A 'fine' day at the Carmines - Chapter 1 - HappyCheese (2024)

Chapter Text

After the hotel was rebuilt the days were spent more and more productively by Charlie and her friends. Because as the news of Sir Pentious’s redemption came around, many and more sinners tried to redeem themselves at the hotel. However, only a few were serious. Most were there for free space or to cause trouble. This was why Vaggie’s hands were full most of the time and she was always a second before snapping recently. Charlie knew her girlfriend was really stressed and wanted to help somehow, so she had asked Angeldust of all people for advice. She knew she would regret this.

“Listen toots, I don’t know what your problem is, vagin* looks fine” Just the Vaggie running after a rather small sinner, with her spear out, went by. “It is the usual, isn't it?” He questioned and got a head shake from Husk.

“It’s not the usual.” Charlie spoke up, as she watched Vaggie lecturing the child who had only tried to trip the bigger problem of the eccentric inventor guys, and annoyed the other by spilling water all over their tech.

“Now I can see that and I wanna sleep with my door locked and my eyes open” Angeldust said as he watched the scene. “That bitch really needs a break. Go to the spa with her or something” He said and it was something surprisingly useful for Charlie.

“The spa, thank you Angel, this is the best idea, she can go… But she wouldn’t want to go alone, and I can’t just leave the hotel, and you guys have your own jobs too and the hotel would become more unstable without Alastor around, and Vaggie would commit a murder if he went with. Does she have anyone outside the hotel I could call up to whisk her away? I got it, DAD!” She walked around in circles until the idea to group the two fallen angels together came to her. Meanwhile, both Husk and Angeldust went away from the clearly scarily focused Charlie. Who now took out her phone and dialed her Dad.

“Hiiii Char-char” Her Dad picked it up on the second ring with a happy sing-song tone.

“Hi Dad” Charlie started, here comes nothing she said. “Dad, Vaggie has been really stressed and we have been thinking of giving her a free day to go to a spa or something.” She got to the point really quick.

“Oh that is nice, Maggie deserves a bit of a break” He answered” I know a really nice place here in Pride actually.” He said, Charlie got more excited, maybe he will take her then.

“ Will you take her then?” Charlie asked, totally forgetting that she didn’t even ask him if he was available to do something like that.

“No can do Charlie, I like Maggie, however since the extermination more and more paperwork came from up and I really need to catch up, so maybe another time” He tried to play it off like a cool dad.

“Vaggie, Dad, her name is Vaggie” Charlie corrected than sadly added. “Thanks though, Dad, do you have any idea who I could trust with making sure that she relaxes and doesn’t come back to work secretly?” She hopelessly asked him.

“Didn’t she meet Carmilla Carmine? Maybe I could ask her about accompanying her, the place I would have recommended belongs to her anyways.” Lucifer explained and Charlie got excited.

“Dad, you are a genius!” She said happily. “This will be perfect, wait, Carmilla has a spa?” She asked with confusion suddenly

“She kind of has a whole pool complex, two spa’s and fifteen fighting rings in her territory the last I checked decades ago.” He explained. “Do you want me to talk it over with her?” He questioned and feared that he would need to call his old friend.

“If you can, please dad, it would really make it easier, especially if - Sorry need to drag Vaggie away from murdering Alastor the twelvth time this week, we will speak later BYE DAD-” Suddenly the line cut off and Lucifer frowned at his phone, it sounded like the angel has been going mad with stress, enough to get his little Char-char worried. So he wanted to help, the girl was important to his daughter and a fellow fallen angel, an exorcist angel, but still fallen, it was the least he could do. He thought as he in YEARS for the first time dialed the number of Carmilla, hoping she wouldn't pick it up. God really hates him, she picked it up quickly.

“Carmine speaking” She said professionally as Lucifer sweated this will be hard to ask, won't it?

“ Hey, Carmine” He awkwardly said as he leaned back on his table where his fireproof new rubber ducky was sitting.

“ Lucifer, what a pleasant surprise” Carmilla said, sounding surprised that the big boss of hell himself was calling her. “ What can I do for you?” She asked, knowing his tone of voice which was so nervous meant that he wanted to ask for something.

“ What? For me?” He nervously asked and could see in his mind Carmilla raising her eyebrow. “ Pfft no, it is for my daughter or rather her girlfriend” He started.

