: See Panel statement on SR 4806

8) List any Public Comments or Second Revisions, in your opinion, that needs to be referred to another TC for information or correlation: NA

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9) List any Public Comments or Second Revisions that should be referred to the Toxicity Advisory Committee: NA

10) List all Public Comments and Second Revisions related to combustibles in plenums or other air handling spaces: NA

11) Identify any issues that should be brought to the attention of the NFPA Research Foundation for their input and assistance: Need for Pool Bonding project remains.

12) List any general requests for information or assistance from the NEC Correlating Committee: Recommend a correlation effort for overlapping scope and requirements between Article 682 and Articles 553 & 555. A joint TG of CMP-17 and CMP-19 would be useful. 13) Provide any additional information that you feel would be helpful to the NEC Correlating Committee, staff, or to the process in general: CC has appointed TG to address the “listing and labeling” issue. CMP-17 acted on that issue on PC’s 1250, 1251, 1252, 1302, 1303, 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1311, and 1313. That resulted in revisions in SR 4802, 4808, 4814, 4815, 4816, 4818, 4819, 4820, 4821, 4822, 4823, 4824, 4825, 4826, 4827, and 4830. CMP-17 members realized during ballot stage the current text in 680.23 (F) (1) does not correlate with other Article 680 text for low voltage pool lights. Other locations evolved from “transformers” to “transformers and power supplies” because of current technology. This section was previously missed and could be correlated if possible. CMP-17 members also discovered a copy/paste error in FR 4841 in 425.6. This text is currently included in 425.6:

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Text in 425.6 should likely read:

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DonaldR.Cook InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

ThomasV.Blewitt ULLLC

E.P.Hamilton AssociationofPool&SpaProfessionals

RandalHunter NationalElectricalManufacturesAssociation

RachelE.Krepps ElectricLight&PowerGroup/EEI

DennisM.Querry IndependentElectricalContractorsAssociation

ChesterSandberg ShellExploration&Production,Inc.

RonaldF.Schapp IntertekTestingServices

KennethM.Shell CopperDevelopmentAssociation,Inc.

PeterC.Swim Air‐Conditioning,Heating,RefrigerationInstitute

PeterE.Bowers IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

RandyYasenchak InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

PaulAbernathy CopperDevelopmentAssociation,Inc.

Ira“Lee”Douglas InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

BrianMyers InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

WayneMorris AssociationofHomeApplianceManufacturers

GaryL.Siggins ULLLC

KamFaiSiu IntertekTestingServices

AndrewTrotta USConsumerProductSafetyCommission


AmyCronin StrategicCodeSolutions,LLC



GlenKampa Pentair

SteveMacoy WatkinsMfg.

JackLyons NEMA

DonIverson NEMA

WesleyWheeler NECA

PaulDobrowsky InnovativeTechnologyServices

KeithLofland IAEI

ChristelHunter GeneralCable

JohnMasarick IEC

DanGorham NFPA

BrianO’Connor NFPA

LynnLupo NFPA




DanGorham NFPA

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1) NECSecondDraftMeeting,SanDiego,CA


2) Listnamesofguestsinattendanceisattached.

3) ListnamesofguestsaddressingthePanel,thesubjectoftheiraddress,andthelengthoftimetheyspoke:a. AmyCronin,spokefor15minutesinsupportofaddingadefinitionandother


b. MichaelJohnstonspokefor10minutesinsupportofaPCrevisingthemarkingonautomaticallycontrolledreceptacles.

c. KeithLoflandspokefor5minutesexplainingthescopeandpurposeofaCC‐appointedtaskgroupevaluatingthebenefitsofa*globalchangetoaddwordsrelatedtolistedandlabeling.

4) NumberofPublicCommentsactedupon:63 5) NumberofSecondRevisionscreated:28 6)TherewerenoTaskGroupsappointedtoworksubsequenttotheSecondDraftMeeting.





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BobbyGray NationalElectricalContractorsAssociation

FrederickCarpenter NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

KurtClemente InstituteofElectrical&ElectronicsEngineers,Inc.

PaulCostello InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

HakimHasan Intertek

JackJamison InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

CharlesKurten ULLLC

MichaelO’Boyle AmericanLightingAssociation

WesleyWilkens InternationalSignAssociation

RandallWright RKWConsulting

DonaldBerlin AmericanLightingAssociation

SteveCampolo NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

JosephChandler IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

RichardHollander InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

PaulYesbeck NationalElectricalContractorsAssociation


MichaelD.Fontaine NESG/SQL

AmyCronin StrategicCodeSolutionsforSafety,LLC

DonIverson NEMA

KeithLofland IAEI

JackLyons NEMA

KevinLippert Eaton

MikeJohnston NECA

JamesT.Dollard,Jr. IBEW

JohnMasarick IEC

PaulDobrowsky Inn

DavidClements IAEI

BrianE.Rock HubbellIncorporated

StanFolz MorseElectric

PattyBarron SQL

MarkC.Ode UL

LynnLupo NFPA

JacquelynDoucette NFPA


KimShea NFPA

DanGorham NFPA

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NEC CMP – 19 Chairman’s Report - Second Draft Meeting ______________________________________________

1) Date(s) and location of meeting: Code Making Panel 19 met Monday and Tuesday, November 2 & 3, 2015 at the Sheraton Harbor Hotel in San Diego, CA.

2) List of members and guests in attendance is attached. 3) List names of guests addressing the Panel, the subject of their address, and

the length of time they spoke: There were no guests that had requested to speak to the Panel.

4) Number of Pubic Inputs acted upon:

We acted on 31 Public Comments.

5) Number of Second Revisions created:

As a result of the meeting there were 14 Second Revisions created.

6) List any Task Groups appointed to work subsequent to the Second Draft Meeting, along with the names of members of the Task Group(s): There were no Task Groups appointed for work after the Second Draft meeting.

7) List any request contained in a Responses or Statement that require NEC Correlating Committee attention: There are no requests to be submitted to the NEC Correlating Committee for consideration at this time.

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8) List any Public Inputs or First Revisions, in your opinion, that needs to be referred to another TC for information or correlation: There are no PI’s to be referred.

9) List any Public Comments or Second Revisions that should be referred to the Toxicity Advisory Committee: There are no PCs or SRs to be referred.

10) List all PCs or SRs related to combustibles in plenums or other air handling spaces: There are no comments or actions in this regard.

11) Identify any issues that should be brought to the attention of the NFPA Research Foundation for their input and assistance: There are no issues to be referred to the Research Foundation. 12) List any general requests for information or assistance from the NEC Correlating Committee: There are no requests at this time. 13) Provide any additional information that you feel would be helpful to the NEC Correlating Committee, staff, or to the process in general: There are no issues to present information on with regard to CMP-19’s actions at this time. The Code Making Panel has attempted to address all concerns referred to the Panel from the First Revision Meeting.

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RonB.Chilton InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

AishaBajwa TheAluminumAssociation,Inc.

BarryS.Bauman AmericanSocietyofa*gricultural&BiologicalEngineers

WadeElliott NationalAssociationofRVParksandCampgrounds

JohnP.Goodsell NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation

RyanHyer TestingEngineersInternational

DavidW.Johnson IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

ThomasR.Lichtenstein ULLLC

DougMulvaney KampgroundsofAmerica

DarrellM.Sumbera ElectricLight&PowerGroup/EEI

MichaelL.Zieman ManufacturedHousingInstitute

DonaldW.Zipse InstituteofElectrical&ElectronicsEngineers,INC.

RichardParedes InternationalBrotherhoodofElectricalWorkers

WilliamBruceBowman IndependentElectricalContractors,Inc.

RobertFick AmericanSocietyofa*gricultural&BiologicalEngineers

DeanC.Hunter InternationalAssociationofElectricalInspectors

KentPerkins RecreationVehicleIndustryAssociation

ThomasL.Pottschmidt ElectricLight&PowerGroup/EEI

StephenG.Rood NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation


GeraldDix IBEW

PaulReis AFCCable

ThomasPapallo Siemens

DonIverson NEMA

PalmerHickman IBEW

WesleyWheeler NECA

KeithLofland IAEI

JohnMasarick IEC

KevinLippert EATON

MichaelSmith NECA

GilMoniz NFPA

JacquelynDoucette NFPA

MarkCloutier NFPA

SoniaBarbosa NFPA

EdConlin NFPA

LynnLupo NFPA


RichardRoux NFPA

ChrisFarrell NFPA

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Public Comment No. 114-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 505.6 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

For purposes of testing, approval, and area classification, various air mixtures (not oxygen enriched) shall be grouped asrequired in 505.6(A), (B), and (C).

Informational Note No. 1: : Group I is intended for use in describing atmospheres that contain firedamp (a mixture ofgases, composed mostly of methane, found underground, usually in mines). This Code does not apply to installationsunderground in mines. See 90.2(B).

Informational Note No. 2: The gas and vapor subdivision as described above is based on the maximum experimental safegap (MESG), minimum igniting current (MIC), or both. Test equipment for determining the MESG is described in IEC60079-1A-1975, Amendment No. 1 (1993), Construction and verification tests of flameproof enclosures of electricalapparatus ; and UL Technical Report No. 58 (1993). The The test equipment for determining MIC is described in IEC60079-11-1999, Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres 2011 , Explosive Atomspheres — Part 11:Equipment Safety by Intrinsic safety “i.” The classification of gases or vapors according to their maximum experimentalsafe gaps and minimum igniting currents is described in IEC 60079-12 20 - 1978, Classification of mixtures of gases orvapours with air according to their maximum experimental safe gaps and minimum igniting currents 1-2012 , ExplosiveAtomspheres- Part 20-1: Characteristics for Gas and Vapour Classification - Tests Methods and Data .

Informational Note No. 3: Group II is currently subdivided into Group IIA, Group IIB, and Group IIC. Prior markingrequirements permitted some types of protection to be marked without a subdivision, showing only Group II.

Informational Note No. 4: It is necessary that the meanings of the different equipment markings and Group IIclassifications be carefully observed to avoid confusion with Class I, Divisions 1 and 2, Groups A, B, C, and D.

Class I, Zone 0, 1, and 2, groups shall be as follows:

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

In informational note 2 removed an withdrawn IEC standard and UL technical report.In informational note 2 referenced updated edition of IEC 60079-11.In informational note 2 referenced IEC 60079-20-1 which supersedes IEC 60079-12.

Related Public Comments for This Document

Related Comment Relationship

Public Comment No. 39-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 110.31]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 40-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 225.61]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 41-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 399.10]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 42-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. Table]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 43-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. B.310.15(B)(2)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 47-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 770.44(B)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 49-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 800.44(B)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 50-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 800.90(A)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 51-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 800.182(A)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 52-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 830.44(C)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 53-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 840.44(B)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 66-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 620.23(C)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 67-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 620.24(C)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 68-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 620.51(A)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

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Public Comment No. 69-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 620.91 [Excludingany Sub-Sections]]

Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 70-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 645.5(E)(2)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 71-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 646.7(C)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 85-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 110.24(A)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 86-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 110.16(B)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 92-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 110.28]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 93-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 210.12(A)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 101-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 690.7]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 107-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 500.5(A)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 110-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 500.6(A)(4)]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 111-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 505.2]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 112-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 505.5]Referenced current SDO name, standard name,number, and edition.

Public Comment No. 95-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 620.1]

Public Comment No. 96-NFPA 70-2015 [Definition: Equipment Rack.]

Related Item

First Revision No. 3977-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 505.9(C)(2)]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Aaron Adamczyk

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Sat Jul 04 17:09:00 EDT 2015

Committee Statement


Rejected but held

Resolution: No public inputs were made and no first revisions were introduced to Section 505.6 so the proposed comments at thissecond revision stage have not been subject to public review. As such, the proposed changes are new material at thisstage of the revision process and are recommended to be held for the next revision.

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Public Comment No. 116-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 505.8 ]

505.8 Protection Techniques.

Acceptable protection techniques for electrical and electronic equipment in hazardous (classified) locations shall be asdescribed in 505.8(A) through (I).

Informational Note: For additional information, see ANSI/ISA-60079-0 (12.00.01) -2009, Explosive Atmospheres — Part0: Equipment —- General Requirements; ANSI/ ISA - 12.01.01-1999 2013 , Definitions and Information Pertaining toElectrical Apparatus Electrical Equipment in Hazardous (Classified) Locations; and ANSI/UL 60079–0, ElectricalApparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres — Part 0: General Requirements.

(A) Flameproof “d”.

This protection technique shall be permitted for equipment in Class I, Zone 1 or Zone 2 locations.

(B) Pressurization “p”.

This protection technique shall be permitted for equipment in those Class I, Zone 1 or Zone 2 locations for which it is identified.

(C) Intrinsic Safety “i”.

This protection technique shall be permitted for apparatus and associated apparatus in Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1, or Zone 2locations for which it is listed.

(D) Type of Protection “n”.

This protection technique shall be permitted for equipment in Class I, Zone 2 locations. Type of protection “n” is furthersubdivided into nA, nC, and nR.

Informational Note: See Table 505.9(C)(2)(4) for the descriptions of subdivisions for type of protection “n”.

(E) Oil Immersion “o”.

This protection technique shall be permitted for equipment in Class I, Zone 1 or Zone 2 locations.

(F) Increased Safety “e”.

This protection technique shall be permitted for equipment in Class I, Zone 1 or Zone 2 locations.

(G) Encapsulation “m”.

This protection technique shall be permitted for equipment in Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1, or Zone 2 locations for which it isidentified.

Informational Note: See Table 505.9(C)(2)(4) for the descriptions of subdivisions for encapsulation.

(H) Powder Filling “q”.

This protection technique shall be permitted for equipment in Class I, Zone 1 or Zone 2 locations.

(I) Combustible Gas Detection System.

A combustible gas detection system shall be permitted as a means of protection in industrial establishments with restrictedpublic access and where the conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service theinstallation. Where such a system is installed, equipment specified in 505.8(I)(1), (I)(2), or (I)(3) shall be permitted. The type ofdetection equipment, its listing, installation location(s), alarm and shutdown criteria, and calibration frequency shall bedocumented when combustible gas detectors are used as a protection technique.

Informational Note No. 1: For further information, see ANSI/API RP 505-1997, Recommended Practice for Classificationof Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1, and Zone 2.

Informational Note No. 2: For further information, see ANSI/ ISA-60079-29-2-2013 , Explosive Atmospheres — Part29-2: Gas detectors — Selection, installation, use and maintenance of detectors for flammable gases and oxygen.

Informational Note No. 3: For further information, see ANSI/ ISA-TR12.13.03-2009, Guide for Combustible GasDetection as a Method of Protection.

(1) Inadequate Ventilation.

In a Class I, Zone 1 location that is so classified due to inadequate ventilation, electrical equipment suitable for Class I, Zone 2locations shall be permitted. Combustible gas detection equipment shall be listed for Class I, Zone 1, for the appropriatematerial group, and for the detection of the specific gas or vapor to be encountered.

(2) Interior of a Building.

In a building located in, or with an opening into, a Class I, Zone 2 location where the interior does not contain a source offlammable gas or vapor, electrical equipment for unclassified locations shall be permitted. Combustible gas detection equipmentshall be listed for Class I, Zone 1 or Class I, Zone 2, for the appropriate material group, and for the detection of the specific gasor vapor to be encountered.

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(3) Interior of a Control Panel.

In the interior of a control panel containing instrumentation utilizing or measuring flammable liquids, gases, or vapors, electricalequipment suitable for Class I, Zone 2 locations shall be permitted. Combustible gas detection equipment shall be listed forClass I, Zone 1, for the appropriate material group, and for the detection of the specific gas or vapor to be encountered.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

Referenced current titles and editions.

Related Item

First Revision No. 3980-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 505.8(B)]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Aaron Adamczyk

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Sat Jul 04 19:20:04 EDT 2015

Committee Statement


Rejected but held

Resolution: No public inputs were made and no first revisions were introduced to Section 505.8 related to changing the references inthe informational notes so the proposed comments at this second revision stage have not been subject to public review.As such, the proposed changes are new material at this stage of the revision process and are recommended to be heldfor the next revision.

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Public Comment No. 1370-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 490.48(B) ]

(B) Diagram.

A permanent, single-line diagram of the switchgear shall be provided in a readily visible location within the same room orenclosed area with the switchgear, and this diagram shall clearly identify interlocks, isolation means, and all possible sources ofvoltage to the installation under normal or emergency conditions and the marking on the switchgear shall cross-reference thediagram.

Exception: Where the equipment consists solely of a single cubicle or metal-enclosed unit substation containing only one setof high-voltage switching devices, diagrams shall not be required.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

This Public Comment was developed by a Task Group assigned by the NEC Correlating Committee to: (1) resolve issues with actions taken by Code-making Panels 1 and 8 on proposals and comments in the 2014 NEC cycle relative to changing the voltage threshold in articles under their purview from 600 volts to 1000 volts, (2) address indoor and outdoor electrical substations, and (3) evaluate other higher voltage threshold requirements to be included relative to present trends. Members of the Task Group on Over 600 volts for this Public Comment included: Alan Manche; Donny Cook; Vince Saporita; Paul Barnhart; Eddie Guidry; Alan Peterson; David Kendall; Dave Mercier; Tim Pope; Roger McDaniel and Neil F. LaBrake, Jr..

The Task Group requests that Panel 9 reconsider the previous resolution based on the following additional information.

PI-1541 was resolved with the following panel statement: “Unit substations are understood to be an integrated line up of electrical equipment including a disconnect and optional overcurrent device rated above 1,000 Volts, a transformer with primary windings rated over 1,000 Volts and secondary windings rated less than or equal to or greater than 1,000 Volts, and secondary switchgear rated at the transformer’s secondary voltage. The substation is “unitized” as a single line up of metal enclosures, close coupled, with bus or insulated cable connections that are within the metal enclosures.”

The term “unit substation” is currently found in four sections of the 2014 NEC: 110.31(B)(1), 490.30, 490.48(B)(5)Exception to (1), 490.48(C)Exception. The term “substation” is found in Art. 100 and was revised and moved to Part II (over 1000V) for the 2017 Code cycle.

The terms “substation” and “unit substation” can mean different things to different people depending on the voltage level, application and installation. And, since the term “unit substation” is not defined in Art. 100 or 490, but “substation” is, it is believed that removing the word “unit” would clarify the meaning of this term.

The Task Group requests that CMP 9 consider that product certification encompasses a much broader of the term “unit substation” than the description included in the panel statement in response to PI-1535. Without a separate, clear NEC definition in Article 490, that excludes other equipment which are currently listed by product certification bodies as “unit substations”, use of the term “unit substation” could lead to confusion for the user or inspection authority.

Please consider that UL Information Guide YEFR contains information for unit substations less than 600V. And, UL 1062 is the standard for low voltage unit substations, and contains the following definition: UNIT SUBSTATION - A transformer in combination with primary or secondary overcurrent protective devices or switching devices housed in a single enclosure.

Also consider, UL Information Guide YEFV contains information for unit substations for medium voltage applications. With respect to unit substations over 600V, the YEFV guide information discusses articulated and integral unit substations. The definitions of these two types of unit substations are included in the guide information as follows:Articulated Unit Substations consist of a transformer section(s) together with an input section(s), an output section(s), or both. Transition sections may also be provided. These unit substations are designed, coordinated and assembled as multiple self-enclosed pieces of equipment intended for connection in the field.Integral Unit Substations consist of a transformer section(s) together with an input section(s), an output section(s), or both. Transition sections may also be provided. These unit substations are designed, coordinated and assembled as a single self-enclosed piece of equipment. Sections may be shipped separately.Note that the definition of articulated units does not state that they are a line-up of equipment that is close-coupled, but because it says “designed, coordinated, and assembled…” one might believe this means a line-up. But, conceivably they could be assembled in some other format (such as back to back, with a busway between them, or other configuration).

Integral unit substations are in a single enclosure or a single piece of equipment that may be multiple sections.

In addition to product certification misunderstandings, the term “unit substation” is used widely throughout the petrochemical industry to indicate that the substation is part of a process unit further adding to the confusion as to what the term “unit substation” means in Art. 490.

Removing the word “unit” will result in clearer and more accurate Code language for the user.

Related Item

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Public Input No. 1541-NFPA 70-2014 [Section No. 490.48(B)]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: ALAN MANCHE

Organization: Schneider Electric

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Fri Sep 25 01:11:37 EDT 2015

Committee Statement


Rejected but held

Resolution: This exception is relying on the aspects of the unit substation to relieve the requirement for a single line diagram. Theintegral line up of metal enclosed equipment with a single primary disconnect, optional overcurrent device, transformer,and switching and overcurrent protection for the secondary side switchgear eliminates the need for interlocked switching,as there is only one primary power source available to the substation. Two unit substations in an electrical room are notthe same as two standalone primary switches, transformers, and secondary switchgear assemblies that are cableconnected. There is no guarantee as to how the stand alone devices are connected. A definition of “unit substation”should be considered in the next code cycle. To this end, CMP 9 has elected to hold this comment which guarantees itsresubmittal in the next cycle. Furthermore, CMP 9 has created a task group to examine this issue.

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Public Comment No. 1618-NFPA 70-2015 [ New Definition after Definition: Disconnecting Means. ]

Dormitory. Any occupancy containing a number of beds with common areas and bathroom facilities where people arehoused temporarily.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

Requirements for AFCI protection in 210.12 and tamper-resistant receptacles in 406.12 now apply to dormitories. Without an NEC definition of the word “dormitory” installers and inspectors find this section problematic. Perhaps the code-making panel will provide some guidance on whether this requirement should apply to bunkhouses, church camps, summer-camp cabins, lodges, homeless shelters, etc.. which will greatly help with the application of the rule. Accepting the original proposal for the 2014 NEC the panel specifically removed the word "college" from the new AFCI requirement, however many dictionaries specifically reference "colleges" in their definition of the term. The lack of a definition appears to make broad application of those rules appropriate.