“The fallen exorcist.“ Carmilla simply said. Knowing full well who and what the girl was, it wasn't a surprise for this Overlord, however said this loud was still surprising.

“ Yeah, Maggie” He said then it hit him that he got her name wrong again “I mean, Vaggie.” He corrected himself. “ Charlie has been worried about her, she has been overworking herself at the hotel for a while, to the point that Charlie just got off the call with me because she was close to trying to murder the radio bastard the twelfth time this week. “ He explained and Carmilla let out a hmmmm sound.

“ Well, that doesn't seem like a problem, Hell can go on without Alastor” She said and Lucifer burst out laughing.

“ I know, right? And Charlie stopped her” He giggled like a schoolgirl, but he didn't care.

“ A real shame” The Overlord said seriously, then joined in to laugh too and after a break for then both to catch their breath she tried to get back the conversation where it was already going “ So does she need to visit a spa or a pool complex to relax in a way with her princessa?” She summed it up as she looked over at Odette and Clara fighting with Baguettes ‘for science ‘.

“ Not exactly” Lucifer said and Carmilla's eyes widened, please don't ask me to take out my little apprentice, I won't do it, you and I both know it. “ Yes, she needs a break and relaxation, however, Charlie can't really leave the hotel at the moment. “ He explained and Carmilla let go of a breath she didn't even notice was keeping.

“ Oh, so she'll come alone?” She questioned, thinking the girl must know about their idea.

“ No, she can't be alone, because Charlie thinks she would go back to the hotel secretly to work if she was left alone” He explained and Carmine could see that happening, the girl seemed to be the type to do something like that. “ That's why I was going to ask you to supervise her” He said and Carmilla froze. She didn't count on seeing her apprentice after the fight for long and now she would have the opportunity to meet her again and help her. She wanted to say yes, especially, because if she was there she could meet Odette and Clara too under normal circ*mstances. It seemed too great to be true. “ Look, I know your business is really busy, I can pay you for the losses of one day to compensate you for this. “ Carmilla was too quiet for a while and Lucifer offered this to sweeten her up, but he didn't count on her answer.

“ I would have done it for free for you old friend,I like the girl, but who am I to refuse payment?” She questioned in the end and earned a laugh from Lucifer.

“ Thanks, it means a lot to me that I can still count on you after all this time.” He said. “ Also when will you be taking her?” He questioned, scared of her answer, because he knew the other might simply kidnap the girl.

“ Tomorrow, I think, my girls need a break too, so we'll just spend the day with her” She smiled at her two devils, as Clara was now on top of Odette, holding a Baguette to her heart. As Odette's Baguette laid on the ground, broken in half.

“ Thank you” Lucifer said and then awkwardly added “Bye” The guy only gets more and more awkward from staying at his house for long, Carmilla noted as she said a bye back and hung up. Her two devils were now watching her.

“What did Lucifer want? “Clara boldly questioned, suspecting that he wanted something from them. Good instincts, Carmilla smiled.

“Remember the girl I trained for extermination?” Carmilla asked and both her daughters perked up, they heard many things about Vaggie after extermination, where they pushed back the angel’s attack. “Lucifer was called up by her concerned daughter, because her little girlfriend has been overworking herself and needs a break” She explained. “However the princess can’t come with her, so she will need someone to keep an eye on her.” She added and her daughters actually perked up more.

“So we can meet her too?” Odette asked calmly with a smile as Clara vibrated with energy.
“Yes” Carmilla said “We are taking her out tomorrow, any idea which place we should take her to?” She questioned and her two devils smirked at her.

“Here? Then it would be an easier way to kidnap her.” Clara said and this gave Carmilla an idea.

“I wasn’t planning to kidnap her originally, but Damn Clara good idea, I’ll text it to Lucifer to forewarn his daughter, this will be fun” She smirked and sent a missile. Somewhere in his palace Lucifer shuddered at a text which had come in and he forwarded it to his daughter, who had answered with a few thumbs up emojis. At least it won’t surprise her, he thought.