Related Item

First Revision No. 5112-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 406.12]

First Revision No. 350-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 210.12(B)]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: MARCUS SAMPSON


Street Address:




Submittal Date: Fri Sep 25 15:24:40 EDT 2015

Committee Statement


Rejected but held

Resolution: The proposed definition of “Dormitory” is new material that has not had public review and is a violation of sections of the Regulations Governing Development of Standards. The definition is being held for the 2020 NECdevelopment process. CMP-1 requests that this PC be sent to CMP-2 and CMP-18 for information. This new definitionwill likely fall under the purview of CMP 2. It should be noted that there is a definition of dormitory in NFPA 5000.

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Public Comment No. 1657-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 300.11 ]

300.11 Securing and Supporting.

(A) Secured in Place.

Raceways, cable assemblies, boxes, cabinets, and fittings shall be securely fastened in place.

(B) Wiring Systems Installed Above Suspended Ceilings.

Support wires that do not provide secure support shall not be permitted as the sole support. Support wires and associatedfittings that provide secure support and that are installed in addition to the ceiling grid support wires shall be permitted as thesole support. Where independent support wires are used, they shall be secured at both ends. Cables and raceways shall not besupported by ceiling grids.

(1) Fire-Rated Assemblies.

Wiring located within the cavity of a fire-rated floor–ceiling or roof–ceiling assembly shall not be secured to, or supported by, theceiling assembly, including the ceiling support wires. An independent means of secure support shall be provided and shall bepermitted to be attached to the assembly. Where independent support wires are used, they shall be distinguishable by color,tagging, or other effective means from those that are part of the fire-rated design.

Exception: The ceiling support system shall be permitted to support wiring and equipment that have been tested as part of thefire-rated assembly.

Informational Note: One method of determining fire rating is testing in accordance with ANSI/ASTM E119-2014, Methodfor Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials.

(2) Non–Fire-Rated Assemblies.

Wiring located within the cavity of a non–fire-rated floor–ceiling or roof–ceiling assembly shall not be secured to, or supportedby, the ceiling assembly, including the ceiling support wires. An independent means of secure support shall be provided andshall be permitted to be attached to the assembly. Where independent support wires are used, they shall be distinguishable bycolor, tagging, or other effective means.

Exception: The ceiling support system shall be permitted to support branch-circuit wiring and associated equipment whereinstalled in accordance with the ceiling system manufacturer’s instructions.

(C) Raceways Used as Means of Support.

Raceways shall be used only as a means of support for other raceways, cables, or nonelectrical equipment under any of thefollowing conditions:

(1) Where the raceway or means of support is identified as a means of support

(2) Where the raceway contains power supply conductors for electrically controlled equipment and is used to support Class 2circuit conductors or cables that are solely for the purpose of connection to the equipment control circuits

(3) Where the raceway is used to support boxes or conduit bodies in accordance with 314.23 or to support luminaires inaccordance with 410.36(E)

(D) Cables Not Used as Means of Support.

Cable wiring methods shall not be used as a means of support for other cables, raceways, or nonelectrical equipment.

(E) Metallic Means of Support Above Egress

Metallic means of support for flexible conduit and conductors shall be used in spaces above egress, which includes doorways,hallways, stairways, corridors, passageways, lobbies, landings, and equivalent spaces.

Informational note: Nonmetallic supports exhibit significant weakening and failure during fires which can affect the safety ofoccupants and emergency personnel entering and exiting buildings due to entanglement in fallen cable.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

Emergency responders and building occupant safety is at risk during building fires because people can become entangled and trapped in cabling which has fallen out of molten or failing plastic supports/raceway. Even if people can free themselves from fallen cabling, this takes time which is otherwise needed to exit the building or fulfill the objectives of emergency personnel. The frequency of emergency responders becoming trapped in fallen cabling has become so common that firefighters have created and publicly distributed training videos on how to escape in these situations( [1]. Additionally, the Greater Tucson Fire Foundation raised financial support in 2011 to purchase cable cutters for hundreds of Tucson, Arizona firefighters so that they are equipped to deal with cable entanglement [2].

The ideal scope of this requirement should include all wiring methods which are susceptible to falling during a fire. This includes insulated conductors, flexible metal conduit, and nonmetallic raceways with plastic supports. It should include power conductors, signaling conductors, fire alarm cables, and communications circuits. Although CMP 3 can only address a portion of the relevant scope,

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Public Comment No. 1677-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 725.24 ]

725.24 Mechanical Execution of Work.

Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 circuits shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner. Cables and conductors installedexposed on the surface of ceilings and sidewalls shall be supported by the building structure in such a manner that the cablewill not be damaged by normal building use. Such cables shall be supported by straps, staples, hangers, cable ties, or similarfittings designed and installed so as not to damage the cable. The installation shall also comply with 300.4(D). Metallicmeans



Informa onalnote:Nonmetallicsupportsexhibitsignificantweakeningandfailureduringfireswhichcanaffectthesafetyofoccupants

andemergencypersonnelenteringandexi ngbuildingsduetoentanglementinfallencable.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

Emergency responders and building occupant safety is at risk during building fires because people can become entangled and trapped in cabling which hasfallen out of molten or failing plastic supports/raceway. Even if people can free themselves from fallen cabling, this takes time which is otherwise needed toexit the building or fulfill the objectives of emergency personnel. The frequency of emergency responders becoming trapped in fallen cabling has become socommon that firefighters have created and publicly distributed training videos on how to escape in these situations( [1].

There have been documented fatalities due to cable entrapment both in the U.S. and England. In Memphis, Tennessee, in 1994, a fireman was entangled incables that had fallen after the nonmetallic raceway collapsed due to the heat ( [2]).More recently in England two firemen died due in part to being tangled in cabling that had fallen from plastic raceway in the ceiling of a Southampton residential building ( [3]). An article [4] in Electrical Contracting News identifies another recent incident in which a fireman died in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, after he became entangled in electrical cables which “had fallen after plastic trunking, the only support for the cables, melted and failed.” Article [4] goes on to report that changes are in process to Great Britain’s Wiring Regulations (BS 7671 [5]) to ensure that “wiring systems in any escape route should be supported so that they are not subject to premature failure in a fire.” Revisions have already been made in a standard for fire alarm system cabling, BS 5839-1 [6], to require cable supports/raceway which will not collapse in a fire.While the documented incidents involve firefighters, it is not even known how many building occupants may have died in the past either becoming entangled in fallen cabling, overcome by smoke/heat trying to remove a cabling obstruction, or forced to seek an alternate exit due to a significant amount of cablingobstruction.

NFPA 101 (Life Safety Code, 2012) [7] already addresses the requirement to maintain egress free from obstruction. Sections 7.1.10 and (Means ofEgress Reliability) state, General. Means of egress shall be continuously maintained free of all obstructions or impediments to full instant use in case of fire or otheremergency.Sections,, and (New Assembly Occupancies) and,, and (Existing Assembly Occupancies) alsoemphasize this requirement. General Requirements for Access and Egress Routes Within Assembly Areas. Access and egress routes shall be maintained so that any individual is able to move without undue hindrance, on personal initiative and at any time,from an occupied position to the exits. Access and egress routes shall be maintained so that crowd management, security, and emergency medical personnel are able to reach anyindividual at any time, without undue hindrance. General Requirements for Access and Egress Routes Within Assembly Areas. Access and egress routes shall be maintained so that any individual is able to move without undue hindrance, on personal initiative and at any time,from an occupied position to the exits. Access and egress routes shall be maintained so that crowd management, security, and emergency medical personnel are able to reach anyindividual at any time, without undue hindrance

The solution that is easy to understand and enforce is a straightforward requirement regarding the allowable materials of a cable

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Public Comment No. 1732-NFPA 70-2015 [ Definition: Building. ]


A structure that is enclosed by walls and a roof and stands alone or that is separated from adjoining structures by fire walls.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

The existing definition does not make sense. A billboard or pole that is not attached to a building is presently defined as a building. Buildings typically have walls and a roof.

Related Item

First Revision No. 9-NFPA 70-2015 [Definition: Building.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Paul Dobrowsky

Organization: Innovative Technology Services

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Fri Sep 25 20:13:20 EDT 2015

Committee Statement


Rejected but held

Resolution: The proposed revision of the definition of “Building” is new material that has not had public review and is a violation ofsections and of the Regulations Governing Development of Standards. The definition is being held for the2020 NEC development process. CMP-1 recognizes this term is defined within other NFPA Codes and Standards andthereby requests that the NEC Correlating Committee establish a Task Group to coordinate companion proposals forsubmission to the other Codes and Standards that include this term and definition.

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Public Comment No. 179-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 505.9 ]

505.9 Equipment.

(A) Suitability.

Suitability of identified equipment shall be determined by one of the following:

(1) Equipment listing or labeling

(2) Evidence of equipment evaluation from a qualified testing laboratory or inspection agency concerned with productevaluation

(3) Evidence acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction such as a manufacturer's self-evaluation or an owner'sengineering judgment

Informational Note: Additional documentation for equipment may include certificates demonstrating compliance withapplicable equipment standards, indicating special conditions of use, and other pertinent information.

(B) Listing.

(1) Equipment that is listed for a Zone 0 location shall be permitted in a Zone 1 or Zone 2 location of the same gas or vapor,provided that it is installed in accordance with the requirements for the marked type of protection. Equipment that is listedfor a Zone 1 location shall be permitted in a Zone 2 location of the same gas or vapor, provided that it is installed inaccordance with the requirements for the marked type of protection.

(2) Equipment shall be permitted to be listed for a specific gas or vapor, specific mixtures of gases or vapors, or any specificcombination of gases or vapors.

Informational Note: One common example is equipment marked for “IIB.



(C) Marking.

Equipment shall be marked in accordance with 505.9(C)(1) or (C)(2).

(1) Division Equipment.

Equipment identified for Class I, Division 1 or Class I, Division 2 shall, in addition to being marked in accordance with 500.8(C),be permitted to be marked with all of the following:

(1) Class I, Zone 1 or Class I, Zone 2 (as applicable)

(2) Applicable gas classification group(s) in accordance with Table 505.9(C)(1)(2)

(3) Temperature classification in accordance with 505.9(D)(1)

Table 505.9(C)(1)(2) Material Groups

Material Group Comment

IIC See 505.6(A)

IIB See 505.6(B)

IIA See 505.6(C)

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(2) Zone Equipment.

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Equipment meeting one or more of the protection techniques described in 505.8 shall be marked with all of the following in theorder shown:

(1) Class

(2) Zone

(3) Symbol “AEx”

(4) Protection technique(s) in accordance with Table 505.9(C)(2)(4)

(5) Applicable material group in accordance with Table 505.9(C)(1)(2) or a specific gas or vapor

(6) Temperature classification in accordance with 505.9(D)(1)

Exception No. 1: Associated apparatus NOT suitable for installation in a hazardous (classified) location shall berequired to be marked only with (3), (4), and (5), but BOTH the symbol AEx (3) and the symbol for the type of protection(4) shall be enclosed within the same square brackets, for example, [AEx ia] IIC.

Exception No. 2: Simple apparatus as defined in 504.2 shall not be required to have a marked operating temperatureor temperature class.

Exception No. 3: Fittings for the termination of cables shall not be required to have a marked operating temperature ortemperature class.

Informational Note No. 1: An example of the required marking for intrinsically safe apparatus for installation in Class I,Zone 0 is “Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T6.” An explanation of the marking that is required is shown in Informational NoteFigure 505.9(C)(2), No.1, .

Informational Note No. 2: An example of the required marking for intrinsically safe associated apparatus mounted in aflameproof enclosure for installation in Class I, Zone 1 is “Class I, Zone 1 AEx d[ia] IIC T4.”

Informational Note No. 3: An example of the required marking for intrinsically safe associated apparatus NOT forinstallation in a hazardous (classified) location is “[AEx ia] IIC.”

Informational Note No. 4: The EPL (or equipment protection level) may appear in the product marking. EPLs aredesignated as G for gas, D for dust, or M for mining and are then followed by a letter (a, b, or c) to give the user a betterunderstanding as to whether the equipment provides either (a) a “very high,” (b) a “high,” or (c) an “enhanced” level ofprotection against ignition of an explosive atmosphere. For example, a Class I, Zone 1, AEx d IIC T4 motor (which issuitable by protection concept for application in Zone 1) may additionally be marked with an EPL of “Gb” to indicate that itwas provided with a high level of protection, such as Class I, Zone 1 AEx d IIC T4 Gb.

Informational Note No. 5: Equipment installed outside a Zone 0 location, electrically connected to equipment locatedinside a Zone 0 location, may be marked Class I, Zone 0/1. The “/” indicates that equipment contains a separationelement and can be installed at the boundary between a Zone 0 and a Zone 1 location. See ANSI/ ISA-60079-26,Electrical Apparatus -2011, Explosive Atmospheres - Part 26: Equipment for Use in Class I 1 , Zone 0 Hazardous(Classified) Locations .

Informational Note Figure 505.9(C)(2), No.1, Zone Equipment Marking.

Table 505.9(C)(2)(4) Types of Protection Designation

Designation Technique Zone*

d Flameproof enclosure 1

db Flameproof enclosure 1

e Increased safety 1

eb Increased safety 1

ia Intrinsic safety 0

ib Intrinsic safety 1

ic Intrinsic safety 2

[ia] Associated apparatus Unclassified**

[ib] Associated apparatus Unclassified**

[ic] Associated apparatus Unclassified**

ma Encapsulation 0

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Designation Technique Zone*

m Encapsulation 1

mb Encapsulation 1

mc Encapsulation 2

nA Nonsparking equipment 2

nAc Nonsparking equipment 2

nCSparking equipment in which the contacts are suitably protected other than by restrictedbreathing enclosure


nCcSparking equipment in which the contacts are suitably protected other than by restrictedbreathing enclosure


nR Restricted breathing enclosure 2

nRc Restricted breathing enclosure 2

o Oil immersion 1

ob Oil immersion 1

px Pressurization 1

pxb Pressurization 1

py Pressurization 1

pyb Pressurization 1

pz Pressurization 2

pzc Pressurization 2

q Powder filled 1

qb Powder filled 1

*Does not address use where a combination of techniques is used.

**Associated apparatus is permitted to be installed in a hazardous (classified) location if suitably protected using another type ofprotection.

(D) Class I Temperature.

The temperature marking specified in 505.9(D)(1) shall not exceed the autoignition temperature of the specific gas or vapor tobe encountered.

Informational Note: For information regarding autoignition temperatures of gases and vapors, see NFPA 497-2012,Recommended Practice for the Classification of Flammable Liquids, Gases, or Vapors and of Hazardous (Classified)Locations for Electrical Installations in Chemical Process Areas; and IEC 60079-20-1996, Electrical Apparatus forExplosive Gas Atmospheres, Data for Flammable Gases and Vapours, Relating to the Use of ElectricalApparatus 1-2012, Explosive Atmospheres - Part 20-1: Material Characteristics for Gas and Vapour Classification- Test Methods and Data (Supersedes IEC 60079-20) .

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(1) Temperature Classifications.

Equipment shall be marked to show the operating temperature or temperature class referenced to a 40°C ambient, or at thehigher ambient temperature if the equipment is rated and marked for an ambient temperature of greater than 40°C. Thetemperature class, if provided, shall be indicated using the temperature class (T code) shown in Table 505.9(D)(1).

Table 505.9(D)(1) Classification of Maximum Surface Temperature for Group II Electrical Equipment

Temperature Class (T Code) Maximum Surface Temperature (°C)

T1 ≤450

T2 ≤300

T3 ≤200

T4 ≤135

T5 ≤100

T6 ≤85

 Electrical equipment designed for use in the ambient temperature range between -20°C and + 40°C shall require no ambienttemperature marking.

Electrical equipment that is designed for use in a range of ambient temperatures other than -20°C to + 40°C is considered to bespecial; and the ambient temperature range shall then be marked on the equipment, including either the symbol “Ta” or “Tamb”together with the special range of ambient temperatures, in degrees Celsius.

Informational Note: As an example, such a marking might be “-30°C to + 40°C.”

Exception No. 1: Equipment of the non–heat-producing type, such as conduit fittings, and equipment of the heat-producingtype having a maximum temperature of not more than 100°C (212°F) shall not be required to have a marked operatingtemperature or temperature class.

Exception No. 2: Equipment identified for Class I, Division 1 or Division 2 locations as permitted by 505.20(A), (B), and (C)shall be permitted to be marked in accordance with 505.8(C) and Table 500.8(C).

(E) Threading.

The supply connection entry thread form shall be NPT or metric. Conduit and fittings shall be made wrenchtight to preventsparking when fault current flows through the conduit system, and to ensure the explosionproof or flameproof integrity of theconduit system where applicable. Equipment provided with threaded entries for field wiring connections shall be installed inaccordance with 505.9(E)(1) or (E)(2) and with (E)(3).

(1) Equipment Provided with Threaded Entries for NPT Threaded Conduit or Fittings.

For equipment provided with threaded entries for NPT threaded conduit or fittings, listed conduit, listed conduit fittings, or listedcable fittings shall be used.

All NPT threaded conduit and fittings shall be threaded with a National (American) Standard Pipe Taper (NPT) thread.

NPT threaded entries into explosionproof or flameproof equipment shall be made up with at least five threads fully engaged.

Exception: For listed explosionproof or flameproof equipment, factory-threaded NPT entries shall be made up with at least 4 1⁄2threads fully engaged.

Informational Note No. 1: Thread specifications for male NPT threads are located in ANSI/ ASME B1.20.1-2013, PipeThreads, General Purpose (Inch).

Informational Note No. 2: Female NPT threaded entries use a modified National Standard Pipe Taper (NPT) thread withthread form per ANSI/ ASME B1.20.1-2013, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch). See ANSI/UL 60079-1:2013,Explosive Atmospheres — Part 1: Equipment Protection by Flameproof Enclosures “d”; and ANSI/ ISA 60079-1:2013,Explosive Atmospheres — Part 1: Equipment Protection by Flameproof Enclosures “d”.

(2) Equipment Provided with Threaded Entries for Metric Threaded Conduit or Fittings.

For equipment with metric threaded entries, listed conduit fittings or listed cable fittings shall be used. Such entries shall beidentified as being metric, or listed adapters to permit connection to conduit or NPT threaded fittings shall be provided with theequipment and shall be used for connection to conduit or NPT threaded fittings.

Metric threaded fittings installed into explosionproof or flameproof equipment entries shall have a class of fit of at least 6g/6Hand be made up with at least five threads fully engaged for Groups C, D, IIB, or IIA and not less than eight threads fullyengaged and wrenchtight.

Informational Note: Threading specifications for metric threaded entries are located in ISO 965-1-2013, ISO generalpurpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 1: Principles and basic data; and ISO 965-3-1998 2009 , ISO generalpurpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 3: Deviations for constructional screw threads.

(3) Unused Openings.

All unused openings shall be closed with close-up plugs listed for the location and shall maintain the type of protection. The plugengagement shall comply with 505.9(E)(1) or 505.9(E)(2).

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(F) Optical Fiber Cables.

An optical fiber cable,with or without current-carrying current (composite optical fiber cable), shall be installed to address theassociated fire hazard and sealed to address the associated explosion hazard in accordance with the requirements of 505.15and 505.16.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

Referenced current standard numbers, titles, and editions.

Related Item

First Revision No. 3977-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 505.9(C)(2)]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Aaron Adamczyk

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Wed Jul 08 18:33:51 EDT 2015

Committee Statement


Rejected but held

Resolution: No public inputs were made and no first revisions were introduced to Section 505.9 related to changing the references inthe informational notes so the proposed comments at this second revision stage have not been subject to public review.As such, the proposed changes are new material at this stage of the revision process and are recommended to be heldfor the next revision.

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Public Comment No. 251-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 505.4(B) ]

(B) Reference Standards.

Important information relating to topics covered in Chapter 5 may be found in other publications.

Informational Note No. 1: It is important that the authority having jurisdiction be familiar with recorded industrialexperience as well as with standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the American PetroleumInstitute (API), the International Society of Automation (ISA), and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)that may be of use in the classification of various locations, the determination of adequate ventilation, and the protectionagainst static electricity and lightning hazards.

Informational Note No. 2: For further information on the classification of locations, see NFPA 497-2012, RecommendedPractice for the Classification of Flammable Liquids, Gases, or Vapors and of Hazardous (Classified) Locations forElectrical Installations in Chemical Process Areas; ANSI/API RP 505-1997, Recommended Practice for Classification ofLocations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1, or Zone 2; ANSI/ISA-60079-10-1 (12.24.01)-2014, Explosive Atmospheres — Part 10-1: Classification of Areas — Explosive gasatmospheres; and Model Code of Safe Practice in the Petroleum Industry, Part 15: Area Classification Code forInstallations Handling Flammable Fluids, IP 15:2005, Energy Institute, London.

Informational Note No. 3: For further information on protection against static electricity and lightning hazards inhazardous (classified) locations, see NFPA 77-2014, Recommended Practice on Static Electricity; NFPA 780-2014,Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems; and API RP 2003-2008, Protection Against Ignitions ArisingOut of Static Lightning and Stray Currents.

Informational Note No. 4: For further information on ventilation, see NFPA 30-2015, Flammable and Combustible LiquidsCode, and ANSI/API RP 505-1997, Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations atPetroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1, or Zone 2.

Informational Note No. 5: For further information on electrical systems for hazardous (classified) locations on offshore oiland gas producing platforms, oil and gas well drilling land rigs, and skid mounted oilfield equipment, see ANSI/API RP14FZ-2013, Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems for Fixed and Floating OffshorePetroleum Facilities for Unclassified and Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1, and Zone 2 Locations.

Informational Note No. 6: For further information on the installation of electrical equipment in hazardous (classified)locations in general, see IEC 60079-14-2013, Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres — Part 14: Electricalinstallations in explosive gas atmospheres (other than mines), and IEC 60079-16-1990, Electrical apparatus for explosivegas atmospheres — Part 16: Artificial ventilation for the protection of analyzer(s) houses.