And the next day, when they woke up, Charlie was excited, she was curious about how the Overlord and her daughters would pull kidnapping Vaggie off. And this got Vaggie confused, what the hell was her girlfriend excited about in the ass crack of dawn. Though for her girlfriend, her partner, her love of life Vaggie would do anything, so when she asked them to walk outside for a bit she agreed. Only to get a bag pulled onto her head suddenly whilst walking, her spear taken away and hear said girlfriend yelling “This is for your own good, have fun Vaggie!” With way too much energy, as she was lifted and taken away simply, no matter how much she wiggled, kicked, punched, her captor didn’t budge. She was sat into a seat and something clicked over her and when the bag had been pulled off soon after her eye met Carmilla sitting opposite of her with a blond girl, as a brown skinned girl was sitting next to her. Well this morning just got better, Vaggie thought with sarcasm.

“ Carmine, what do I owe you for the surprise?” Damn she might have not made much sense, but it was way too early for sinner bullsh*t.

“ Morning to you too Vaggie” The Overlord calmly said as she looked over the girl. “ You are not an early riser, I presume.” She added, seeing how tired the girl looked.

“ I am!” She said and yawned. Damn she really was tired today, maybe she shouldn't have tried to defuse the situation between Alastor and Lumpy Loopy or whatever his name was or is. Wait did she succeed in stopping Alastor from eating the guy in the end?

“ Then the situation of your overworked state wasn't an overstatement.” The Overlord shot back as her daughters were just staring at her, like they were sizing her up in a way.

“ Wait, Charlie set you up for this? If so, you can let me go, there's nothing wrong with me.” She tried to bargain in answer as Carmilla simply chuckled. “If she payed you, you can just say you took me, I will just hide somewhere at the hotel there is no need to actually do it” Vaggie added.

“ The whole interaction with you at this moment says otherwise. “ She giggled as she leaned forward towards Vaggie. “ But it's okay, today we will help you relax a bit.” She smiled as she pulled a stray hair behind Vaggie's ear. Then, Vaggie felt a cloth in front of her mouth and nose. f*ck, she didn't even have time to even try to defend herself, she soon lost consciousness.

“ She really seems out of it.” Clara said, taking away the chloroformed cloth from Vaggie's face.

“ Yeah, I can see why her little girlfriend was worried.” The Overlord said seriously, still holding the girl's cheek.

“ Do you think she'll like what we have set up for today?” Odette questioned, excitedly.

“ At first I'm pretty sure, my little warrior apprentice will try to fight us on each and every turn, however I am pretty sure she'll like it. “ She said as their limo soon stopped and they all excitedly went into their mansion. Carmilla was holding Vaggie in her hands, bridal style as they stepped into the house's threshold. Her two daughters went and put on their bikinis while Carmilla was the one to change the cold out girl. She had done it carefully, trying to leave her some dignity as she changed her clothes. However her eyes still lingered over the scars on her back as she pulled the one piece swimsuit onto her, grays, blacks and whites looked amazing on her. She was careful not to wake her up, laying her onto the bed in the guest bedroom (the one she will occupy today), for the time (with Odette arriving there to switch with her in watching the girl) she went to change into a similar one piece swimsuit. Her silvery eyes looked into the mirror before she left to meet with her daughters and the maybe still unconscious Vaggie. She was really surprised to see some similarities between her and the fallen angel. The fact was a really amazing one, how the girl had a nose like she did in life. Quite the coincidence isn't it? It must be, she didn’t have any other children besides Odette, Clara and that one. She didn't even get to name her child as her husband at the time simply took her out of Carmilla's arms and left with her. Never to be seen again, she hopes the girl is fine, but knowing her ex husband, there wasn't much of a chance for that. She couldn’t even fight him back at that time, after she had given birth to that one beautiful little girl, who was ripped from her.

No, Carmilla, don't let those thoughts in, you are going to spend a nice day with Odette, Clara and Vaggie. There's no time to think about Jeremy's worst f*cking mistake, which made her try to find him in hell and mutilate him until there's nothing left of him. Which she was unsuccessful in up until this point. She needs to stay focused, for Vaggie, especially because her apprentice has it in her to knock her girls unconscious and try to leave. Even if the house is heavily armed from the inside to the outside and no one would be brave enough to even try to attack it. Only a madman would try. She arrived back into the room soon, seeing that Odette and Clara were now both on her bedside and Vaggie was just gaining her consciousness back. It wasn't a slow process, it was a wha- followed by Vaggie sitting up and her eyes darting around the room. Trying to find escape routes, Smart girl. The Overlord thought as she stood behind her daughters, staring down at the girl.

A 'fine' day at the Carmines - Chapter 1 - HappyCheese (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.