Informational Note No. 7: For further information on application of electrical equipment in hazardous (classified) locationsin general, see ANSI/ISA-60079-0 (12.00.01)-2013, Explosive Atmospheres — Part 0: Equipment — GeneralRequirements; ANSI/ISA-12.01.01-1999, Definitions and Information Pertaining to Electrical Apparatus in Hazardous(Classified) Locations; and ANSI/UL 60079-0:2013, Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres — Part 0:General Requirements.

Informational Note No. 8: Portable or transportable equipment having self-contained power supplies, such as battery-operated equipment, could potentially become an ignition source in hazardous (classified) locations. See ANSI/ISA-12.12.03-2011, Standard for Portable Electronic Products Suitable for Use in Class I and II, Division 2, Class I Zone 2and Class III, Division 1 and 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations.

Informational Note No. 9: For additional information concerning the installation of equipment utilizing optical emissionstechnology (such as laser equipment) that could potentially become an ignition source in hazardous (classified) locations,see ANSI/ISA-60079-28 (12.21.02)-2013, Explosive Atmospheres — Part 28: Protection of equipment and transmissionsystems using optical radiation.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

The Oil and Gas Well Drilling Land Rig Industry faces unique challenges as a result of their need for quick and easy mobility when rigging up and rigging down as the drilling land rig is transported overland between drill sites. In addition, the drilling rigs and the machines on them are subjected to significant movement, shaking, and vibration while drilling. Therefore these conditions require special consideration with regards to the selection and installation of electrical cables in hazardous (classified) locations.

Rigid conduit and Type MC-HL cable are not suitable for the application and in the absence of a consensus standard or recommended practice addressing the unique requirements for installing electric cables in hazardous (classified) locations on land rigs, the Oil and Gas Well Drilling Land Rig Industry has historically looked to consensus standards and practices in the Oil and Gas Well Drilling Offshore Industry for guidance; specifically API RP 14F entitled “Recommended Practice for Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Electrical Systems for Fixed and Floating Offshore Petroleum Facilities for Unclassified and Class 1, Division 1 and Division 2 Locations” and API RP 14FZ entitled “Recommended Practice for Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Electrical Systems for Fixed and Floating Offshore Petroleum Facilities for Unclassified and Class 1, Zone 0, Zone 1, and Zone 2 Locations.”

Adopting wiring methods from API RP 14F and API RP 14FZ, the Oil and Gas Well Drilling Land Rig Industry has historically and for

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over 30 years used IEEE-1580, Type P, marine shipboard cable to cable-up and interconnect the various machines and equipment that make up the drilling land rig. These cables may also be listed as UL-1309 Marine Shipboard Cable. The flexible and rugged IEEE-1580, Type P, marine shipboard cable is highly suitable for the oil and gas well drilling land rig application because of its ability to resist drilling muds that contain various chemicals, abrasives, and petroleum based additives as well as its ability to resist damage from vibration, shaking, and movement that occurs during the drilling process, and the rigors of rig-up and rig-down. They are also highly suited because of their ability to perform in extreme cold weather conditions in that they can pass a -40⁰ C cold bend test and a -35⁰ C cold impact test. In addition to their flexibility and mechanical ruggedness as just described, the IEEE-1580, Type P, marine shipboard cable is rated 600/1000 volts or 2000 volts which makes it suitable for use on both AC and DC powered drilling rigs, has a maximum conductor temperature rating of 110⁰ C, has a flexible tinned-copper stranded conductor that resists oxidation, and passes an IEEE 1202 vertical cable tray flame test. In addition, these flexible tinned-copper conductors are available in sizes like 444 Kcmil, 535 Kcmil, 646 Kcmil, and 777 Kcmil that are currently not recognized in NFPA 70. These cables are also available with a metallic basket-weave braided armor that effectively enhances their durability, provides crush, impact, and cut-through resistance, and is not prone to failure due to fatigue and cracking; properties that are very important in the drilling environment. Collectively, all of these properties and features which are required of both single-conductor and multi-conductor cable used on an oil and gas well drilling land rig are not available on any one cable type included in NFPA 70. More specifically and per API RP 14F and API RP 14FZ; in Class 1, Division 1 and Class 1, Zone 1 hazardous (classified) locations, the Oil and Gas Well Drilling Land Rig Industry uses IEEE-1580, Type P, marine shipboard cable with a metallic basket-weave braided armor and outer polymeric sheath. The metallic basket-weave braided armor with outer polymeric sheath mechanically protects the cable from damage and yet provides the flexibility required for the application. In addition, recommendations in API RP 14F and API RP 14FZ allow the use of unarmored IEEE-1580, Type P, marine shipboard cable in Class 1, Division 2 and Class 1, Zone 2 hazardous areas. Regardless, the specific location on the land rig is given engineering consideration relative to the cable’s vulnerability to mechanical damage. If the location in itself does not provide suitable mechanical protection or the addition of steel guards is not practical for the location, then armored and sheathed IEEE-1580, Type P, marine shipboard cable may be used.

Related Item

Public Input No. 2401-NFPA 70-2014 [Section No. 505.15(B)(1)]

Public Input No. 2400-NFPA 70-2014 [Section No. 505.15(C)(1)]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Mark Fillip

Organization: National Oilwell Varco

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Wed Jul 15 14:58:13 EDT 2015

Committee Statement


Rejected but held

Resolution: ANSI/API RP 14FZ-2013 is specific to fixed and floating off shore platforms and not relevant to “Oil and Gas Well DrillingLand Rigs”. Wiring methods on land based drilling rigs and related skid mounted equipment in the current NEC does notreflect the current practices utilizing flexible methods such as Type P cable. Panel recommends consideration of a taskgroup consisting of CMP 14, CMP 6 and CMP 7 to allow wiring methods utilizing Type P cable (UL 1309) for thisapplication.

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Public Comment No. 32-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 645.5(E)(2) ]

(2) Installation Requirements for Electrical Supply Cords, Data Cables, Interconnecting Cables and Grounding ConductorsUnder a Raised Floor.

The following cords, cables and conductors shall be permitted to be installed under a raised floor:

(1) Supply cords of listed information technology equipment in accordance with 645.5(B)

(2) Interconnecting cables enclosed in a raceway

(3) Equipment grounding conductors

(4) In addition to wiring Where the air space below a raised floor is not protected by an automatic fire suppression system ,wiring under the raised floor shall be installed in compliance with 725.135(C) , including Type CMP substituting for TypesCL2P and CL3P.

(5) Where the air space below a raised floor is protected by an automatic fire suppression system, wiring installed incompliance with 725.135(C) shall be permitted under the raised floor and Types CL2R, CL3R, CL2, and CL3 andsubstitute cables including CMP, CMR, CM, and CMG installed in accordance with 725.154(A) shall also be permittedunder raised floors. . Informational Note: Figure 725.154(A) illustrates the cable substitution hierarchy forClass 2 and Class 3 cables.

(6) Listed Type DP cable having adequate fire-resistant characteristics suitable for use under raised floors of an informationtechnology equipment room

Informational Note: One method of defining fire resistance is by establishing that the cables do not spread fire to thetop of the tray in the “UL Flame Exposure, Vertical Tray Flame Test” in UL 1685-2011, Standard for Safety forVertical-Tray Fire-Propagation and Smoke-Release Test for Electrical and Optical-Fiber Cables. The smokemeasurements in the test method are not applicable. Another method of defining fire resistance is for the damage(char length) not to exceed 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in.) when performing the CSA “Vertical Flame Test — Cables in CableTrays,” as described in CSA C22.2 No. 0.3-M-2001, Test Methods for Electrical Wires and Cables.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

The development schedule of the 2016 edition of NFPA 75, Standard for the Fire Protection of Information Technology Equipment is about 6 months ahead of the development schedule for NFPA 70. There are pending changes to the wiring requirements in NFPA 75 that will require correlating changes in Article 645.

The text of section 11.3.7 and the explanatory Annex Note A.11.3.7 in NFPA 75-2016 will be:

11.3.7* Signal wiring and cabling, including optical fiber cables, installed in an air space below a raised floor shall be listed. Where the air space below a raised floor is protected by an automatic fire suppression system, signal wiring and cabling listed for plenum, riser and general-purpose use shall be permitted to be installed exposed to the airflow in an air space below a raised floor. Where the air space below a raised floor is not protected by an automatic fire suppression system, only signal wiring and cabling listed for plenum use shall be permitted to be installed exposed to the airflow in an air space below a raised floor. Where the air space below a raised floor is not protected by an automatic fire suppression system, signal wiring and cabling listed for plenum, riser and general-purpose use shall be permitted to be installed in metal raceway in an air space below a raised floor.

A11.3.7* See The installation of general-purpose and riser cables exposed to the airflow in the air space below a raised floor is permitted only where the space is protected by an automatic fire suppression system.

Section 645.5(E) needs to be revised to permit the use on riser and general-purpose cables (Types CL2R, CL3R, OFNR, OFCR, CL2, CL3, OFN and OFC) only where the under floor space has automatic fire suppression in place.

Related Public Comments for This Document

Related Comment Relationship

Public Comment No. 44-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 645.5(E)(3)]

Related Item

First Revision No. 3354-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 645.5(E)]

Submitter Information Verification

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Submitter Full Name: STANLEY KAUFMAN


Affilliation: SPI

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Wed Jun 24 00:23:03 EDT 2015

Committee Statement

Committee Action: Rejected but held

Resolution: Holding this revision, awaiting the issuance of NFPA 75-2017 for final language.

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Public Comment No. 44-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 645.5(E)(3) ]

(3) Installation Requirements for Optical Fiber Cables Under a Raised Floor.

In addition to

(1) Where the air space below a raised floor is not protected by an automatic fire suppression system, only optical fibercables installed in accordance with 770.113(C) shall be permitted under the raised floor.

(2) Where the air space below a raised floor is protected by an automatic fire suppression system , optical fiber cablesinstalled in accordance with 770.113(C) , Types OFNR, OFCR, OFN, and OFC shall be permitted under the raised


(1) floor .

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

The development schedule of the 2016 edition of NFPA 75, Standard for the Fire Protection of Information Technology Equipment is about 6 months ahead of the development schedule for NFPA 70. There are pending changes to the wiring requirements in NFPA 75 that will require correlating changes in Article 645.

The text of section 11.3.7 and the explanatory Annex Note A.11.3.7 in NFPA 75-2016 will be:

11.3.7* Signal wiring and cabling, including optical fiber cables, installed in an air space below a raised floor shall be listed. Where the air space below a raised floor is protected by an automatic fire suppression system, signal wiring and cabling listed for plenum, riser and general-purpose use shall be permitted to be installed exposed to the airflow in an air space below a raised floor. Where the air space below a raised floor is not protected by an automatic fire suppression system, only signal wiring and cabling listed for plenum use shall be permitted to be installed exposed to the airflow in an air space below a raised floor. Where the air space below a raised floor is not protected by an automatic fire suppression system, signal wiring and cabling listed for plenum, riser and general-purpose use shall be permitted to be installed in metal raceway in an air space below a raised floor.

A11.3.7* See The installation of general-purpose and riser cables exposed to the airflow in the air space below a raised floor is permitted only where the space is protected by an automatic fire suppression system.

Section 645.5(E) will need to be revised to permit the use on riser and general-purpose cables (Types CL2R, CL3R, OFNR, OFCR, CL2, CL3, OFN and OFC) only where the under floor space has automatic fire suppression in place.

Related Public Comments for This Document

Related Comment Relationship

Public Comment No. 32-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 645.5(E)(2)]

Related Item

First Revision No. 3354-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 645.5(E)]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: STANLEY KAUFMAN


Affilliation: SPI

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Jun 25 00:34:18 EDT 2015

Committee Statement

Committee Action: Rejected but held

Resolution: Holding this revision, awaiting the issuance of NFPA 75-2017 for final language.

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Public Comment No. 531-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 110.3(B) ]

(B) Installation and Use.

Listed or Listed and labeled equipment shall be installed and used in accordance with any instructions included in the listing orlisting and labeling.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


ETL Essential Guide to Product Testing & Certification 2014/2015 North American Edition. See document pages numbered 5, 8 and 10 where ETL requires products to bear their certification label to be considered as listed.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

UL recognizes the Correlating Committee created a global First Correlating Revision (FCR) which directed that in all locations where the term “and labeled” was added after “listed” during the First Revision Stage, the words “and labeled” after “listed” be deleted, returning to previous text. UL understands that the Correlating Committee appointed a task group to address several issues involving the use of the terms “listed” and “labeled,” most importantly, to clarify and establish a distinction between the terms “listed” and “labeled” which are often used interchangeably. UL supports the need for this task group. However, UL does not expect the work of this task group to affect the 2017 NEC regarding the issue of “listed and labeled.” As such, UL is submitting comments to request that the words “and labeled” be added in various locations throughout the Code for the reasons expressed in the public inputs UL submitted on this issue. UL believes that these revisions will address an ongoing problem that should not wait until the 2020 NEC for resolution.

Subsequent to the Public Input Code Panel Meetings, UL has discussed this issue with its Electrical Council whose membership includes many AHJs. The proposed revisions to the NEC received general support from the membership. This issue was also discussed at a NEMA – NRTLs Forum held on August 14, 2015 at NEMA Headquarters. UL reiterated its support for the proposed revisions. The NRTLs represented at the meeting voiced no objection to the proposals.

The rationale for the revision was simple, to provide information to the AHJ regarding the suitability of equipment they encounter. The mark on the product is the manufacturer’s attestation that the product is in compliance with the appropriate standard. NRTL’s conduct factory surveillance of products, surveillance is one method to validate the manufacturer’s attestation. Should a product be found not to be compliant the manufacturer has the option of removing the mark and shipping the product without the mark, or holding the shipment and bringing the product into compliance. In either case the “Listing” is not impacted, as the “listing” is created at the completion of the “original” certification of the product and indicates the authorization but not the mandate to label products. So the only true way an AHJ can determine whether the product he is seeing is compliant with the applicable standard is via a label on the product. Taking it one step further, listings change with time. It is quite possible that a “listing” has been withdrawn; however labeled product may still be available for sale. Should equipment that is labeled, but not listed, be deemed acceptable? Based on the NEC definitions, it is possible to have a product that meets the Article 100 definition of listed but the testing organization made the manufacture remove the label for a non-compliance issue.

As for the concerns of products that are too small to be labeled, the definition of labeled is not limited to an actual label, it also includes symbols, or other identifying marks. The Safety Standards which define the listing requirements do not address labeling of products as defined by Article 100. As a general rule, NRTL’s do not consider a product as being listed unless it is also labeled. The UL White Book states that “Only those products bearing the appropriate UL Mark and the company's name, trade name, trademark or other authorized identification should be considered as being covered by UL's Certification, Listing, Classification and Follow-Up Service. The UL Mark provides evidence of listing or labeling, which may be required by installation codes or standards.” Again the requirements for the UL Mark are not a Safety Standard requirement, they are a UL requirement and the only way to show that a product is UL Certified (Listed); other NRTL’s have similar requirements.

Related Item

Public Input No. 881-NFPA 70-2014 [Section No. 110.3(B)]

Public Input No. 1072-NFPA 70-2014 [Definition: Labeled.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: JEFFREY FECTEAU


Affilliation: UL

Street Address:

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Submittal Date: Thu Sep 03 20:21:39 EDT 2015

Committee Statement


Rejected but held

Resolution: The inconsistent actions on Public Inputs to globally change the term “listed or labeled” to “listed and labeled” resulted inmultiple inconsistencies through the NEC and created conflicts with other Codes and Standards that use the term. CMP-1understands that the NEC Correlating Committee took action to develop a first revision that restores the NEC rules usingthe term listed or labeled to how those rules appeared in the 2014 edition. CMP-1 also understands that the NECCorrelating Committee has formed a Task Group to globally review the use of the term “listed or labeled” throughout theNEC and determine a simplified solution that addresses the terms listed, labeled, and their associated informational notes.The Task Group is to address the concerns and input from multiple qualified electrical testing laboratories and work towarda simple solution that resides within Article 100 and perhaps Article 110. The work of that task group is just getting startedand may include proposed revisions to these existing definitions and associated informational notes. CMP-1 recognizes itis premature to incorporate the proposed revisions and informational note at this time.

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Public Comment No. 532-NFPA 70-2015 [ Definition: Labeled. ]


Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an organization that isacceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection ofproduction of labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriatestandards or performance in a specified manner.

Informational Note:. When a listed product is of such a size, shape, material or surface texture that it is not possible to applylegibly the complete label to the product, the complete label will appear on the smallest unit container in which the product ispackaged.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Definition_Labeled_PC.JPG334.6 Requires NM cable to be listed, the UL Guide Information indicates the UL Mark (Label) is on the attached tag, coil, reel, or on the smallest unit container in which the product is packaged.

Definition_Labeled_PC_2.JPG358.6 requires that EMT fittings are to be listed, the UL Guide Information indicates that the UL symbol is on the product and the Mark of UL is on the smallest unit container in which the product is packaged.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

Based on CMP1’s comment to PI 881; “Labeling of listed equipment is not possible in all cases or conditions such as if products are too small to be labeled or for some severe environmental conditions” and CMP 8’s comment to PI 895; “Some Listed products are marked or require markings on the smallest shipping package” it appears this informational note may to be necessary. Both the concerns of CMP1 and CMP 8 appear to be in agreement with the substantiation of PI 881.

By adding this informational note, it explains to an AHJ that even though a section of the NEC may require a product to be labeled, it is acceptable to have the label, symbol, or other identifying mark applied to the packaging or a tag in some instances. Without this informational note, if interpreted verbatim by the AHJ, this definition requires the label, symbol, or other identifying mark to be attached to the equipment or material. Without this informational note, AHJ’s may not accept a label that is affixed to the packaging where permitted by the certification organization.

Related Public Comments for This Document

Related Comment Relationship

Public Comment No. 533-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 355.6]

Public Comment No. 1123-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 314.28(E)(1)]

Public Comment No. 1130-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 342.6]

Public Comment No. 1131-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 344.6]

Public Comment No. 1132-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 348.6]

Public Comment No. 1204-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 350.6]

Public Comment No. 1205-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 352.6]

Public Comment No. 1206-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 353.6]

Public Comment No. 1207-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 354.6]

Public Comment No. 1212-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 356.6]

Public Comment No. 1214-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 358.6]

Public Comment No. 1216-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 360.6]

Public Comment No. 1221-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 362.6]

Public Comment No. 1223-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 376.56(B)(1)]

Public Comment No. 1226-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 378.6]

Public Comment No. 1233-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 386.6]

Public Comment No. 1241-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 388.6]

Public Comment No. 1245-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 393.6]

Public Comment No. 1247-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 410.6]

Public Comment No. 1250-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 422.15(A)]

Public Comment No. 1251-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 422.50]

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Public Comment No. 1287-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 600.22(A)]

Public Comment No. 1289-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 600.23(A)]

Public Comment No. 1291-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 600.24(A)]

Public Comment No. 1294-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 600.42(H)]

Public Comment No. 1330-NFPA 70-2015 [Sections 411.4(A), 411.4(B)]

Public Comment No. 1333-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 600.3]

Public Comment No. 1423-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 725.135(A)]

Public Comment No. 1429-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 760.135(A)]

Public Comment No. 1439-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 770.179]

Related Item

Public Input No. 881-NFPA 70-2014 [Section No. 110.3(B)]

Public Input No. 1072-NFPA 70-2014 [Definition: Labeled.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: JEFFREY FECTEAU


Affilliation: UL

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Sep 03 20:36:54 EDT 2015

Committee Statement


Rejected but held

Resolution: The inconsistent actions on Public Inputs to globally change the term “listed or labeled” to “listed and labeled” resulted inmultiple inconsistencies through the NEC and created conflicts with other Codes and Standards that use the term. CMP-1understands that the NEC Correlating Committee took action to develop a first revision that restores the NEC rules usingthe term listed or labeled to how those rules appeared in the 2014 edition. CMP-1 also understands that the NECCorrelating Committee has formed a Task Group to globally review the use of the term “listed or labeled” throughout theNEC and determine a simplified solution that addresses the terms listed, labeled, and their associated informational notes.The Task Group is to address the concerns and input from multiple qualified electrical testing laboratories and work towarda simple solution that resides within Article 100 and perhaps Article 110. The work of that task group is just getting startedand may include proposed revisions to these existing definitions and associated informational notes. CMP-1 recognizes itis premature to incorporate the proposed revisions and informational note at this time.

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Public Comment No. 655-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 210.12(A) ]

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(A) Dwelling Units.

All 120-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20-ampere branch circuits supplying outlets or devices installed indwelling units shall beprotected by any of the means described in 210.12(A)(1) through (6):

(1) A listed combination-type arc-fault circuit interrupter, installed to provide protection of the entire branch circuit

(2) A listed branch/feeder-type AFCI installed at the origin of the branch circuit in combination with a listed outlet branch-circuit-type arc-fault circuit interrupter installed at the first outlet box on the branch circuit. The first outlet box in the branchcircuit shall be marked to indicate that it is the first outlet of the circuit.

(3) A listed supplemental arc protection circuit breaker installed at the origin of the branch circuit in combination with a listedoutlet branch-circuit-type arc-fault circuit interrupter installed at the first outlet box on the branch circuit where all of thefollowing conditions are met:

(4) The branch-circuit wiring shall be continuous from the branch-circuit overcurrent device to the outlet branch-circuitarc-fault circuit interrupter.

(5) The maximum length of the branch-circuit wiring from the branch-circuit overcurrent device to the first outlet shallnot exceed 15.2 m (50 ft) for a 14 AWG conductor or 21.3 m (70 ft) for a 12 AWG conductor.

(6) The first outlet box in the branch circuit shall be marked to indicate that it is the first outlet of the circuit.

(7) A listed outlet branch-circuit-type arc-fault circuit interrupter installed at the first outlet on the branch circuit in combinationwith a listed branch-circuit overcurrent protective device where all of the following conditions are met:

(8) The branch-circuit wiring shall be continuous from the branch-circuit overcurrent device to the outlet branch-circuitarc-fault circuit interrupter.

(9) The maximum length of the branch-circuit wiring from the branch-circuit overcurrent device to the first outlet shallnot exceed 15.2 m (50 ft) for a 14 AWG conductor or 21.3 m (70 ft) for a 12 AWG conductor.

(10) The first outlet box in the branch circuit shall be marked to indicate that it is the first outlet of the circuit.

(11) If RMC, IMC, EMT, Type MC, or steel-armored Type AC cables meeting the requirements of 250.118, metal wireways,metal auxiliary gutters, and metal outlet and junction boxes are installed for the portion of the branch circuit between thebranch-circuit overcurrent device and the first outlet, it shall be permitted to install a listed outlet branch-circuit-type AFCI atthe first outlet to provide protection for the remaining portion of the branch circuit.

(12) Where a listed conduit or tubing or Type MC cable is encased in not less than 50 mm (2 in.) of concrete for the portion ofthe branch circuit between the branch-circuit overcurrent device and the first outlet, it shall be permitted to install a listedoutlet branch-circuit-type AFCI at the first outlet to provide protection for the remaining portion of the branch circuit.


WhereAFCI protection shall not be required for an individual branch circuit

tosupplying a fire alarm system installed in accordance with 760.41(B) or 760.121(B)

is. The branch circuit shall be installed in

RMC, IMC, EMT, or metal wireways or auxiliary gutters or steel-sheatheda metallic raceway, metallic auxiliary gutter, steel-armored cable, Type

ACMC or Type

MC,AC systems meeting the requirements of 250.118


metal outlet and junction boxes, AFCI protection shall be permitted to be omittedmetallic boxes, conduit bodies, and enclosures .

Informational Note No. 1: For information on combination-type and branch/feeder-type arc-fault circuit interrupters, seeUL 1699-2011, Standard for Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupters. For information on outlet branch-circuit type arc-fault circuitinterrupters, see UL Subject 1699A, Outline of Investigation for Outlet Branch Circuit Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupters. Forinformation on system combination AFCIs, see UL Subject 1699C, Outline of Investigation for System CombinationArc-Fault Circuit Interrupters.

Informational Note No. 2: See 29.6.3(5) of NFPA 72-2013, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, for informationrelated to secondary power-supply requirements for smoke alarms installed in dwelling units.

Informational Note No. 3: See 760.41(B) and 760.121(B) for power-supply requirements for fire alarm systems.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

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The only thing not allowed is LTFMC and FMC both are made with steel and have the same strength as the armored cable and should be allowed. It would be valuable to have some flexibility in the field for an outdoor or indoor installations. You would only need to reference a metallic raceway and eliminate the laundry list. Metal outlet boxes and junction boxes is to narrow of an allowance, a more general statement covering most installation would be Metal boxes, conduit fittings and enclosures. The current language is confusing, “permitted to be omitted” and appears at the end of the paragraph. Say what this is for (no AFCI) and the give the requirements (Steel everything).

Related Item

First Revision No. 329-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 210.12(A)]

Public Input No. 3596-NFPA 70-2014 [Section No. 210.12(A)]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: ALFIO TORRISI

Organization: Master

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Sep 14 19:31:48 EDT 2015

Committee Statement

Committee Action: Rejected but held

Resolution: This is new material that has not been subject to public comment but has merit.

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Public Comment No. 532-NFPA 70-2015 [ Definition: Labeled. ]


Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an organization that isacceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection ofproduction of labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriatestandards or performance in a specified manner.

Informational Note:. When a listed product is of such a size, shape, material or surface texture that it is not possible to applylegibly the complete label to the product, the complete label will appear on the smallest unit container in which the product ispackaged.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved

Definition_Labeled_PC.JPG334.6 Requires NM cable to be listed, the UL Guide Information indicates the UL Mark (Label) is on the attached tag, coil, reel, or on the smallest unit container in which the product is packaged.

Definition_Labeled_PC_2.JPG358.6 requires that EMT fittings are to be listed, the UL Guide Information indicates that the UL symbol is on the product and the Mark of UL is on the smallest unit container in which the product is packaged.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

Based on CMP1’s comment to PI 881; “Labeling of listed equipment is not possible in all cases or conditions such as if products are too small to be labeled or for some severe environmental conditions” and CMP 8’s comment to PI 895; “Some Listed products are marked or require markings on the smallest shipping package” it appears this informational note may to be necessary. Both the concerns of CMP1 and CMP 8 appear to be in agreement with the substantiation of PI 881.

By adding this informational note, it explains to an AHJ that even though a section of the NEC may require a product to be labeled, it is acceptable to have the label, symbol, or other identifying mark applied to the packaging or a tag in some instances. Without this informational note, if interpreted verbatim by the AHJ, this definition requires the label, symbol, or other identifying mark to be attached to the equipment or material. Without this informational note, AHJ’s may not accept a label that is affixed to the packaging where permitted by the certification organization.

Related Public Comments for This Document

Related Comment Relationship

Public Comment No. 533-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 355.6]

Public Comment No. 1123-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 314.28(E)(1)]

Public Comment No. 1130-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 342.6]

Public Comment No. 1131-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 344.6]

Public Comment No. 1132-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 348.6]

Public Comment No. 1204-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 350.6]

Public Comment No. 1205-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 352.6]

Public Comment No. 1206-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 353.6]

Public Comment No. 1207-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 354.6]

Public Comment No. 1212-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 356.6]

Public Comment No. 1214-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 358.6]

Public Comment No. 1216-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 360.6]

Public Comment No. 1221-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 362.6]

Public Comment No. 1223-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 376.56(B)(1)]

Public Comment No. 1226-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 378.6]

Public Comment No. 1233-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 386.6]

Public Comment No. 1241-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 388.6]

Public Comment No. 1245-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 393.6]

Public Comment No. 1247-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 410.6]

Public Comment No. 1250-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 422.15(A)]

Public Comment No. 1251-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 422.50]

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Public Comment No. 1287-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 600.22(A)]

Public Comment No. 1289-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 600.23(A)]

Public Comment No. 1291-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 600.24(A)]

Public Comment No. 1294-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 600.42(H)]

Public Comment No. 1330-NFPA 70-2015 [Sections 411.4(A), 411.4(B)]

Public Comment No. 1333-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 600.3]

Public Comment No. 1423-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 725.135(A)]

Public Comment No. 1429-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 760.135(A)]

Public Comment No. 1439-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 770.179]

Related Item

Public Input No. 881-NFPA 70-2014 [Section No. 110.3(B)]

Public Input No. 1072-NFPA 70-2014 [Definition: Labeled.]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: JEFFREY FECTEAU


Affilliation: UL

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Thu Sep 03 20:36:54 EDT 2015

Committee Statement


Rejected but held

Resolution: The inconsistent actions on Public Inputs to globally change the term “listed or labeled” to “listed and labeled” resulted inmultiple inconsistencies through the NEC and created conflicts with other Codes and Standards that use the term. CMP-1understands that the NEC Correlating Committee took action to develop a first revision that restores the NEC rules usingthe term listed or labeled to how those rules appeared in the 2014 edition. CMP-1 also understands that the NECCorrelating Committee has formed a Task Group to globally review the use of the term “listed or labeled” throughout theNEC and determine a simplified solution that addresses the terms listed, labeled, and their associated informational notes.The Task Group is to address the concerns and input from multiple qualified electrical testing laboratories and work towarda simple solution that resides within Article 100 and perhaps Article 110. The work of that task group is just getting startedand may include proposed revisions to these existing definitions and associated informational notes. CMP-1 recognizes itis premature to incorporate the proposed revisions and informational note at this time.

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Public Comment No. 976-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 110.14(B) ]

(B) Splices.

Conductors shall be spliced or joined with splicing devices identified for the use or by brazing, welding, or soldering with afusible metal or alloy. Soldered splices shall first be spliced or joined so as to be mechanically and electrically secure withoutsolder and then be soldered. All splices and joints and the free ends of conductors shall be covered with an insulationequivalent to that of the conductors or with an identified insulating device.

Wire connectors or splicing means installed on conductors for direct burial shall be listed and labeled for such use.

Additional Proposed Changes

File Name Description Approved


ETL Essential Guide to Product Testing & Certification 2014/2015 North American Edition. Please review document page numbers 5, 8 and 10 to see that ETL has requirements similar to UL, that products that do not bear their certification (listed) mark are not considered by ETL as being listed.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Comment

CMP 1 within the committee statement stated "This section currently aligns with common labeling requirements in product safety standards," the product safety standards do not include requirements for certification (listing) labels. The statement also stated "Labeling of listed equipment is not possible in all cases or conditions such as if products are too small to be labeled or for some severe environmental conditions. Manufacturers require the flexibility afforded for listed products relative to when labels should be applied and when the information on the smallest package is sufficient, and practical." This statement seems to reinforce the need for an informational note to the definition of labeled as submitted under PI 1072.

UL recognizes the Correlating Committee created a global First Correlating Revision (FCR) which directed that in all locations where the term “and labeled” was added after “listed” during the First Revision Stage, the words “and labeled” after “listed” be deleted, returning to previous text. UL understands that the Correlating Committee appointed a task group to address several issues involving the use of the terms “listed” and “labeled,” most importantly, to clarify and establish a distinction between the terms “listed” and “labeled” which are often used interchangeably. UL supports the need for this task group. However, UL does not expect the work of this task group to affect the 2017 NEC regarding the issue of “listed and labeled.” As such, UL is submitting comments to request that the words “and labeled” be added in various locations throughout the Code for the reasons expressed in the public inputs UL submitted on this issue. UL believes that these revisions will address an ongoing problem that should not wait until the 2020 NEC for resolution.

Subsequent to the Public Input Code Panel Meetings, UL has discussed this issue with its Electrical Council whose membership includes many AHJs. The proposed revisions to the NEC received general support from the membership. This issue was also discussed at a NEMA – NRTLs Forum held on August 14, 2015 at NEMA Headquarters. UL reiterated its support for the proposed revisions. The NRTLs represented at the meeting voiced no objection to the proposals.

The rationale for the revision was simple, to provide information to the AHJ regarding the suitability of equipment they encounter. The mark on the product is the manufacturer’s attestation that the product is in compliance with the appropriate standard. NRTL’s conduct factory surveillance of products, surveillance is one method to validate the manufacturer’s attestation. Should a product be found not to be compliant the manufacturer has the option of removing the mark and shipping the product without the mark, or holding the shipment and bringing the product into compliance. In either case the “Listing” is not impacted, as the “listing” is created at the completion of the “original” certification of the product and indicates the authorization but not the mandate to label products. So the only true way an AHJ can determine whether the product he is seeing is compliant with the applicable standard is via a label on the product. Taking it one step further, listings change with time. It is quite possible that a “listing” has been withdrawn; however labeled product may still be available for sale. Should equipment that is labeled, but not listed, be deemed acceptable? Based on the NEC definitions, it is possible to have a product that meets the Article 100 definition of listed but the testing organization made the manufacture remove the label for a non-compliance issue.

As for the concerns of products that are too small to be labeled, the definition of labeled is not limited to an actual label, it also includes symbols, or other identifying marks. The Safety Standards which define the listing requirements do not address labeling of products as defined by Article 100. As a general rule, NRTL’s do not consider a product as being listed unless it is also labeled. The UL White Book states that “Only those products bearing the appropriate UL Mark and the company's name, trade name, trademark or other authorized identification should be considered as being covered by UL's Certification, Listing, Classification and Follow-Up Service. The UL Mark provides evidence of listing or labeling, which may be required by installation codes or standards.” Again the requirements for the UL Mark are not a Safety Standard requirement, they are a UL requirement and the only way to show that a product is UL Certified (Listed); other NRTL’s have similar requirements.

Related Item

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Public Input No. 1072-NFPA 70-2014 [Definition: Labeled.]

Public Input No. 1073-NFPA 70-2014 [Section No. 110.14(B)]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: JEFFREY FECTEAU


Affilliation: UL

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Sep 22 17:36:12 EDT 2015

Committee Statement


Rejected but held

Resolution: The inconsistent actions on Public Inputs to globally change the term “listed or labeled” to “listed and labeled” resulted inmultiple inconsistencies through the NEC and created conflicts with other Codes and Standards that use the term. CMP-1understands that the NEC Correlating Committee took action to develop a first revision that restores the NEC rules usingthe term listed or labeled to how those rules appeared in the 2014 edition. CMP-1 also understands that the NECCorrelating Committee has formed a Task Group to globally review the use of the term “listed or labeled” throughout theNEC and determine a simplified solution that addresses the terms listed, labeled, and their associated informational notes.The Task Group is to address the concerns and input from multiple qualified electrical testing laboratories and work towarda simple solution that resides within Article 100 and perhaps Article 110. The work of that task group is just getting startedand may include proposed revisions to these existing definitions and associated informational notes. CMP-1 recognizes itis premature to incorporate the proposed revisions and informational note at this time.

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Task Group Name and Scope Members and Current Status

Article 690 Grounding and Bonding TG. Review the new term “reference grounded PV system” in 690.2 and its use within new requirements in the Article. There are concerns related to reference grounding through a fuse circuit breaker or resistance device that is part of a listed ground fault system and could be part of listed PV equipment. The task group is requested to correlate the general grounding requirements in Article 250 with amending requirements in Article 690 that may involve different grounding techniques within special equipment. (FR No. 954)

Chair to be appointed Members to be appointed/notified by Chair P5 - Nathan Philips (Chris Porter, Greg Steinman) P4 - Ron Toomer (Bill Brooks, Jim Rogers - Chair) Mark Ode, CC Established at May 2015 FD CC mtg

Ambient Temperature Correction Factors TG. Review the basis for ambient temperature correction factors in Tables 310.15(B)(2)(a), (b), and (c) (roof top issue). As requested by Panel 6 in Comment 6-14a, this task group is being appointed as an independent task group. [Comment 6-14a - A2013]

Larry Ayer, Chair Jim Dollard, Co-Chair, IBEW Local 98, CMP-13 Stan Folz, NECA, CMP-11 Carmon Colvin, IEC, CMP-1 Mike McNeil, American Chemistry Council Donnie Cook, IAEI, CMP-17 Pat Richardson, IAEI, Florida Tim Shedd, ASHRAE, W. Z. Black, Professor Georgia Tech University David Dini, UL, CMP-2 Bill Fiske, Intertek, CMP-1. Alan Manche, NEMA, CMP-10 A2016 PI submitted to elevate conductors off the roof by at least 1 inch. Research provided substantiation to the original table.

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Available Fault Current TG. Review all uses of the terms listed below in all standards under the NEC Correlating Committee jurisdiction. The task group shall submit Public Inputs and Public Comments to correct any incorrect use, conflicts, or inconsistencies within the NEC and between the other standards under the NEC Correlating Committee jurisdiction. Add new definitions as needed and revise existing definitions if necessary.

Available Fault Current Available Short Circuit Current Short Circuit Current Rating Short Circuit Ground Fault

Jim Dollard, Chair Larry Ayer, Co-Chair Established at May 2015 FD CC mtg

DC Requirements TG. Review DC requirements that presently exist and identify any gaps in these requirements (Articles 240, 300, 410, 480, 645, 690, and 694). The task group shall submit Public Inputs and Public Comments to fill any gaps identified or provide needed updates to existing requirements. Note: The NEC style manual prohibits reference to other standards or codes in mandatory requirements.

John Kovacik, Chair Members: Brian Rock, Mario Spino, Michael O’Boyle, Mark Ode, A. Moldoveanu, A. Spina, Ben Hartman, D. Geary, D. Symanski, E. Byaliy, K. Gettman, Michael Stelts, Christel Hunter, Dilberto Momdal, and Bill Cantor. PIs submitted and FRs created.

Equipotential Bonding TG. 1) Establish a common definition of the term

“equipotential bonding” that can be used and applied in the Articles where it is used.

2) Move the definition to Article 100 to comply with the NEC Style Manual.

3) Address Single Conductor vs. Mesh concepts within individual rules where the term “equipotential bonding” appears.

4) Address the physical and electrical characteristics necessary to achieve equipotential bonding.

Christine Porter, Chair Members from Panels 5, 17 and 19. Ask Christine Porter if she will chair – inform John K. relieved to free him up for TGs No Activity to Date

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Global “Listed and Labeled” Task Group. Review all definitions and associated informational notes relative to the use of the terms “listed”, “labeled”, “identified”, and “field labeled” and submit public comments to the definitions in Article 100 where necessary. This task group is requested to clarify and establish a distinction between the terms “listed” and “labeled” which are often used interchangeably. At this time the Correlating Committee maintains that the term “listed or labeled” is appropriate as it appeared in the 2014 edition of the NEC. The task group is directed to review the CMP-1 response to PI 881- A2016 (resolved). The Correlating Committee is concerned with potential conflicts in the NFPA standards under the jurisdiction of the NEC Correlating Committee and beyond.

Donny Cook, Chair Keith Lofland, Co-Chair John Kovacik Jim Dollard Christine Porter Allan Manche Vince Della Croce Brian Rock George Straniero (NEMA) Julian Burns or designee (NFPA 790/791) Established at May 2015 FD CC mtg

GFCI Requirements TG. Review specific application GFCI requirements as compared to GFCI requirements in Article 210. Consideration should be given to locating the GFCI requirements in one location to improve consistency.

Alan Manche, Chair Members: Donny Cook, Mark Hilbert A2016 PIs submitted and FRs created

Definitions TG. Address unresolved issues pertaining to definitions throughout the code including revisions to the NEC Style Manual to provide direction for all Code-Making Panels. TG directed to review all public inputs and first revisions related to their scope and to submit comments as necessary. Additionally, the TG is directed to develop public inputs including but not limited to new or revised definitions for the next NEC cycle.

Richard Owen, Chair Tim Pope, Co-Chair David Hittinger Idle as of June 2015

High Voltage TG. The task group successfully accomplished globally raising the voltage threshold in the NEC from 600 to 1000 over two code cycles and resolved all resulting conflicts and correlation Issues. It was suggested that the task group globally review the need to increase the voltage threshold once again from 1000 to 1500 or 2000. It may not be necessary to raise the voltage thresholds for fundamental NEC infrastructure (globally) however, to accommodate certain equipment, changes may be necessary within specific Articles such as 690, 691 and 694.

Alan Manche, Chair Roger McDaniel, Co-Chair Members: Alan Peterson, Eddie Guidry, Paul Barnhart, Alan Manche, Donny Cook, Vince Saporita, Dave Mercier, Tim Pope, Bill Brooks, Jim Rogers. 6_15 volunteers: Jim Dollard, Larry Ayer, Ernest Gallo, Mark Ode and members from Panel 13.

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50 or 60 Volts TG. Task Group to review the global use of voltage thresholds "50 volts DC" and "60 volts DC" as requested by Panel 13. It was noted that this issue does extend beyond the NEC.

Larry Ayer, Chair Members: Jim Dollard, Ernie Gallo Established at May 2015 FD CC mtg

NEC and NFPA 99 Correlation TG. 1. To effectively correlate the HEA-ELS proposals

so NFPA 70-2014 and NFPA 99-2012 are not in conflict upon completion of the 2014 NEC development process.

2. To ensure that any proposals that are beyond the original "installation vs. performance" determinations have been effectively and technically substantiated and acted on accordingly.

3. To resolve any conflicts or inconsistencies that arise as a result of the proposed revisions or that arise during the course of this Task Group activity.

New Chair to be appointed Members: Walt Vernon (HEA-ELS), Dave Dagenais (HEA-ELS), Jim Costley (HEA-ELS), Jim Dollard (NEC-Correlating Committee), Larry Todd (CMP-15), and Don Talka (NFPA 15)

PPE Certification Task Group. Evaluate the need for certification to the referenced standards and how the requirement for certification of Personal Protection Equipment could be addressed in NFPA 70E. [References: 70E Tables 130.7(C)(14) and 130.7(F) and NEC CC Minute Item 13-10-3]

Larry Ayer, Chair Jim Dollard, Co-Chair Mike Doherty, Powertel Utilities, Z462 member Mark McNellis, Sandia National Labs Rod West, Schneider Electric Steve Corrado, UL

Procedures TG. Review and make necessary changes to the Correlating Committee Policies and Supplemental Operating Procedures to align with the new Regs, and terminology.

Vince Saporita, Chair Members: Richard Owen, Jim Dollard, Jr., & Mark Earley Idle as of June 2015

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Usability TG. The TG is directed to review all instances and uses of the following phrases throughout the NEC and other standards under the NEC Correlating Committee jurisdiction:

“the provisions of” when used in place of "the requirements" "for the purpose of" "for the purposes of this section" “and the like” "and so forth" (enforceability issues) And, within Information Notes, the phrase "For the definition of __ see article 100" The task group is directed to submit purposed changes to correct any incorrect use, conflicts, or inconsistencies and to comply with the NEC Style Manual. In addition, the task group is directed to review Information Notes that refer to sections such as "see 210.8(A)(3)" and submit purposed changes to delete unnecessary or irrelevant references.

Stan Folz, Chair Members: Jim Dollard, Jr., David Hittinger, Paul Dobrowsky, Richard Holub, Kim Cervantes (NEC Staff Editor) New scope developed at May 2015 FD CC Mtg

Working Space Clearances TG. Review installations above a ceiling and working space requirements for other equipment that should also be covered in Article 110. . [Comment 17-19]

Jim Dollard, Chair David Hittinger, Co-Chair Members: Susan Scearce, Chad Kennedy, Keith Lofland, Jeff Holmes, Randy Hunter, Donny Cook, Don Jhonson, Duke Schamel Idle as of June 2015

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